There seems to be a lot of controversy floating around the web comics universe lately and I’m wondering where it’s all coming from.
This morning I was greeted with a message in my in box from Mambo the Breakdancing Clown. If you don’t know him, he’s the guy who draws Super Stick Figure Crime Fighters. Apparently he got his knickers in a twist for being banned from Top Web Comics for violating the terms of use.
The body of the e-mail was basically a call to arms and to rebel against TWC and its fascist ways. While I agree with Mambo that we can do without TWC, he was going at it entirely the wrong way. TWC has a right to disassociate itself with content it finds offensive.
The whole episode got me thinking about the TWC in general and I found it indicative of the problem I have with vote sites in general. If you’ve been visiting the site at all in the last 3 weeks, you would know that I had links up for TWC and was fishing for votes. I later took them down after coming to the realization that these votes don’t mean a damn thing.
Web comics like all art are entirely subjective. What I may find funny, others may not. To try and put a label on it saying “this is good, this isn’t” seems silly and a waste of time. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: If Theater Hopper fails to catch on, it’s my fault for not putting out material of quality or doing the marketing legwork to spread the word. Putting that burden on the audience by whoring for votes just seems really low class to me. I can only hope Mambo comes to the same conclusion. For the record, he later retracted his e-mail saying it was something he put together in the heat of the moment.
In other ridiculous feuds, Zach over at No Pants Tuesday picked a fight with a certain Euro-centric gaming comic. I don’t know how much of my personal feeling I should inject into this commentary. Zach is a friend of the site, so it’s kind of hard not to side with him.
What’s lame, I think is the defense Little Gamers puts up. Basically, they’re saying, “You can’t take a joke” which is fine when you put it in context to the subjectivity I was talking about earlier.
But they latched onto the bit that Zach was complaining about their bashing Americans. That’s not what I took from it. It looked to me like he was complaining more in the overall disappointment the strip had become for him – stale jokes, and what not – and that’s his prerogative. But LG took the criticism, flipped it on its head and politicized it. In my opinion, they got defensive over the wrong thing.
I guess it makes me think twice when they say Americans deserve to be made fun of because we’re violent, gun-toting freaks and then they turn around like a rabid dog lunging at a Slim Jim at the slightest provocation. That’s like me saying it’s okay to make fun of the Sweeds because they’re not worth anything more than cheese, clocks, chocolate and neutrality. It paints them with a pretty wide brush.
I’m probably only adding fuel to the fire, but for chrissakes, people! They’re only comics – you know? Funny pictures with words and all? Lighten up!
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Apr 30, 2003 | PUTTING OUT THE CALL |
Jun 25, 2009 | 10 NOMINATIONS |
Sep 20, 2004 | HEAR THEM CALLING |
Something I wanted to mention earlier, but forgot: Both Nothing Nice To Say and No Pants Tuesday are back in full swing.
Anyone who already checks this site, probably already checks theirs – so this information may not come as a surprise. But both of these guys are buddies of mine and I wanted to give them a shout-out. It’s great to see them back on the horse.
…and nooooo, I’m not talking about heroin!
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Sep 20, 2004 | HEAR THEM CALLING |
Jul 21, 2003 | BONUS! |
Jun 9, 2003 | GUESS WHO’S BACK? |
Sep 6, 2002 | HATERS |
Jan 3, 2005 | IT’S AWESOME |
Making the rounds this morning, I was pleased to find that Zach finally got off his firmly-toned can and updated NO PANTS TUESDAY! Yippie!
Be sure to swing by and tell him Tommy sent’cha. Give him props for the new art direction, as well. It’s hella tight, peeps.
Fo’ sheezy.
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May 9, 2003 | WOO HOO |
Sep 5, 2003 | MEET ME! |
Something I wanted to mention yesterday but was too busy fighting off a migraine to recall is that Zach Miller – yes THAT Zach Miller, the one from the erstwhile No Pants Tuesday – has thrown his hat back into the web comic ring with a new strip called Joe and Monkey.
What’s Joe and Monkey about? Simple, really. It’s the tale of a delivery boy named Joe and a monkey named Monkey. Oh, and be on the lookout for Kleptobot!
Anyone familiar with Zach’s work knows that Joe and Monkey has been in development for a long time. There’s a good reason for that. Y’see, Zach sometimes has a little problem with updating on time. Not a strike against him! Just stating a fact!
Well, Zach knows it just as much as we do, so he decided to do something about it. That’s why he produced A TON of comics in advance so he would never miss an update. You think I’m joking, but the amount of comics he produced weighs literally 2,000 pounds.
At any rate, I’m really excited to see Zach producing comics again and also experienced a warming of the heart when he mentioned Theater Hopper in his opening blog and had lots of nice things to say. Thank you, Zach! You cut to the core of me!
Incidentally, I will be sharing a booth with Zach at Wizard World Chicago August 13 through 15. Don’t forget Mitch Clem of Barrett’s Lament or Neil G from Robot Stories. They’ll be there, too.
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Apr 28, 2003 | MONDAYS SUCK |
Oct 3, 2005 | ALL ABOARD! |
Jul 1, 2009 | PRE-ORDER DRIVE |
Jul 6, 2005 | GUEST STRIP |
Since it’s a Friday and we seem to be doing “shout out’s”, I’ve decided to link up a couple of dudes I think you should check out.
First, whydoncha head on over to Please do not confuse this site with my former hosting company. People in the web comic community are already familiar with Fuitad. He’s the guy who came up with Top Web Comics. Well, he owned a hosting company for a while – the one TH was having problems with – but sold it two months ago. Long before we were having any issues.
At any rate, Fuitad helped me get out from under that hosting situation and allowed for Theater Hopper to move to a new server. As a way to return the favor, I want you all to check out his site. He has a comic, by the way. It’s drawn pretty well!
Another site I want you to visit is a comic that you will be talking about for a long time to come. Don’t ask me how I know. I just know. It’s called The Useless Superheroes and the illustration on this comic is OUTSTANDING! It’s a loving parody of the superhero genre. If you read comic books like I do, you’ll appreciate all of the references. It’s extremely well done.
Also, because Zach Miller is the most handsome man in Minnesota, check out his new web comic, Joe & Monkey. Just so you know, he
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May 1, 2003 | THAT WAS FAST! |
Apr 7, 2003 | I’VE MISSED YOU, BABY |
I’m looking forward to the trip to Wizard World Chicago, but a little nervous, too. From Des Moines, it’s a 6 hour drive to Chicago. That’s the furthest I’ve ever driven somewhere by myself. Hopefully I won’t get desperately lost and end up dead in a crack house somewhere.
I’m also a little panicked that I didn’t bring enough stuff to sell. I only have maybe, 20 of my original posters left. Jared gave me his last 6 copies of the DVD to sell. I’m bringing, like 8 t-shirts – all mediums and larges that I’ve been waiting for someone to order and that I’ve been sitting on. I still have a lot of the Trainspotting parody poster. But the item I worked the hardest on – the 24 page sampler booklet with a new, never seen before comic – well, I only have about 150 of those. Still, if I sell out of merchandise, that’s not really a bad problem to have, is it?
I went totally D.I.Y. on this booklet. They’ve all been lovingly arranged by hand. I was going to take them to a professional printer, but they wanted $300. Sh’eah, right!
Once I get to Chicago, I expect things to be in full swing. I’m sharing a room with Zach Miller from Joe & Monkey. Let’s hope he doesn’t snore!
The two of us are sharing a booth with Nothing Nice to Say’s Mitch Clem. We were also supposed to be booth-buddies with Neil G from Robot Stories, but he had to drop out at the last minute because he’s buying a house and needed to get his stuff together. We’ll miss Neil, but I’m sure we’ll have a good time. It’s like a reunion of the Minneapolis FallCon!
…except without Carrington, who we will also miss.
Before I wrap things up, be sure to check out our latest advertiser Built For Comfort. These guys are just getting off the ground with their comic, but I think it looks pretty good. The site design is tight. BOOKMARK’D!
I prepared Friday’s comic in advance and it’s sitting in the display cue ready to go. Hopefully I didn’t screw things up with the code and you’ll have a nice comic about Aliens vs. Predator to kick off your weekend.
See you soon!
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Jun 9, 2003 | GUESS WHO’S BACK? |
Mar 22, 2005 | MISS ME? |
Jul 23, 2003 | GUESS WHO’S BACK? |
Jan 11, 2010 | TRAFFIC |
August 18th, 2004 | by Tom(8 votes, average: 8.75 out of 10)
Well, I’m back in the comic saddle, as it were. There are certain perks that go along with that. Like an extra incentive sketch for you! Click here to vote for Theater Hopper on buzzComix and see what happens to Tom when he gets a little too close to one of those creepy Alien egg-things… We’ve kind of slipped down the charts a little bit at buzzComix, so hopefully this new sketch will help Theater Hopper jump up a couple places on the list.
One last shout-out to Dave Hinkle who gave me an excellent guest comic on Monday to help me get back into the groove after the Chicago convention. Check out his comic, Security’s Finest for me, will you? Dave’s guest comic has been removed from the archive and now found a home on the Bonus Materials page.
What do you think of the extra-special cameo in today’s comic?
Wow, I tell you guys that I have some advertising space open and you come a’running! Please, please, please check out our latest sponsor. I promise they won’t disapoint.
Wacky Movies is pretty much that. An interesting collection of short films, writing and an internet chat show. Lots of interesting stuff to see here. I got a kick out of The Playground Patrol.
Our next sponsor should need no introduction, but I’m breakin’ all the rules, baby! Joe and Monkey! Zach Miller (formerly of No Pants Tuesday) has been kicking ass and taking names with his new comic. He updates seven days a week, people! And he hasn’t missed a day yet! If that doesn’t earn your faith and devotion, I don’t know what will.
Lastly, don’t forget to check out O’Deer Comics. These guys are frequent advertisers on the site and we love their business. Show them how much we appreciate their support by visiting their web comic often. They update five times a week and have a really good storyline going on right now.
That’s about everything I can think of for the moment. Please visit our sponsors!
Related Posts ¬
Jun 9, 2003 | GUESS WHO’S BACK? |
Apr 7, 2003 | I’VE MISSED YOU, BABY |
Oct 3, 2005 | ALL ABOARD! |
Oct 20, 2004 | NEW SPONSORS |
You may have noticed that we have a new sponsor this week – the awesome Joe and Monkey.
Now, normally this would be cause to celebrate all on it’s own. But our good friend Zach Miller pulled a bait-and-switch on us. A very awesome bait-and-switch!
For the entire month of January, the erstwhile original punk rock gangsta of web comics Mitch Clem is running the show at Joe and Monkey!
You might remember Mitch from such previous web comic hits as Nothing Nice to Say and Barrett’s Lament. And if you don’t, it’s time to make yourself familiar.
All of this awesomeness is leading up to the ultimate in awesome. The return of Clem to his own full-time gig, The Coffee Achievers in February. Who says winter has to suck!
So if you want to see if Mitch still has the mojo, check out Joe and Monkey for his triumphant return to web comics!
By the by, besides the current column sponsorship, all of the advertising spots are available for purchase. If you’re interested in putting your site in front of a bunch of people for the New Year, now’s the time to come aboard. I’m making a concentrated effort to re-introduce Theater Hopper to the web comic community, so I’ll be stirring up a lot of press that will hopefully draw traffic here.
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Oct 3, 2005 | ALL ABOARD! |
Jun 29, 2005 | NEW ADVERTISERS |
Eagle-eyed readers may have noticed that I dropped the Frank Miller-inspired high contrast look of Sin City in a return to form for today’s comic. What can I say? You can only ride the wave for so long.
I’m a little bit O.C.D., so I had reservations about switching styles back to normal in the middle of the week. But honestly, there was nowhere else to go with it. All I really wanted to do was push the arc to the point where I could cast Jimmy as That Yellow Bastard. And now I’ve done it! It’s time to move on.
Besides, you can only go so long paying homage to another artist’s style before people say “Okay. That’s enough.”
The events in today’s comic are 50% true. Mitch ∗did∗ actually fall asleep near the end of Sin City and sheepishly admitted so. We didn’t strand him in the theater parking lot because…