I didn’t see the Nicholas Cage remake of The Wicker Man when it was in theaters last fall, but judging by this out-of-context collection of clips from the film, maybe I should have!
I’m not typically one to link to snarky internet videos, but this one was too hilarious to ignore. I laughed my ass off at it. When you see Nicholas Cage in a bear suit knock out a little girl, you’ll understand why.
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If you are a person of a certain age, certainly the specific form of homemade injury depicted in today’s comic will bring wave after wave of painful nostalgia to your mind. When I was a wee tot, there was no bigger phenomenon than the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. We loved the cartoons, we loved the actions figures, we loved the hastily put together movies. I mean, we put up with Vanilla Ice in The Secret of the Ooze. VANILLA ICE!!! That’s dedication people.
Equal parts dedication could be seen on the faces of little boys who believed they could grow up to be ninjas. Maybe even teenaged ninjas! I can’t tell you how many people I know who tagged themselves in the ol’ beanbag with a pair of nunchucks they built themselves. I could have been their club president, I did it so many times. I’m lucky we were even able to HAVE Henry, let me put it that way.
I remember the day that I figured out how to make my weapon of choice from two lengths of PVC pipe, a short length of chain and several interwoven strips of duct tape. I felt like a civil engineer, like I had accomplished some great feat of constructive prowess. It was easily my favorite toy from the years 1988 to, well… what year is it again?
The producers of the freshly CG animated T.M.N.T. insist that this is a relaunch of the franchise and they have the forthcoming toy line to back it up. But let’s not kid ourselves. This is a nostalgia trip, pure and simple. I like that they stayed withing the cartoon roots of the series. The live-action movies were… interesting, but not exactly faithful – or very joyous. So I appreciate that they’re keeping our boys in green within a certain context.
Beyond that, I’m sure it’s very possible this movie could inspire a whole new generation to cut lengths of broomsticks and fashion them into crude weapons for imaginative playtime. Now that I’m old enough to by my own AUTHENTIC implements of masochism, I’ll be right along side them.
I’m looking forward to paying the hospital bills.
That’s what it feels like to be internet famous sometimes – getting hit in the nuts by a costumed third grader wielding a bo staff.
And it never stops hurting.
I don’t know what it is with me punishing Tom’s junk this week, but if there’s anything I’ve learned from America’s Funniest Home Videos, images of people getting hit in the groin are comedy gold.
Since the advent of shows like Jackass and the immediacy of YouTube, it feels like we’re living in the Renaissance of people getting hit in the groin. It’s been elevated into some kind of competitive performance art. Well, consider my hat in the ring.
Now watch as someone posts a clip of themselves taken a sledgehammer to the nuts.
As you can tell, I’m not particularly full of insights today. But I’m excited none-the-less. My folks have offered to watch Henry this weekend long enough for us to get away and watch a movie. I’m super psyched because Reign Over Me comes out this weekend and both Cami and I have been looking forward to it.
I know, I know. Our first social outing without Henry and what do we choose to do but watch a delightful little movie about 9/11 and coping with grief. Should be a fun time!
Now if we can somehow persuade Cami’s folks into babysitting next week so we can go see Blades of Glory!
Some good news for those of you who ordered Junkie shirts a little while back – they’re FINALLY back from the printer. So this weekend I’m going to sit down and package up all the orders. Hopefully I can get them in the mail over my lunch hour on Monday and you’ll be seeing them in the next few days after that. Sorry for the delay. Apparently my printer had a stick up his butt.
For those of you who haven’t ordered the new Junkie shirt and maybe want to see it modeled before you plunk down your hard-earned money, here’s a glamor shot for you:
If you guys like what you see (and honestly, how could you not?) swing by the store and place your order. Keep in mind that Junkie is also available with all of the special bundling discounts. So if you want to grab a shirt along with a copy of one of our books, you’ll save a little extra dough in the process. Everyone wins!
That’ll do it for me. See you guys next Monday!
Just because it’s impossible to do a comic about Nicholas Cage without referencing it, here it is once again…
The best scenes from The Wicker Man.
“How’d it get burned? HOW’D IT GET BURNED! HOWDITGETBURNED?!!”
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The following is a supercut of each of Bill Paxton’s lines as Pvt. Hudson from James Cameron’s Aliens condensed into one handy YouTube video.
Considering that the summation of Paxton’s performance can be distilled to roughly 6 minutes, I think it’s a compliment to him as an actor that he could create a character so indelible in our minds that people are still quoting “Game over, man! Game over!” over 25 years later.
When you think about it, there are very few protagonists that experience the character arc that Hudson does in traditional action movies. Most characters from that era were either superheroes or cannon fodder. Hudson was a little bit of both. Chest-puffing bravado at the outset, a pants-wetting fatalist after the first attack and a hero resigned to his fate by the end. In many ways, Hudson would act like we would in that situation and I think that’s why Paxton’s interpretation of him stays with us.
God be with you, Pvt. Hudson, you glorious coward.