So I’m continuing to pound the living tar out of Kangaroo Jack. As far as I’m concerned, there isn’t enough satire in the universe to compensate for the evil this film has cast over the Earth. I guess I’m just trying to do my part – however small.
Some of you may or may not be familiar with Jerry Bruckheimer, the target of today’s strip. He’s basically your typical big-shot movie producer, cramming his vision down the throats of an American movie-going public. Here’s a picture of the guy so we all have a point of reference:
Man, what an ugly mug. That’s the kind of face only a highly paid call girl could love.
To his credit, he’s been the money behind several of our culture’s largest film iconography. Top Gun and Flashdance come to mind. But to his detriment, he’s also made a string of lousy blow ’em up pictures like Con Air and Gone in 60 Seconds.
The idea for today’s strip came from an old high school friend who wrote me a prophetic e-mail in response to last Friday’s strip. This, mind you, was before Kangaroo Jack went on to do boffo box office over the weekend.
“Personally, I subscribe to the theory that the only reason this film [Kanagroo Jack] was made was for Jerry Bruckheimer to test his “midas touch” theory. You know, how it seems that a disproportionate amount of the crappy movies he makes end up with big grosses… So he does this: finds a crappy script, puts Jerry O’Connell in a starring role, sticks his name on it as producer and laughs at all the rubes who pay to see it. We’ll have to see how it does.”
I kind of ignored his message at the time, but realized how incredibly profound it was after the weekend tally.
“What did I tell ya?” he wrote the following Wednesday “Bruckheimer made some sort of Faustian bargain and it is only a matter of time before he is able to buy the world with his ill gotten gains. Then we’ll all be sorry.”
From there, the strip was basically standing inches from my face screaming at incredible volume. So thanks, Eric for the fodder!
In other new relating to the apocalypse, I received an e-mail from a “certain Carmike employee” (who wished to remain nameless) informing me that Kangaroo sold out at the theater he worked at not once… but twice.
This is seriously bumming me out.
On a brighter note, is anyone appreciating the awesome work going on at No Pants Tuesday and Jayhoo & Jawhoo lately? Both Zach and Mark are putting out some excellent art lately. If you’re not down with it, you’re missing out on some quality stuff. Zach’s color and shading make my strip look like it’s been fleshed out with a Lite Brite. Mark’s composition and visual story telling make me wish I wasn’t such a slave to my four panel rule. Great stuff. Check it out.
And lastly, it’s been very interesting to monitor the results of the poll we have going now. There’s been a pretty strong response since posting it on Wednesday. Almost 100 visitors have taken a nanosecond and made their selection.
I guess I wasn’t surprised that the majority of you want to help, but have no money (or, more likely don’t have a credit card to make a PayPal transaction possible). But I was kind of take aback to learn that in second place, you would want t-shirts. I figured stickers would come way before that, and here they are at the bottom of the list.
You’ve put me in a tough spot, people. A sticker would have been easy. Slap a logo on some adhesive paper, laminate it and off you go. But a t-shirt? That means I have to come up with a concept. And I don’t even know where to start.
I’m kinda wishing I didn’t include that “I have money, but refuse to donate” option in there. Or at least worded it differently. Oh well.
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
What is this strange disease that has taken grip on our protagonist? It’s OSCAR FEVER and it is intensifying! If you want to see how Tom makes it through the other side, you’ll need to be here on Friday!
Every year I get sucked into the same trap. At some point in February, they roll out the Oscar nominations and every year I roll my eyes because they didn’t nominate actor “x” or picture “y”. But then, as the ceremony date rolls near, I get all giddy like a crack-addled monkey making my predictions and spouting off my theories on who should win and why.
I think a lot of it has to do with certain media outlets that craft their coverage so cannily, I cannot help but to fall beneath their sway. Entertainment Weekly is a prime example of this. They handicap the odds of the big nominees. Reading that stuff makes you feel like you actually understand the backwards cluster of Hollywood politics – like you’re a friggin’ “insider”, or something.
In the end, it’s all just fodder for small talk – a way to make you appear more in the loop than others. At least until next year.
Talking about my excitement for the Oscars seems especially moot at this point in history. I’m sure if you watch the news or, y’know… occasionally pick up a newspaper, you’re well aware of the state of the world right now. Talking about some stupid award being given to some overpaid actor may seem downright shallow and close-minded by comparison.
But let me put this in perspective for you.
I watch the national news every day and every day I read a newspaper. At night, I flip between the different cable news outlets. I like to think myself as a member of the world community and choose not to shut myself off from it. True, part of my daily information consumption is entertainment “news”, but I readily digest the stuff that matters. I would suggest everyone do the same.
But that being said, I’m not going to weigh down the site with speculation about the impending war – what it means, what it will do to our relationships with other countries or how it has emasculated the U.N. to the point of ineffectiveness.
It’s my understanding that this site was created as a diversion from such things. I want to entertain you, so why bog you down with these things that don’t relate?
It’s just… well, war is pretty serious stuff. I don’t want you to think I’m ignoring it. But if you’re coming here to add a little levity to your day — even for a few minutes — then I wanted you to know I’m committed to providing that.
For all those who serve or knows someone who does, may this conflict be over quickly and with a minimal amount of casualties — on both sides.