Uh oh, kids! Looks like you’re in for some continuity! Should you check back on Thursday for the next installment? I’m just say-in’…
Underworld comes out this weekend and I think it’s tale of star-crossed vampire and werewolf lovers is gonna strike a chord with closet goths everywhere. I guess they’re calling it the Romeo and Juliet for the monster-loving crowd.
Frankly, I’m just happy to see a movie with a good werewolf in it. Vampires always get the screen time. I guess they’re more interesting and romantic figures than a howling hairball. But can you remember the last really good werewolf picture? It’s been a while.
Everyone needs to check out our latest advertiser, Destined For Nothing. Unlike most comics, these guys have a political bend to their work. They tackle actual real-world stuff and make it funny. Give ’em a little clickeroo for me. I appreciate it.
By the way, if you’re thinking about buying a poster, better make it soon. There are only 30 left and I plan on taking whatever I have in stock to the Minneapolis FallCon on October 4 and 5. I have a pretty strong feeling I will sell out if I do.
So don’t let procrastination be your excuse! Buy a poster now, before they’re gone forever!
I found today’s strip to be very funny. I for one will definately check out the strip tomorrow (as if I am not checking it daily anyway.)
I am looking forward to seeing Underworld. If Kate Beckinsale looks half as good in this movie as she was in Serendipity, then I know the movie will be sweet. (I know looks aren’t everything, but she is obviously cool and that is the most important thing.)
If I am not making any sense, it could be the cold medicine.
Anyway, I rented the movies Scratch and Dead Calm. Scratch is a documentary about turntablism. It was pretty cool. It inspired me to dust off my 1200’s and spin a few tunes before remembering why I gave up the dream of becoming a turntablist myself. #1 I suck at it.
Still fun though.
Dead Calm was dead cool. I liked it a lot, though I wanted to know more about Billy Zane’s experiences before hooking up with Nicole Kidaman and Sam Neill.
I also watched City Slickers 2 and was entertained. It was quite a bit better than I had envisioned, but still not as good as the original. Every time I look at Billy Crystal I think of his character in Monsters Inc.
I went to see Once Upon a Time in Mexico last Saturday. I was again entertained, but I am unsure if I really liked it or thought it was good. It definately had good parts, but as a whole the movie was a little jumbled. This would not be a good film for someone who can’t apply suspension on disbelief. A great (as usual) performance from Johnny Depp helped this movie greatly.
Stick around for the closing credits. There is a lot of crazy guitar music which takes advantage of the surround sound.
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Betcha didn’t think I would have a new comic for you on a Thursday, didja?
Just goes to show that you’ve gotta check the site often because there’s NO TELLING when I might go off the deep end and give you extra content!
I really enjoy it when a storyline slowly materializes from out of nowhere. Usually I’m much more focused on the quick zinger and I don’t give a lot of thought toward expanding my ideas.
I do that partially because I want Theater Hopper to work no matter where you jump into it. Sure, there are subtle references to past comics that enrich the experience if you’ve been a reader for a while. But I don’t ever want to get to the point where the punch line is… oh, I dunno… “TURNIPS!” and the only way you’ll get it is if you’ve been reading for 5 weeks.
That said, this Underworld storyline will wrap up tomorrow. I’ve got to keep things moving since there are so many new flicks coming out this weekend. Things are starting to look up at the local multi-plex.
In case you missed it yesterday, I suggest everyone check out our latest advertiser Destined For Nothing. I think you’re really like what’s going on over there.
And while we’re at it, show a little love to our other advertiser Digital Entertainment News. That site is a class act all the way.
Give these people some due attention. Their contribution to the site helps keep us going.
Oh, also – if you missed it – read yesterday’s blog. I posed a question about auctioning off original art that I still haven’t heard back on.
Well, that concludes are little goth saga for the week. I hope you enjoyed it. I know I did. Its fun exercise to graft a new look and personality on one of the characters. Things should be (relatively) back to normal on Monday.
This weekend is pretty big for new releases. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed because I’m not sure what we’ll see first.
Obviously, I’d like to see Underworld. But Cami doesn’t care much for vampires or werewolves. Funny. She never had a problem with Interview with the Vampire. I guess when a bloodsucker is played by Brad Pitt, it’s not so difficult to stomache.
Oddly, Cami is interested in seeing Cold Creek Manor this weekend. I don’t care much for Sharon Stone, but I’ve been very interested in Dennis Quaid ever since Frequency and The Rookie. He’s one of the few actors I’ve come to respect more the older he gets. He just seems more and more comfortable on screen. Plus, I like good haunted house stories… suspense, not gore. I think this will be the pony to bet on this weekend.
Beyond that, not much else to say. Seriously.