S’more Kill Bill action for ‘ya. Man, I can’t wait to see this movie!
I spent most of yesterday afternoon wracking my brain trying to come up with an idea for today’s strip. I thought I was stuck with writer’s block before this idea hit me. I think it turned out really well. Who says girls don’t fantasize?
I really like the poses I was able to draw Cami in, but when I showed it to her, she could only comment on her hair. “My hair doesn’t look like that!” she said. “Let ME draw my hair.”
Women… 😉
Much like I was out of the house all last weekend, this weekend is Cami’s turn. She’s visiting her sister at our alma mater to partake in Homecoming festivities. I’m happy for her. I think she’ll have a good time. I guess all I have left are these sexy poses to keep me company. *Rrrrowr!*
I kid.
I would like to call everyone’s attention to a new advertiser. Please visit Quadboy Presents: Rants of a Madman.
Those of you who visit Movie Comics might be familiar with Quad’s work. He mainly writes movie reviews, but he’s just recently gotten into music reviews. All I can say is that the little bugger is PROFICIENT. He updates often and always has something unique to say, so check his site often. Tell ’em Theater Hopper sentcha!
How happy are you that I’m not doing another comic about the Ten Commandments of Movie Watching? I received positive feedback on the 3-part arc, don’t get me wrong. But after a while it’s like that “knock-knock” joke that goes on forever and ends with the person asking “Aren’t you glad I didn’t say ‘Orange’ again?” Regardless, I hope you’re enjoying today’s bonus comic.
I’m really looking forward to Kill Bill Vol. 2, but I have to admit it kind of snuck up on me. While Cami and I were away in Las Vegas, they started running the television ads for the flick. We’d be sitting in seedy casino bars and one would flash on screen. “Holy crap! Is that coming out next week already?” I would ask myself. And then a drunk transvestite would try to hit on me.
But I kid. I think it’s going to be a great movie. It already has a TON of advance buzz – all of it positive. I mean, c’mon! Was there anyone who saw Vol. 1 who DOESN’T want to know how this thing ends?
In random web comic news, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal has returned to a regular update schedule. Zach’s comic was one of the very first I read outside of the big names like Penny Arcade and PVP. I always got a kick out of his sense of humor. Check it out and tell ‘im I sentcha!
Oh, did you know we’re taking pre-orders for shirts? Maybe you want to put your money down so you’re not running through the streets naked. Cover up, man!
Who’s going to see KILL BILL tonight? That’s right, me.
My brother Lucas and I are going to get our dose of bloody Bill death this evening, then we will fight all night in an epic katana battle. True story*.
(Portions of these statements may or may not be true.)
You know, I had planned to come in here Friday morning to post a little extra commentary and totally spaced it off. It’s now early Friday evening and I feel like a total moron.
Indulge me, won’t you, as I fill in some copy before I go out with my wife for a riotous night of pizza, beer and bowling?
I’ll be up front and admit that, yeah – Be Cool looked kind of good to me. Of course, the reviews coming back haven’t been very kind. I guess I don’t know why that surprises me. As much as I often enjoy watch John Travolta smear his charm across the screen, he’s been in a steady decline for a while now.
I think I was probably less interested in watching Travolta this time around than I was at watching some of the secondary characters. Vince Vaughn, The Rock, Harvey Keitel, Steven Tyler…