Brian Carroll has a lot of stokes in the fire. Artist, writer, filmmaker, cartoonist. So it stands to reason that I sometimes forget about the excellent work he’s producing over at his comic Instant Classic while I’m not paying attention.
I recently friended Brian through Twitter and it’s been a great way to keep up with what he’s doing. Just recently I combed through his archives, reading his latest batch of comics and they’re excellent.
If you’re not familiar with Instant Classic, I don’t think I could summarize it for you. But if you’re a fan of Multiplex, I think you’ll like it. Brian’s strip isn’t about theater workers, but rather the people who make films and it is a rich treat that should be savored in one sitting.
Go check it out!
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Feb 18, 2011 | BECOME AN X-PERT |
Much like everyone else tenaciously related to movies and Hollywood, I’ll be live-blogging during the Oscars tonight using Twitter.
If you’d like to follow along, here’s my Twitter page:
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Can you guys help me out?
I’m in a Research class for my Master’s program and our professor put us on the spot to come up with some survey questions she wanted us to ask around campus.
We were supposed to do it tonight, but she’s sick with the flu. Only downside is she still wants survey results for next week to keep us on track! So I came up with the idea to do a Survey Monkey poll.
Can you take 2 minutes to fill out this 4 question survey about Twitter? We’re pretty much looking for a level of awareness. Nothing complicated. No essay questions.
It would really blow her mind if we got a lot of respondents on this. Plus, it’ll make me look good. It won’t take much time, I promise.
And I appreciate your help!
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Feb 18, 2011 | BECOME AN X-PERT |
May 15, 2009 | MY RESEARCH PAPER |
Feb 22, 2009 | OSCAR LIVE-BLOGGING |
Jul 26, 2006 | I SHOULD DO MY RESEARCH |
I almost forgot, but I wanted to give partial credit the joke in today’s comic to Steve Napierski from Dueling Analogs. I’d promise I’d give him credit and a link and didn’t want to leave him hanging.
Last night I was facing a little writer’s block and mentioned it on my Twitter page. A lot of people wrote back with great ideas, but Steve suggested “A Mickey Mousetatorship” and that got the wheels turning.
So thanks to Steve and all the other Twitter followers who helped me dislodge my writers block! The instant feedback was very helpful!
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Feb 22, 2009 | OSCAR LIVE-BLOGGING |
I just wanted to collect some feedback on something site-related I’m toying with.
Under the comic, there is a link to the ShareThis! application that, on rollover, reveals dozens of links to different social bookmarking sites.
The other day I stumbled onto the Sociable plugin and really liked the way that it displayed the icons of the social bookmarking sites I choose.
My main problem with their plugin is the coding. Specifically the CSS. I want to put text around it to kind of explain what all these little images are doing there (“Bookmark this comic!”) but the way the code is written, it won’t let me.
At this point, I’m afraid I’m overthinking it.
So let me as you this: Does there need to be any text on the page explaining what those icons are for? Twitter, StumbleUpon, Reddit and the like? Or is it safe to assume that if people see those icons and the like the comic enough to bookmark it, they will?
I’m trying to get a sense of how you guys use these social bookmarking plugins (if it all) because I want to make it as easy for you as possible to help share Theater Hopper with others.
Right now I have a sneaking suspicion that the ShareThis! plugin I’m currently using is forcing you to jump through hoops by clicking on the link, then hunting for the social bookmarking service you want versus seeing the icon for that service front and center, clicking on it and getting it done.
What do you think? I could really use your perspective.
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Feb 11, 2008 | DUGG-GONE IT! |
Mar 12, 2007 | CAN YOU TELL ME WHO THIS IS? |
Feb 22, 2009 | OSCAR LIVE-BLOGGING |
Because I lead a rich and satisfying life, I was casually looking at the people who are currently following my Twitter account and was surprised to see a picture of Katherine Heigl floating in the list of avatars.
Thinking it was a Heigl super-fan who was now stalking me using Twitter, I investigated further to discover that it was actually an account created for Abby Richter – the fictional character Heigl plays in The Ugly Truth.
Reading some of the tweets, I could see that “Abby” was having a contentious back-and-forth with one Chad Meister. That’s right – the character in played by Gerard Butler in the same movie.
Now I totally understand using social media to help promote stuff and realize that most likely it’s some intern at Sony Pictures having a conversation with himself. But what I don’t understand are the real-life people who are following this inanity.
Certainly it would be one thing if “Abby” were throwing messages into the digital ether and responding to questions or comments posed by fans of the movie (whoever they might be). But when these two fictional characters are carrying on a conversation with each other, excluding everyone else, you kind of wonder what the point of it is…
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Feb 16, 2009 | OLD PRO |
Mar 10, 2009 | TWITTER SURVEY |
I don’t know if this is something worth mentioning or not, but I put a little bit of effort into it yesterday and I want you guys to check it out.
After months of the plain, boring default background Twitter gives you for your account, I decided to put together some custom artwork for my page. I don’t want to say much more than that because I don’t want to ruin the joke. The artwork makes a very specific reference that I think you guys might enjoy.
You can see the new artwork on my Twitter profile at
Let me know what you think!
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Feb 15, 2005 | ART AUCTION |
Feb 16, 2009 | OLD PRO |
Feb 22, 2009 | OSCAR LIVE-BLOGGING |
I know that I did a comic about Zombieland last Monday. But since I had an opportunity to actually see the film on Wednesday, I had to do another comic about it today.
Y’see, what’s depicted in today’s comic is based on real events. Allow me to explain.
I went to a 12:30 showing of Zombieland on Wednesday and I was the only guy in the theater except for one other dude that was sitting in front of me.
I’m not a big fan of zombie movies. I don’t like gore and I don’t like cheap “GOTCHA!” scare tactics. So I busted out my iPhone and started updating to my Twitter account to distract me from some of the carnage on screen and the anxiety that was building up inside of me as I waited for the next zombie attack.
This is not normally something I would do during a movie. But, like I said, I was having anxiety attacks and there was only one other guy in the theater with me.
If you take the long view, Zombieland isn’t all that gory or scary. At least not after the first act. Once it gets it out of its system, the film makes room for more pop culture zingers and character development.
At any rate, something happens in the second act that I thought was AMAZING and I tweeted about it – generally lamenting that I wasn’t watching the film with a larger audience because it would have been neat to see their reaction.
Checking my phone maybe 15 minutes later, I saw a bunch of reply tweets from people like Gordon McAlping Multiplex and Paul Southworth from Not Invented Here having a conniption fit because what I tweeted about was apparently spoiler material.
Now, in my defense, I had read a few reviews of Zombieland and was already aware of this spoiler, so I didn’t think I had done anything wrong by mentioning it. But as more and more people began to reply with sarcastically toned “Thanks a lot, Tom!” tweets, I knew I had stepped in it.
I made reparations quickly. I deleted the offending tweet and asked forgiveness. Shortly thereafter, people started to pack away their torches and pitchforks.
Now, you know me… I’m not exactly the guy known for flinching when it comes to giving away spoilers. But I genuinely felt bad about this one because a.) the movie has been in theaters less than a week and b.) the event I got so excited about is so thoroughly awesome, I really, really, REALLY want people to check out Zombieland to experience it on their own.
Obviously, I won’t go into any more details than that. So I STRONGLY encourage you to see Zombieland if you already haven’t and – if you go – don’t do what I do. Don’t see it by yourself. Take a bunch of friends and see it with a large audience. Because I have a sneaking suspicion the movie will pay dividends if you do.
By the way, be sure to stay through the credits for an extra scene. You won’t regret it.
So, as I have now deftly danced through my explanation of today’s comic, I plan on using my faux pas as inspiration for a short storyline! As you can see, there is the tiny “To Be Continued…” disclaimer at the end of today’s strip and I think you’ll like where things are going.
I hope Gordon doesn’t mind his unauthorized cameo, but I’m sure if you visit his excellent comic Multiplex, he will forgive me. Be sure to contribute to his fund raising efforts to put together the first print collection of Multiplex, too!
That’s all I have for today. Be sure to check us out on Monday for the continuation of the story line!
Have a great weekend!
So here’s the follow up to the cliffhanger I left you with on Friday – the continuation of Tom’s misadventures after sharing spoiler information about Zombieland on Twitter.
Friday’s comic was based on real-events. Things from this point on are entirely fictional. I felt compelled to share that just in case anyone was confused.
In case you happen to be new to the site, this isn’t the first time the Nerd Police have slapped the irons on Tom. Their first appearance was WAAAAYYYY back in 2005 when Jared rats him out for confusing Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy with Doctor Who. Much hilarity ensues.
I had been looking for an excuse to bring the Nerd Police back, even though the characters undergo no development in any way, shape or form. They’re just a couple of nameless thugs with horn rim glasses and I like ’em that way! The concept is funny, at least. Well, funny to me, I guess.
Anyway, not much else to talk about with this comic except to say stay tuned for Wednesday’s comic and watch where the story line goes.
In the meantime, be sure to listen to The Triple Feature movie podcast live tonight at 9PM CST over at
We took last week off after my hard drive crashed and Gordon had a biopsy taken off his tongue which left 5 stitches in his mouth. Good times!
But this week I know we’ll at least be talking about Zombieland and probably more. Also, I know that Joe just got back from Baltimore Comic Con this weekend, so maybe he has some stories to share about that.
So be there to listen LIVE at 9PM CST. Participate in the live chat, ask us questions and even get on air with us (if you are so inclined.) We hope to see you there!
It seemed appropriate to me that punishments handed down in Nerd Court would be medieval in nature. Not just for the obvious Dungeons and Dragons connection. But have you ever seen a nerd in a position of power meter out justice? It’s brutal. Call it reparations for a youth spent on the receiving end of a hundred locker room swirlies.
That’s pretty much the end of this little story arc. That is, unless I can figure out a way to make Tom’s new scar fit into the comic somehow. If not, I hope you enjoyed the arc.
I know I mentioned on Wednesday that I was going to videotape my interview on The JG Faux Show from Wednesday night. I have footage, but it’s kind of from the back of the room and a little bit obscured.
I heard from the show organizers that they bought a Flip camera to record the show and that they would put their video online soon. They’re camera was right up front, so it’s probably a little bit better of a vantage point. Apparently I am the first guest they’ve had that they’ve recorded. I’ll let you know when it shows up online.
As for the interview itself, I thought it went really well! I have to give these guys credit. They did a good job of researching me and putting embarrassing pictures of myself up on the wall behind me, beamed from a large overhead projector. These were all pictures that I uploaded to MySpace or Facebook or whatever, so I really have no one to blame but myself.
It wasn’t that embarrassing, actually. But the experience kind of tears down the veil between you and your audience. I mean, you upload pictures to these social networking sites and it feels kind of like a one-sided affair. But when there is a room full of people looking at these pictures together in real time, it kind of brings it full circle. I guess I’m finding the experience hard to explain.
I don’t mean to focus on that, though. I had a great time during the interview and would love to go back someday.
Cami was in the audience (and manning our video camera) and after it was over, said that she was very proud of me and that I did a very good job holding my own with the interviewer and making it entertaining. So, long story short, I didn’t embarrass my wife in public. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
I don’t know if I have much more to share. Hopefully Cami and I can find an opportunity to see Where The Wild Things Are this weekend, but we’re having trouble lining up a babysitter for Henry. I’ll be a little bit bummed if I miss it, but a calm weekend at home doesn’t sound bad to me, either.
I hope things are well on your end and I’ll see you here again on Monday!