Carrying around all that extra monkey weight can sometimes lead to an uncomfortable situation.
Longtime fans of the strip will recognize the gag I’ve busted out of retirement for today’s comic. Can you believe the last time I used it was July, 2003? Seems like it’s been with us forever.
Cami and I were finally able to get our holiday shopping set aside and went to see King Kong on Saturday. We were really surprised that there weren’t more people in the theater. We went to the 7:00 show. We thought for sure it would be packed. Ended up that maybe a third of the theater was full.
Apparently this is happening in a lot of theaters across the country. Last Wednesday’s $10 million take wasn’t a fluke. It really was an indicator of audience interest in this picture. Instead of the film earning in the $80 – 90 million range over the first five days (an a minimum of $60 million over the weekend) it underperformed and took in a hair over $50 million.
It’ll be interesting to see how the film does over the Christmas holiday. Maybe families are waiting until they have more free time to show up en masse. Maybe it was a marketing misstep on the part of Universal to release the film the week before Christmas because now – as I’m hearing it – audience reaction has been mixed. It’s having trouble living up to the hype and all those glowing reviews.
What was my take on the film? I’m not going to martyr myself and say I hated it, but I will admit there were things about the movie that I didn’t enjoy. I mean, things about the movie that flat-out disgusted me.
Okay, I’m gonna dive into this a little now. So if you haven’t seen the movie and don’t want it ruined, be warned…
The first act of the movie is ponderously slow. EXCRUTIATINGLY slow. You could argue that they’re setting up the exposition, and that’s fine. But there was easily 20 minutes of footage here that could have been tossed out to tighten up the running time. The relationship between the First Mate and the young sailor, for example. They toss that in there to add emotional weight to one of the later scenes on Skull Island. Except when that scene finally rolls around, it doesn’t deliver because we never cared about these characters in the first place.
The best part of the movie hands down is the second act on Skull Island. It looks as foreboding as it sounds and the place is totally out of control. The half-possessed natives on the island were truly terrifying. The anguished faces carved into all of the rocks was a brilliant touch.
Kong himself was a marvel to behold. Andy Serkis’ motion-captured performance as the great ape was totally naturalistic and I bought into it. I think it’s safe to say that those blokes in the Weta Workshop in New Zealand are giving ILM a SERIOUS run for their money when it comes to effects work. All the little touches to the scars on Kong’s face to the debris in his fur felt totally right. I believed in him as a character.
The fight between Kong and the two Tyrannasaurus Rex is worth the price of admission alone. It’s choreographed brilliantly and is the exact turning point in the movie where you start to root for the monster as he shows his protective instinct toward Naomi Watts’ Ann Darrow. When Kong cracks open the jaw of the dinosaur, twists his neck around then stands triumphantly over the giant leathery corpse – you half expect a ring announcer to step out, microphone in hand and shout "WINNAH! KONG!"
That said, as good as the dinosaur fight is… really, as good as all the giant critter footage is – you watch it and get the sense that things just keep unspooling with no end. Some of these chase sequences and fights go on FOREVER. Watching them, you’re not really bored, but you wonder when it’s going to end. There are two possible arguments to this. Either Peter Jackson has no sense of control and decided to throw everything up on the screen… OR it’s Jackson’s way of re-enforcing part of the movie’s theme that mankind cannot control nature. When you think you’re on top of things, nature will always find a way to surprise you. Nature always wins. I haven’t figured out which one of the two I believe.
I’ll say this; The scene with all the bugs is probably one of the creepiest, grossest and most uncomfortable I’ve had to sit through all year. I don’t think it’s a bad scene. Watching Andy Serkis (as the ship’s mysterious cook Lumpy!) be consumed by giant earthworms isn’t something you see every day. What made it difficult is that we had to endure it immediately after the rousing Kong/dinosuar battle. You aren’t given a chance to come down from that before Jackson steers you headlong into an entirely different set of extreme emotions. I think this is part of what’s contributing to the "everything but the kitchen sink" feeling you get from the picture.
Watching the movie, you start to notice that there are several long stretches where there is almost no dialogue. I think when Kong and Darrow are up on the high cliff watching the sunset, when Darrow says "Beautiful," it’s the first word uttered in the last 30 minutes. It’s jarring. It took me right out of that scene.
There are a lot of little moments that broke the suspension of disbelief for me. Ironically, it wasn’t the fantastic over-sized creatures that I found distracting. I thought they were the most realistic things in the movie. Instead, it was the emotional stuff that felt fabricated to me.
I had a hard time believing that Adrien Brody’s screenwriter character Jack Driscoll could care so deeply about Darrow after only having kissed her once. We don’t really see any deep bond between the two. Just some awkward courtship. Now suddenly he’s willing to risk life and limb – being EATEN – to save this stranger? Maybe he’s answering to some more grandiose sense of chivalry that existed in the 1930’s, but I’m not buying it. Nor am I willing to buy that so many of the ship’s crew would also risk so much. As she’s written, Darrow doesn’t seem like anything special. If anything, she comes off a little dumb. What’s worth rescuing? The answer is they HAVE to because the script says they do.
I don’t believe for a minute that Driscoll could switch gears from big city screenwriter to balls-out action hero like he did. Kicking Velocoraptors in the face, firing machine guns. Nope. Sorry. Not plausable. I also didn’t believe that the actor character played by Kyle Chander could retreat in cowardace, only to return at the last possible minute as the leader of a rescue party, swinging on vines and shooting up the place like Rambo. Perhaps if Jackson had framed these heroics within the context that inside this fantastic situation, these individuals dug deep to uncover fantastic abilities and resources within themselves – but I didn’t feel like this was established.
Additionally, Darrow’s near-romantic relationship with Kong also felt forced. I can understand that they have this bond because she provides an emotional connection for him where there has been none for ages (Kong appears to be the last of his kind). For Darrow, Kong provides protection against and uncertain and dangerous environment. But once the action moves back to New York, that Darrow someone how instinctively knows to go to Kong when things go haywire seemed a little convienient. Also, that whole scene with them spinning around on the frozen lake like it was some kind of first date just felt weird.
Do you have any idea how cold it would have to be to freeze the ice to the point where it was thick enough to support the weight of a 25 foot tall gorilla? Meanwhile, Darrow in her little silk dress seems as comfortable as can be. Watching her in that costume – especially atop the Empire State Building where winds are probably, y’know… about 30 miles an hour – I kept thinking "Isn’t she cold?" Then I became annoyed. "WHY ISN’T SHE COLD?!"
I think the thing that really tweaked me about the movie and left me with a bitter taste in my mouth was the delivery of that last, classic line. "Oh no. It wasn’t the airplanes. It was beauty killed the beast." They gave that line to Jack Black’s dispicable Carl Denham. The line is supposed to reflect that Kong wasn’t really a monster. It’s we, the humans who are the savages. But by giving the line to Darrow, it comes off less as commentary on humanity’s potential for cruelty and more like he’s trying to pawn off his responsibilty for capturing Kong and putting him display to a gawking public on Darrow. The act would be within character for Denham, but it kind of spits on the idea of the source material.
Overall, I thought the movie was good. I was wrapped up in a lot of the action seqeunces and certainly fell for the "WOW!" factor of it. But the emotional stuff really bugged the crap out of me. Maybe I’m off base. Cami thought that was the best part of the movie. She was totally captivated by Darrow’s relationship with Kong. I don’t know. Maybe I missed something.
If you have thoughts about King Kong or want to leave your own review, please check out our User Movie Review Database. You can leave your thoughts on nearly every movie Theater Hopper has discussed in the last three and a half years. We’re adding new movies all the time. Here’s the link to King Kong’s specific listing.
Review away!
Truman takes to the skies! Afterwords, he takes a little nap. He deserves it.
Apologies for the tardiness of the strip. Thursday night I went out with Jared, his wife Patti and Cami as part of a joint birthday celebration. We didn’t get in until way late and I wasn’t able to start working on the comic until yesterday morning. Then, yesterday afternoon we went out with my parents and in-laws to see Fun With Dick and Jane and then have dinner. It’s been hectic!
I suppose there was something to be said for the complexity of this strip. For some reason, I was under a total block in terms of how to stage the panels. Plus, not really knowing what a bi-plane looked like and being too stubborn to do research made me keep second-guessing my design. I suppose it turned out well.
And with that, we conclude the Dewey/King Kong storyline? What was Dewey’s ultimate fate? We may never know. Will Dewey ever return? Perhaps.
One of the great things about the holiday break is catching up on movies you’ve missed. Cami and I have been watching stuff at home like Roman Holiday as well as going out to the theater to see movies like The Family Stone as well.
If you haven’t seen The Family Stone, I would recommend it. The ending is a little sappy and, frankly, a bit of a downer. But I liked how the movie unfolded in these interested ways. Basically, it’s the story of a very liberal Massachusetts family coming together for the holidays. The eldest son brings home the very stuffy, uptight businesswoman he intends to marry and everyone butts heads. That’s the high level look. But what motivates the characters reaction to this interloper are very interesting. The ultimate conclusion I felt was pretty satisfying.
Something I wasn’t expecting however was how easily Luke Wilson walked away with the whole movie. I don’t know what it was about his performance that I found so enjoyable. He was essentially doing the same laid-back philosophy dude he does in every movie. But perhaps the chemistry was right this time around. Compared to the other actors, he certainly sticks out.
Something else? Dermot Mulroney isn’t looking very well these days. Looks a little rough around the edges. That’s a scary proposition for an actor who’s pretty much cast in roles for his looks, because it CERTAINLY isn’t his acting. The stairwell banister has more personality than he does.
Beyond that, nothing more insightful. I don’t really have any strong opinions about Fun With Dick and Jane (which I mentioned earlier). It was serviceable, but not laugh out loud funny. Kind of disappointing for a Judd Apatow screenplay, really. I mean, compared to the strength of Wedding Crashers and The 40 Year-Old Virgin, this one doesn’t really register on the Richter scale. If you’re a fan of Jim Carrey, you’ll probably enjoy watching him mug across the screen. There’s a manic vibe that he emits that becomes contagious to the rest of the cast and that picks up the pace of the storytelling, which is good. But I pretty much forgot everything I watched immediately after leaving the theater.
I’ll be away from my computer for the next two days. Going over to the in-laws tonight for our Christmas, then over to my parents house the next day for another round.
If you’re celebrating this weekend, stay safe and have a happy holiday!
If you’re not celebrating, know that I love you just the same!
Best wishes to all!
Ask you may recall, Tom and Cami had a monkey friend that was hanging around for a while. His name was Dewey and he didn’t get along with Truman so well. Turns out he didn’t die! Good work if you can get it… Don’t worry, though. He’s not coming back full-time. Just a nice "how do you do" from the Left Coast.
Every once and while I get the itch to do a comic without and dialouge. Actually, that and facial expressions have become very interesting to me lately. I don’t know why I feel the need to share that with you. I guess there’s never been much shame in admitting that I’m still learning new things all the time and I enjoy discussing the means by which I push story and art in different directions.
Not much to say about the comic beyond that.
I should probably let you guys know that I’ve finished the first draft of the Theater Hopper: Year One book. In case you don’t recall me mentioning it earlier, I’ve been coming into my office on the weekends collecting the comic from the first year of the site – all 156 of them – and writing commentary for each. On Saturday I finished all of the layout and commentary work. Now I’m onto the proofing stage. I’m going to print out the whole book and hand it over to Cami for spelling and grammar screw-ups – of which I am certain there will be many. Cami has a much better eye for these kinds of things. She’s worked in public relations for years, but she’s been good at that kind of thing since high school. Me? I just draw pretty pictures. I never double-check my work.
Anyway, while Cami is working on the content proof, I’ll be writing the introduction, dropping in the cross-over comics I did with Movie Punks, adding the guest strips from that era and writing a tutorial on how I put together the comic. I’m looking forward to that last one. We’re going to stage a bunch of photos and show you my work space. It’s gonna be a lot of fun.
I was going to write about seeing The Pink Panther and Capote this weekend, but I forgot what I was going to say. I’ll leave another post if it comes back to me.
When it’s your birthday, you get to eat lots of cake. The whole cake, if you’re so inclined!
Yes, today is Truman’s birthday. Not the day that we adopted him, mind you. But his actual birthday. We have a birth certificat from the American Kennel Club and everything. He turned four as of 12:01 this morning.
I’ll try not to be one of those creepy dog people who has the pet they adore as if it were their own child, but I’m always cognisant of these little milestones. I sometimes think about my life in terms of a B.T. and A.T. timeline – "Before Truman" and "After Truman."
Sure, he may have recently chewed up my Nintendo DS, but I still love the little dickens!
To celebrate the occasion, I wanted to announce a TWO WEEK PRE-SALE on t-shirts and baby doll tees going on in the store. As you know, I recently liquidated my inventory to make room for some new designs. Well, the new designs are finally here! I strongly encourage you to check them out. I was very pleased with the results. What do you think?
I should also make you guys aware that the baby-doll version of these designs come in different color combinations. So you ladies will have yet another asset when it comes to driving the boys crazy… with JEALOUSY!
I should also make note that an oldie-but-a-goodie has also reared its head in the store. That’s right, I’ve brought back the "Spoiler" shirt. So if you’re still one of the unlucky few who hasn’t gotten their hands on one of these yet, now is the time to do it!
As I mentioned earlier, THIS IS A PRE-SALE taking place for TWO WEEKS between Wednesday, February 22 and Wednesday, March 8. After which, I will remove these designs from the store and process the orders through my printer. It is my hope that my printer can turn around these shirts in a timely manner – perhaps as early as two weeks after March 8 – so that I can start delivering them the week of March 27.
So to recap, that’s 2 weeks for pre-order, 2 weeks for the printer to produce the shirts and 1 week for me to send everything out.
This time out I am being very conscientious about setting standards and explainations so there is no confusion as to when you will receive your shirt. If anything changes between now and then, I will be sure to let you know in this blog space.
I’m very excited about these new designs and I hope you are, too. I finally feel as though I’ve reached a new level with my shirt designs and these are designs that I’m eager to get back from the printer because I want to wear them myself!
If you guys have questions, feel free to drop me a line. Thanks again for your continued support!
March 24th, 2006 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip










(5 votes, average: 8.40 out of 10)
Give it up to my good buddy Mitch Clem for closing out this period of guest strips on a high note. He took the happy accident that occured when Brandon J. Carr and Fred Grisolm reached the same conclusion with their strips and turned it into a great running gag! I’m thinking this is probably something worth running with when I hop back into the saddle on Monday. At the very least to kind of prime the pump before I launch back into full movie commentary mode.
I must give sincere props to the others who helped me out while I was away. That includes Ali Graham, Joe Dunn, MadMup and Mike Morgan. These are all guys who have gone to bat for me before and I feel especially lucky and humbled that I have reliable friends such as these. Be sure to check out each of their web sites for a concentrated dose of their talents! Thanks, guys!
Being on vacation in Walt Disney World is sort of like being on another planet… or Texas. You feel totally severed from the modern world and the events that occur in it. Crap, even the TV stations piped into the hotel rooms are all Disney-owned. No cable except for The Disney Channel, Lifetime, ESPN and so on.
So shamefully, I didn’t have an opportunity to see V for Vendetta when it came out last Friday. I’ve been begging Cami to see it since we got back in town Tuesday night, but she’s been reluctant. Now she’s telling me she has no interest in seeing it at all and I can see it by myself when she returns to her night classes next week. Grr.
Oh, well. At any rate, Inside Man comes out today and she’s more in step with seeing that. I like to think it’s because she’s REALLY into Christopher Plummer, but I have a feeling it might have more to do with Clive Owen playing the heavy. Really, how can you NOT love Clive Owen.
Tossing in Densel Washington and Jodie Foster into the mix doesn’t hurt. What really surprised me, though was learning that Spike Lee was behind the lens on this one. You totally wouldn’t have guessed it from the trailer. That’s probably a good thing. The film looks like a straight-up-the-middle urban crime thriller. But I think we all know that Lee is a little bit smarter than that and reviews seem to indicate some really intelligent twists on the genre. So I’m looking forward to a good time.
I’ve felt way behind on movies all year. It’s not atypical for January and February to be slow. But now that we’re almost done with March, I feel almost starved. I think seeing these two movies will go a long way toward correcting that.
May 15th, 2006 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip










(6 votes, average: 8.50 out of 10)
Hey, guys. I’m going to be out of town for a while – leaving on vacation with Cami Thursday morning. So, in preparation for and continuing through our vacation, I’ve arranged a series of guest strips to keep things moving. A bunch of great artists answered the call and I’m way excited to show you what they came up with!
Leading off are my good friend Joe “Rules” Dunn and Daniel “Monk” Pelfrey. Both of them are members of the Theater Hopper THorum and are good friends of mine. You probably recognize Joe’s name from all his good work on Joe Loves Crappy Movies, Martriculated, Free Lunch and the now-completed Coffee Achievers. If you’re already familiar with his work, you already know that he drew today’s comic. Daniel is the guy behind the scenes running everything over at Digital Entertainment News. He’s advertised with us before and is a great friend of the site. Daniel wrote today’s strip!
So, check out Joe’s comics for some excellent illustration and comedy and check out Daniel’s site for a whole slew of gaming information and news across all the platforms. He’s been doing a lot of work out at E3 and is posting some great reaction articles!
Some of you that are familiar with Theater Hopper and the guest strip periods we go through know that Joe has contributed several times before. Typically, he collaborates with another THorum mainstay Mup. Well, for those of you that get a kick out of their awesome Wonder Twins-level team ups, don’t worry. They have a treat for you later on.
Incidentally, for those of you that are curious, this guest week period will be running for the next three weeks. I’ll be taking up the mantle again on Monday, June 5.
This is kind of bad timing because, as you know, the pre-order for the first Theater Hopper book Theater Hopper – Year One ends on June 11. I won’t be around to keep bugging you guys about it (although I’ll do my best!) so if you’re thinking about buying a book, please do so now. Cami and I leave at 6:30 Thursday morning. It would be great if before we go, I could see my inbox flooded with orders so we can get closer to our ultimate goal! It would go a long way to setting my mind at ease.
Last week you guys did an excellent job responding to the announced deadline. As of today, I would say we are about 225 book orders away from our goal. We have less than a month to do it, but I know you guys are there for me!
As a matter of fact, I just got a wonderful e-mail message from someone (and I won’t share his name because I haven’t cleared it with him), but he mad an exceptionally generous donation. Here’s a guy who has already pre-ordered a copy of the book, but he wants to see it succeed as badly as I do. So what does do? He goes ahead and donates $10 to the cause. Didn’t have enough money to buy another book, but wanted to continue supporting me anyway.
That, my friends, is totally amazing.
So, remember – even if you don’t have enough money to buy a book, you can still help out. A dollar here, a dollar there. It all adds up. The goal is to earn the money we need to pay off the printer in full by June 11. Every little bit helps!
Donating to Theater Hopper also comes with it’s fair share of rewards. You’ll get your name and web site address listed on the Walk of Fame. And if you’re a member of the THorum, you get Donator status with exclusive rights to content no one else sees. You don’t have to donated $10 like my friend did to earn these privileges. All you need is one dollar in your in the club.
So, anyway. Think of it as an option. If you don’t have the money to buy the book, feel free to donate instead. If you want to learn more, click here.
Of course, I would always encourage you to save up if you can and buy the book because I think you get a little more for your money. Heck – you get A LOT more for your money! There’s some great content in there and I want to share it with all of you!
Thanks again for your fabulous support! You guys are the best – no question about it
June 4th, 2006 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip










(4 votes, average: 8.00 out of 10)
Maybe I should be slightly disturbed by that knowing wink that Charlie and Truman share in the third panel, but how can I be wary when the ever-talented joerules and MadMup are at the helm? Seriously, these guys are Theater Hopper guest strips MVP’s. If you aren’t familiar with some of their earlier collaborations, you should darn well make yourselves accountable! When you’re done doing your homework, you should visit their individual websites as well – Digital Pimp Online and!
Come tomorrow I’ll be back in the saddle again doing comics. I always get a little nervous coming back from long breaks like this. So hopefully I’ll be able to fall into a groove fairly quickly.
Cami and I saw X-Men 3 again this afternoon – this time in English. Was it any better? Meh. It was okay. I guess I wasn’t as heartsick over some of the key character deaths as I was the first time around. My complaints are pretty much the same as everyone else’s. Too many mutants, not enough backstory. Would it have killed them to show Iceman in his full ice-form more often in the movie? Ice bridges? Anything? I guess we’re supposed to think of them still as kids becoming familiar with their powers. But a nerd can dream, can’t he?
I was particularly annoyed that Colossus seemed to be relegated to the background a lot. Especially in that last fight. Notice how he’s always over someone’s shoulder and out of focus. It’s like someone told Brett Ratner that for every shot he’s "armored up," that’s $1 million being syphoned away from Halle Berry’s "Gimme More Money Or I Walk!" fund.
I will say this – the guy who played the President in the movie? Worst actor ever. I know he’s been in a ton of stuff. Old time character actor-guy. But he was totally hamming it up. Not on the same wavelength as any of the other actors. I dunno. It’s not like the movie is all that good or any of the dialogue he was given you could say with a straight face. But everyone else played it straight.
We stuck around for the end credits and the big reveal. Again – meh. So Xavier implants his conciousness onto the guy that doesn’t have one? Wasn’t that his warning regarding the abuse of power he was talking about in his lecture to the students?
I suppose it was kind of neat that the movies were following the lead of the comics and painted Professor X as more of a manipulative jerk, but it’s inconsistent with the theme of the movie.
Oh – and no matter how many times Beast saying "Oh my stars and garters!" in the comics was funny, it’s sounds weird as hell when Kelsey Grammer says it. All things said, however – he was the best part of the Wolverine and Storm Movie – er, I mean, X-Men 3.
See you here tomorrow!
It’s not often that my little movie-centric corner of the internet crosses paths with vapid pop music, but I thought this was a prime opportunity to bring Truman out of the doghouse. I mean, c’mon… Sexyback? SexyBARK?! Genius!!
Even though I’m excited about this comic and find it both adorable AND hilarious, as I was drawing it I kept thinking to myself "Mitch Clem is totally going to disown me as a friend." Incidentally, Mitch is counting down his Top Five Albums of 2006 over at Nothing Nice to Say. There, a little plug makes up for all the bad taste in the world. Right, Mitch?
I think the idea of casting someone like Justin Timberlake in a movie like Alpha Dog is kind of laughable. It’s basically a movie kind of like The Outsiders where rough-and-tumble street kids who are vaugely attractive and sensitive get in over their heads. It’s The Outsiders, but with more felonies.
Justin Timberlake signing up for the production is stunt casting at work. The guy is as scandal-free and as exciting as Pat Boone eating a mayonnaise sandwich. A movie like this is an opportunity to play against type, stencil on a bunch of tough-looking prison tattoos and do a lot of sit-ups. I guess there was some heat around this movie when it premiered back at Sundance at this time last year, but I think the hype window has since been closed shut. I don’t know anyone interested in seeing this.
Monday night’s inaugural broadcast of The Triple Feature was a resounding success. In case you aren’t familiar, Joe Dunn from Joe Loves Crappy Movies, Gordon McAlpin from Multiplex and myself are getting together every Monday night at 9:00 pm CST to talk for an hour about movies, comics and pop culture. On Monday’s show we discussed Children of Men, Indiana Jones 4 and the proliferation of aging action stars and, finally, the movies we’re most excited to see in 2007. If you missed the broadcast, you can download a copy for yourself here. Check it out. It’s only an hour long and I thought the time went by really fast. I feel that Joe, Gordon and myself have great chemistry and I feel it’s very unique that the three of us being having the highest-profile of creators within our particular web comic sub-genre can get together like this and exchange commentary like this for the benefit of our fans.
Be sure to join us next Monday at 9:00 pm CST when the three of us will be discussing the Golden Globes as well as Mike Judge’s follow up to his cult hit Office Space – Idiocracy – and how it was totally mishandled by it’s distributor. We didn’t get an opportunity to take any calls our first time out, so we’re restricting the topic list to make room for more of your live feedback. Be sure to participate!
A couple more pieces of site news. You might have noticed that I added a few social bookmarking links to the bottom of the blog. They’re links to, StumbleUpon, and Digg, respectively. Feel free to use them or ignore them, but I got the idea to add them when I started to see more referral hits from StumbleUpon. I figured if there are people out there interested in helping to spread the word about Theater Hopper, I’ve want to give you the tools to do so!
Also, I left a blog about my use of the mailing list and how I had resolved to send out a message every time the site was updated. I was discouraged when I would see people drop off the list literally minutes after I send these messages and I wondered what I had done to offend them! I got some really good feedback from that post, many people replying and explaining that they check the site daily anyway and the extra updates are kind of a nuisance.
So how about this for a compromise: Instead of sending you three e-mails a week that detail the site updates, I send you ONE e-mail a week at the end of the week that recaps everything? If you haven’t been to the site in a while, it’s a good way to get caught up all at once. If you come to the site every day, it’s a nice little reminder that might prompt you to check out Monday’s comic a second time, but I’m not cluttering up your inbox?
Sound like a deal? Let me know in the comments below!
Happy meteorology irrelevancy day, everybody!
It took me nearly five years, but I finally worked a Ned Ryerson reference into the comic! Although the comic has landed on February 2 the last two years, so I don’t know why I didn’t come up with this idea sooner.
Hopefully everyone is catching the reference in today’s comic. For me, it was a real joy to draw. Incidentally, Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring!
I have some big news, so listen up. I need to clue you in to some production changes on the site for the month of February.
Our due date for Baby B is coming up on February 15. Our doctors have told us that Cami could deliver him anywhere between two weeks before and one week after the due date. As such, I have decided to scale back my commitment to Theater Hopper for the month of February.
What does that mean? Good question. Basically it means that I will be updating once a week instead of three times a week.
When can you expect updates? I’ll be posting a new comic every Friday. However, I haven’t completely abandoned new content on Mondays and Wednesdays. I’ve managed to recruit some of my good friends in the community to help me out and I have SEVERAL guest strips lined up for the days I will not be producing a comic.
So that means every Monday and Wednesday there will be a guest strip and every Friday a new comic from me. Each comic will include a blog from me, as well.
So, really, it’s not that bad. I’ll still be around, talking to you every day. I’ll even be keeping up with The Triple Feature talkcasts every Monday at 9:00 pm CST for as long as I can. I just can’t commit the time behind-the-scenes to producing new comics while we’re waiting for Cami to deliver. Also, I’m pretty sure there is going to be a period of adjustment after Baby B is born where I’m going to want to focus completely on my family and I won’t have 3 or 4 hours every other night to draw, ink, color, shade and letter comics. It takes a lot of time.
I wasn’t really looking forward to breaking this news to you because there’s no easy way to say it. But obviously having a baby is a big deal and that’s where my focus needs to be. I know you guys understand. The amazing, supportive e-mails I’ve been getting since we annouced our pregnancy have been proof of that.
So things will be a little different around here for a while. But I hope you continue to make Theater Hopper a part of your week just as you have before. Making comics is something I love doing and the fact that you guys have been there to support it means the world to me.
Thank you.
Today’s comic was inspired by my continuing work on Theater Hopper: Year Three. I was writing up some commentary from 2005 and ruminating on the simplified style I attempted on a specific comic I don’t draw things like that very often mostly because I don’t often have a reason to stage the characters in a full-body render. If you look through the archives, there’s a lot of close-ups or shots from mid-chest up. Part of that is because I feel it puts you closer to things, but part of it is because larger areas are easier to color and shade than the smaller, detailed work
Anyway, I was thinking about the lack of the full-body render and – even though it’s time consuming – it’s fun to do and I enjoy the results. So I decided to take a swing at it with this comic.
I’m kicking around the idea of seeing Bolt this weekend, although it looks like a paint-by-numbers Disney film to me and I’m not particularly impressed by the fact that it has John Travolta and Miley Cyrus laying down vocals. But face facts; It’s been getting strong reviews and that hamster looks friggin’ hilarous!
But if anything is going to get me in the door, it’s that the movie is also being presented in 3-D. I’m completely aware that it’s a gimmick, but I’m willing to give it a try. Primarily because it’s a CG movie and a creative director can do things with shots that a real-world director could never attempt. Couple that with 3-D and you get an interesting result.
I only seem to feel this way about CG movies and not live-action movies. For example, Journey to the Center of the Earth looked dumb to me. But this looks alright. A big reason I went to see Beowulf last year was for the 3-D and it didn’t disappoint. So let’s see what Disney can do with it.
Not much more to say, so I’ll leave it at that. Here’s hoping everyone has a great weekend and I’ll see you all again on Monday!