Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, I wasn’t able to get my 5th and final contribution to the Theater Hopper/Movie Punks Crossover ready to go first thing today. I feel terrible about it, but nothing can be done. After so much turkey, alcohol and family, it was a struggle to get just the regular strip done.
Also, since this will be my last shot with the crossover, I wanted to make sure the quality was up to snuff. I didn’t want to hand out a crap product and expect you to take it on the chin. I’m already feeling crappy enough that I haven’t been able to do the proper highlighting on my colors the last two days.
Anyway, I apologize for the lateness of the strip, but it WILL be posted later this afternoon, so be sure to check back.
I hope everyone had a very safe and happy holiday. Thanksgiving at the Brazelton home was one of the best ever. We had all of our family over. It was our first time hosting, too. I’m proud to say it went off without a hitch. Props to Cami for being the best wife ever.
Be back later. Thanks.
Jared makes a good point. I totally forgot about those “wine-shooters” we were doing before we got something to eat and then see the movie.
Guess you boys can’t hold your liquor like “Mr. Bloated Kidney”.
That’s me, by the way.
I remembered some of the other things I wanted to talk about.
Seeing comic book movies at comic book conventions is starting to become a kind of mini-tradition among our ilk. You guys might remember this comic I did regarding Aliens Vs. Predator when Zach and I went to see it during Wizard World Chicago.
I guess the next big comic book movie to hit the screen will be Fantastic Four. It comes out a month before Wizard World Chicago this year (August 5-7), but since I plan on avoiding the movie like scurvy when it’s unleashed upon an unsuspecting public, maybe the radioactive half-life on the film will have expired and we can snap it up in a dollar theater when we all assemble again.
Another couple notes of interest: Yes, Zach ∗did∗ in fact wear that very same Homestar Runner shirt. And yes, Mitch ∗did∗ in fact wear a very similar Jawbreaker shirt.
I’m nothing if not a stickler for the details!
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Sep 26, 2003 | CONVENTION NEWS |