There seems to be a lot of controversy floating around the web comics universe lately and I’m wondering where it’s all coming from.
This morning I was greeted with a message in my in box from Mambo the Breakdancing Clown. If you don’t know him, he’s the guy who draws Super Stick Figure Crime Fighters. Apparently he got his knickers in a twist for being banned from Top Web Comics for violating the terms of use.
The body of the e-mail was basically a call to arms and to rebel against TWC and its fascist ways. While I agree with Mambo that we can do without TWC, he was going at it entirely the wrong way. TWC has a right to disassociate itself with content it finds offensive.
The whole episode got me thinking about the TWC in general and I found it indicative of the problem I have with vote sites in general. If you’ve been visiting the site at all in the last 3 weeks, you would know that I had links up for TWC and was fishing for votes. I later took them down after coming to the realization that these votes don’t mean a damn thing.
Web comics like all art are entirely subjective. What I may find funny, others may not. To try and put a label on it saying “this is good, this isn’t” seems silly and a waste of time. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: If Theater Hopper fails to catch on, it’s my fault for not putting out material of quality or doing the marketing legwork to spread the word. Putting that burden on the audience by whoring for votes just seems really low class to me. I can only hope Mambo comes to the same conclusion. For the record, he later retracted his e-mail saying it was something he put together in the heat of the moment.
In other ridiculous feuds, Zach over at No Pants Tuesday picked a fight with a certain Euro-centric gaming comic. I don’t know how much of my personal feeling I should inject into this commentary. Zach is a friend of the site, so it’s kind of hard not to side with him.
What’s lame, I think is the defense Little Gamers puts up. Basically, they’re saying, “You can’t take a joke” which is fine when you put it in context to the subjectivity I was talking about earlier.
But they latched onto the bit that Zach was complaining about their bashing Americans. That’s not what I took from it. It looked to me like he was complaining more in the overall disappointment the strip had become for him – stale jokes, and what not – and that’s his prerogative. But LG took the criticism, flipped it on its head and politicized it. In my opinion, they got defensive over the wrong thing.
I guess it makes me think twice when they say Americans deserve to be made fun of because we’re violent, gun-toting freaks and then they turn around like a rabid dog lunging at a Slim Jim at the slightest provocation. That’s like me saying it’s okay to make fun of the Sweeds because they’re not worth anything more than cheese, clocks, chocolate and neutrality. It paints them with a pretty wide brush.
I’m probably only adding fuel to the fire, but for chrissakes, people! They’re only comics – you know? Funny pictures with words and all? Lighten up!
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Looks like we’ve got another war of words brewing in the magical land of the Web Comic Kingdom.
Mitch over at Nothing Nice to Say took a swipe at Movie Comics concerning a dispute over votes at Top Web Comics.
Do you see what I’m talking about with this voting crap, people?! It breeds nothing but dissent among the ranks! It’s not like anyone gets free cookies when they’re voted number one. Loosen up!
I can’t say he was justified, but if I were to pick sides, I’d step in line with Mitch. He’s a friend of the site and give me good linkage.
In the interest of diplomacy within strips of similar genre, I’ll keep my personal feelings regarding Movie Comics to myself. But isn’t it suspicious that there are no banners on their links page for either this site or Movie Punks? Just thinking out loud…
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I’m becoming concerned that the audience for Theater Hopper isn’t what it could be. I see some of the more popular strips out there and wonder if there is something I could be doing differently.
The further I go with this hobby of mine, the more I admit to my pride in it’s longevity. I seriously never thought it would last past 50 strips. After kicking off this thing with the posters, I can see that there is a demand and support for things relating to Theater Hopper.
I want to push things further.
I’ve waffled back and forth about doing business with Top Web Comics from the first day I started Theater Hopper. At the time, I thought it was a shady business. There were too many controversies, too much vote whoring and generally a negative vibe about the place.
But I’ve passively observed it over the months and things have seem to have taken a turn for the better ever since the boys from True Nuff took over. It’s beginning to look like a professional venture.
I’ve always maintained that I’ve wanted Theater Hopper to succeed based on the merits of the work and not through shameless promotion. But I’m starting to soften my position. It’s like comparing it to a business. You feel strongly you have a superior product, but refuse to promote it in the Yellow Pages because you don’t like what it stands for. Think of the business you lose when no one can find you! Same goes here.
I’ve thought about kindling a relationship with the TWC on a short term basis – maybe just a month to see how it works out. In my mind’s eye, I see my regular readers voting for the site, propelling it into the Top 10 and giving others a taste of what they’ve been missing for so long. Whether or not that would actually happen, I can’t say for sure.
What do you have to say about it? Am I missing the benefits of hooking up with Top Web Comics? Please write to me with your opinions. Since this could possibly affect you, I would appreciate your feedback.
I guess my whole motivation behind this line of thought is because I feel if the site were more popular, it would force my hand into doing more things I’ve been meaning to do for a long time – that includes adding a forum or selling t-shirts. As things stand, my traffic doesn’t indicate that there would be enough of a community to support those ideas. But if the site were more popular it would be a moot point.
I just wanted to theorize out loud. Thanks for the indulgence.
In the meantime, if you write or draw for a web comic or know of a web comic that would like to trade links with me, drop me a line and I’ll make it happen.
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I don’t know if this is going to be buried underneath the giant post I made trying to absolve my soul in regard to hooking up with Top Web Comics, but I’m giving it a shot.
Anyway, poster sales are reaching the half way point and I want to finish strong. That’s why I’m putting out the call for those of you who have already bought posters to provide a little good press.
I plan on developing a “positive feedback” page in conjunction with the poster sale that details how pleased all of you are with your posters. If you’d like to participate, just send me your information – a picture of yourself with your poster and whatever kind words you wish to bestow. If you are a web comic creator – and I know there are a few of you out there who bought posters – I am ESPECIALLY interested in your feedback. If I can provide a link back to your site with the kudos, it adds that extra bit of credibility.
I’m not fishing for compliments, but am looking to employ a tactic from a marketing standpoint that will put the lean on all the procrastinators out there who aren’t convinced of the superior quality of these posters. Maybe some impartial consumer commentary will persuade them otherwise!
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I just checked my stats over at Top Web Comics and we’ve already cracked the top 150! You guys rock the booty smooth!
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I would just like to remind everyone since it is May 1st to please place your vote at Top Web Comics.
For those of you not in the know, they wipe the slate clean at the start of each month to give people EXACTLY LIKE ME a chance.
I feel good about adding the TWC banner. Yesterday you guys voted for me some 80-odd times. That’s more than the bulk of those sites see in a year!
But they don’t love you like *I* do…
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Apr 29, 2009 | THE INCENTIVE IMAGE |
Aug 27, 2003 | VOTE AND ADVERTISE! |
Jun 24, 2003 | TINY REMINDER |
Apr 8, 2005 | THIS ISN’T THE BLOG |
Did you know your votes helped to boost Theater Hopper to number 26 on the Top 150 list at Top Web Comics? It’s like someone just handed me a big, heaping helping of awesome! It’s like God is rubbing my tummy! Thank you!
Now… Time to mobilize! Crush the puny crew of No Pants Tuesday! Feast on the blood of Briworld! Give me more votes so that I may decimate my enemies!
Wow. Who knew participating with the TWC could make me such a competitive ass-face?
Just kidding, guys. You know I love ‘ya. And that’s why I linked to ‘ya! Everyone check out their strips and send them a little vote love from me!
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I just wanted to remind everyone that in order to achieve complete world domination, I need you to vote for Theater Hopper every day.
So far we’ve been hovering around number 15 to 17 on the list – AND THAT’S NOT BAD! – but just once I’d like to crack the top 10. Y’know. Just to know what it feels like.
Oh, and if you come here at all, chances are you already visit Nothing Nice to Say. But you should ESPECIALLY check it out before tomorrow. I put together a little guest strip for Mitch and he was kind enough to post it. You can expect it placed on the Bonus Materials page sometime in the near future.
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Sep 6, 2002 | HATERS |
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Yes! I just cast the vote that put us at #15 on TWC. That’s just ahead of NPT! Rock it!
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I received a few e-mails yesterday regarding the vote system at Top Web Comics. Apparently, many of you were trying to vote for Theater Hopper and were being turned down.
I don’t know what went wrong over at TWC, but everything appears to be okay now. So VOTE VOTE VOTE to your heart’s content! We’re sneaking up on the Top 10. It’s only a matter of time!
Thanks, by the way, not only for voting, but for e-mailing me to let me know there was a problem with the voting. That shows special care!
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