I don’t know about you guys, but I’m feeling pretty good about 2011.
After staring into space for 15 minutes, I returned from the abyss with this idea in mind and I smiled to myself. It’s such a simple and straight-forward joke, I’m shocked that – in eight years of making comics – I didn’t think of it sooner.
And if you’re under the impression that seeing a triple feature of Gulliver’s Travels, Yogi Bear and Little Fockers won’t leave you feeling hung over in the morning, you are free to test your skepticism in at your local multiplex. WILL YOU RISK IT?
In reality, our New Year’s Eve was pretty mild at the Brazelton residence. Cami and I don’t care for big parties. We went to Times Square to ring in 2004 and that kind of put us off New Year’s Eve celebrations for the rest of our lives.
Instead, we stayed close to the house, put Pearl to bed at 6:00, played Chutes and Ladders with Henry before putting him to bed, enjoyed a mixed drink, watched Andy Cohen’s “Wig Drop” on Bravo (still not sure how I got talked into watching that) and promptly went to bed at 12:01 AM.
But, hey. We’re old! What do you want?
At any rate, I hope everyone else had a safe and happy new year. Personally, I’m feeling very optimistic about 2011. Looking over the last two years of my life, I’m feeling a little bit impervious. Lost a job in 2009, lost friends and family members, suffered unemployment for a year, had a baby, found a job, moved into a new house and finished my Master’s degree.
If 2009 and 2010 couldn’t crush my spirit, what hope does 2011 have? Now is the time to assert my dominance, take 2011 over my knee and spank the ever-loving crap out of it. 2011 is MY year. Anyone else want a piece of the action?
I thought so. Let’s do this.
Happy New Year, one and all. If you’re feeling so bold, why don’t you tell us in the comments how you celebrated and what you’re planning to do in 2011 to make things great. I’m looking forward to your replies!
Do you guys remember that comic I owed you last week, but that totally didn’t happen? Well, here it is.
I don’t have a very good excuse for you. I think this is the second time since I announced the comic was ending in January that I’ve missed a week – which is especially stupid when you consider that I only have 10 more weeks to wrap this up.
But, as I did previously, I made up for the missing comic with a few weeks of double comics. I think the same will have to be true here. 10 comics won’t be enough to get me where I want to go before the end of the strip.
I suppose a little planning could have prevented that. But, truthfully, I kind of wanted to run over a little bit. I wanted an excuse to make more comics.
I still plan on ending on August 6. What I’m saying is that you’ll probably get more than 10 comics between now and then.
As you might remember, two weeks ago I went to the Minneapolis SpringCon which was – ostensibly – the last convention appearance I plan on making.
It was a really good show. I managed to turn a profit, which is not always easy for me at a mid-sized show. So I close out my convention career with two in the win column – C2E2 and SpringCon.
Probably the best part of going to SpringCon for me was getting a chance to see my good friends Zach Miller, Mitch Clem and Gordon McAlpin.
I can’t remember the last time I saw Mitch. It’s probably been at least 4 or 5 years. Maybe the same amount of time for Zach. But as we got to hang around each other for a little bit, we immediately feel into a groove, laughing and having a blast. I got a chance to hang out with them, Gordon and his lovely girlfriend Karyn on Saturday night and it was wonderful.
I’m usually not very good about taking pictures while I’m away at shows. I take more pictures of things than I do of people. I don’t know if you’re like me, but I get really self-conscious taking pictures of others. Like I’m spying on them, or something, and I don’t want them to know about it. I really hate asking others to take pictures of me with someone else. The pictures rarely turn out the way I want them to anyway.
That said, thank Steve Jobs for the reversible camera on the iPhone. It gave me the ability to take this picture – and the more I think about it, the more it’s probably one of my favorites from my “career” in webcomics.
When push comes to shove, these are some of the best friends I’ve been fortunate enough to make in webcomics. I would have never met them without Theater Hopper. It’s hard for me to look at a photo like that and not get a little melancholy.
I’m certain that I’ll keep in touch with all of them. Just because I’m ending the comic doesn’t mean the friendships have to end. But going to SpringCon a couple of weeks ago and understanding what that means for me personally kind of compartmentalizes the relationships a little bit. I’m leaving a part of myself behind – and that’s always kind of sad.
At any rate, that kind of brings us all up to speed. If you could help share this week’s comic to let your friends know that we’ve updated, I’d appreciate it.
Cami and I are having a huge garage on Thursday (which is also part of the reason this comic has been so late – we’ve been busy preparing.) So I don’t know if I’ll be able to get to another comic this week. But with any luck, I’ll be able to knock out a few more in the coming weeks. Be on the lookout for those.
Thanks for your patience! We’re entering the home stretch!