For those of you purchasing posters, thank you – the response has been great! I wanted to clue you in on a little bit of information.
The poster count you see telling you how many posters are left does not update itself dynamically after a purchase has been made. Those numbers have to be changed manually by me and then uploaded back to the site. It was my intention to make those changes at the end of each day.
If you’re curious about which numbered poster in the series you will receive, that information will be included in the e-mail notification I will send once the item has been shipped out.
Once again, sincere thanks to those who have purchased their posters. You’re helping to make this project a great success!
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May 1, 2003 | THAT WAS FAST! |
Jan 23, 2006 | LIKE A HEART ATTACK |
I’ve received a few e-mails asking how much shipping will be to places like Canada or the UK. Of course, being the xenophobic, egocentric American that I am, I gave no consideration to the cost of shipping outside of the U.S.
…and this just days after my “Gee golly whiz!” post about getting hits from Zimbabwe.
Right now, I’m kind of playing things by ear. A couple of the orders that came in today were from other countries, so I’m going to see what my local post office says about sending packages to them. I can’t imagine sending something to Toronto could cost that much more than sending it to Minneapolis. But I could be wrong.
If it turns out the cost is much more, I may as those of you outside the country to pass along a couple extra bucks to cover the cost. Remember, the posters are $5, but the shipping and handling is $2. I need your help in getting these fine posters to you!
Thank you for your patience. This is a new thing for me, so I’m kind of picking up tricks as I go!
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Feb 24, 2010 | SEND A PICTURE, GET 25% OFF! |
Oct 31, 2005 | LAST DAY |
Jul 6, 2005 | I NEED YOUR HELP |
Sales of the posters have been pretty brisk – 16 in the first day! If we keep going at this rate, we’ll be out of stock by the end of the week!
If you haven’t purchased a poster yet, don’t get discouraged that the lower numbers are already gone. Remember, there are only 100 of these. So that means, if you buy one, you’ll be one of only 100 people IN THE WORLD who has a signed and numbered poster from Theater Hopper.
Maybe when this is all said and done, the 100 of you can get together for some kind of class reunion? Well, maybe not. But it’s still a pretty exclusive club!
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May 17, 2004 | PROOF OF SUCCESS |
Aug 27, 2003 | VOTE AND ADVERTISE! |
Oct 24, 2005 | DON’T FORGET! |
You know you’ve really “made it” in web comics when your merchandise starts showing up on fictional characters like in today’s Aikida. You’ll notice that the lead character is wearing the ever-classy “Pimp Tom” t-shirt. And believe me, there isn’t any more valuable real estate in web comics.
If “Pimp Tom” is good enough for Aikida, isn’t it good enough for you?
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Mar 14, 2005 | T-SHIRT IDEA |
Boy, I’m Mr. Post-Happy today, aren’t I?
I just wanted to let you guys know that our printer sent me a notification that shirts from the mid-May pre-order have been shipped!
I’m watching things very closely with the help of my UPS tracking number and everything should be at my house on June 6. That means I’ll be mailing them all out that week and hopefully you’ll see them before June 13! Thanks to everyone who has been patiently waiting for their shirts to arrive.
Just a note to those of you still interested in purchasing a tee shirt or baby doll, I ordered a bunch of extras this time around, so it’s more than likely I’ll have your size IN STOCK and ready to ship right away. If that sounds good to you, swing by the store and place an order today!
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Apr 20, 2009 | NEW SHIRT PRE-ORDER |
Oct 24, 2005 | DON’T FORGET! |
Apr 27, 2009 | RANKING |
As I’ve mentioned earlier, I will be going to Wizard World Chicago August 4 -7. If you come looking for me, I’ll be in booth 9131-A – in between my good buddies Joe from Digital Pimp Online, Zach from Joe and Monkey and Mitch from Nothing Nice to Say. I’m really excited about this because I’ve joined forces with nearly a dozen other web comic creators and we’ve reserved a block of tables together on artist’s alley. It’s going to be great. And hopefully we’ll draw a little more attention to our online genre by showing strength in numbers.
However, my trip to The Windy City is now in jeopardy and I need your help.
As you are aware, Cami and I will be moving to our new home on Tuesday, July 12. Due to some unforeseen/unplanned for expenses relating to the closing costs and moving the moving of all our crap to our new home, pretty much all of the savings I’ve gathered from advertising and merchandise sales in the last year have to be diverted AWAY from the site and into the purchase of our new house.
There’s a chance that I can scrounge up the cash I need for Chicago on my own, but with your help, I can do it faster. I need your help because after we close on the house, I’m only going to have about two weeks to get the money together that I need to pay for the hotel room, gas and food for 3 days and 4 night. Sure it would be nice to have a little “walking around” money to spend on the convention floor. But at this point I’m more concerned with being able to foot the bill for the necessities. I’ve already made a commitment to going to Wizard World Chicago. Both to myself and to others. I’m not about to walk away from it now that I’m so close. I’m asking for your help so I can meet my goal.
I’M NOT LOOKING FOR HANDOUTS. If you want to donate, that’s cool. I will reward you appropriately for your generosity. In fact, there are odds that I will probably start doing portraits for donations again to help make ends meet. Look for updated information about that soon.
What I’m asking of you is to help support the site by purchasing a t-shirt, baby doll tee, hoodie, button pack or poster. These are things I already have in stock and am ready to ship out. These are already proven sellers. What I need is a concentrated influx of orders from you guys to help me recover my loss. You’ll be getting exactly what you paid for and helping me at the same time. In fact, you’ll be DOUBLY helping me. Because if I can thin out my inventory, that’s going to be less stuff we need to move! Don’t you feel better already.
If you’re feeling extra bold, purchasing some advertising would probably be the quickest way to ammend my situation. Feel free to place orders for spots out into the future. I have an ad tracking system that will keep everything organized and will make sure your ad displays on time. Those ad spots to the right of the comic up there have been kind of lonely for a while, now that I think about it… If you’re thinking about spending your advertising dollar with us, I think you’ll find our prices very fair.
If you’ve ever thought about purchasing a t-shirt, baby doll tee, hoodie, button pack or poster and have procrastinated for any reason, I’m asking you to PLEASE reconsider now. I would grately appreciate it and it would help get me out of a real tight spot. If you’re wondering what item might be best, the button packs are a good place to start. They’re already pre-packaged and easy to mail. I can get those out the door as soon as I get your order. Plus, they are very affordably priced, so you won’t feel the same financial sting that I’m feeling right now.
I feel a little bit of shame asking you guys to help pull this together for me. But as I’ve come to know you as an audience, you’ve been nothing if not patient and fair. Even if it’s not possible for you to contribute at this time, just the fact that you come to the site every Monday, Wednesday and Friday is enough to keep me going. As always, thank you for your continued support. It has been and will always be sincerely appreciated.
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Apr 27, 2009 | RANKING |
I’m just putting this out there to see how many fish bite, but I think I need to hire a programmer to help me do some behind-the-scenes stuff with the site. I have friends who are resources who do great work, but there’s been some stuff I’ve wanted to do with the store and the archive that have been collecting dust for the last few years that I really want to get a move on.
If this has piqued your interest, e-mail me and we can discuss it. I don’t have a lot of money to spend, but money could be involved. Maybe a little free merchandise or a custom sketch. Whatever it takes. I’d like to throw in a couple of barter items if possible.
Basically, I need something to help me track inventory in the store as well as something that will display that same information on the front end.
In regards to the archive, I need a search engine that can help people find the comics that they’re looking for. People have asked me for this feature for a while. I kind of brushed it off because I was still able to find comics I was looking for when I would troll through there. Now, 450+ comics later, it’s not so easy.
I have a few ideas. Let’s talk it out.
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Jan 23, 2006 | LIKE A HEART ATTACK |
Jun 15, 2007 | RSS HELP |
Apr 17, 2009 | ALTERING THE RSS |
Okay, I mentioned in the earlier rant-heavy blog that there was some important news regarding the store. No reason to beat around the bush, so here it is:
At midnight Monday, October 31 I will remove t-shirts, hoodies and baby doll tees from the store. At which time "Truman in a Purse," "Under Construction" and "Emerging" will be discontinued, never to be printed again. Sales on the remaining designs will be suspended for an undetermined amount of time. When these areas of the store are re-opened, the remaining shirts might end up redesigned, so if you want a shirt in this style, now is the time to buy. Sales of posters, buttons, and the DVD will continue during this time.
The motivation for this is two fold. The first reason is because I am currently behind on fulfilling orders. Of the items I have in stock, everything has been sent out. However, there are still many orders left over where I do not have the right size in the right design or what have you.
I am in the situation where I have these several orders left over, but not enough to warrant a complete restock from the printer. It is my hope that with this final push I will accumulate enough orders to raise my position so I can meet the printer’s minimum order requirements.
The second reason is because I want to burn through what inventory I have left and start fresh with the store. That means retiring some designs and coming out with new ones. So if you ever wanted "Truman in a Purse," you have until October 31 to order it. After that, it will be gone forever.
I realise that there are many of you who are perhaps younger and don’t have access to PayPal or a credit card. If that is the case, please send me an e-mail and we can discuss alternate methods of payment. I’m fairly receptive to whatever works for you and want to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to get the shirt they want.
That’s pretty much the long and short of it. Hopefully this will generate some interest and we can get these shirts out the door!
As always, thanks for your support. I never expected that I would be able to sell t-shirts that featured my ideas or my artwork and it has been a certain joy to bring this to you.
Best wishes, all.
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Oct 31, 2005 | LAST DAY |
Apr 27, 2009 | BUNDLE BLUNDER |
Apr 20, 2009 | NEW SHIRT PRE-ORDER |
Apr 22, 2003 | STATUS, MR. SULU! |
Nov 23, 2005 | SHIRTS ARE IN! |
I want to make sure that everyone knows that this is the last week for you guys to buy any t-shirts, hoodies or baby-doll tees from the store. Come October 31, I’m closing that part of the store down.
"Truman in a Purse," "Under Construction" and "Emerging" are all designs that are going to be retired. So after next Monday, that’s it. You won’t see them ever again.
As far as the other designs, I’m not sure when I’m going to bring them back. Maybe they’ll be back by the end of the year, maybe not. Once I wrap things up on Monday, I’m shifting focus into producing a book for Theater Hopper that collects the first year of strips. I can’t manage the distraction of ordering and distributing shirts, which is the reason behind this closure.
Additionally, I think I want to explore other options in terms of how the store is set up. I’m talking on the back end here. The coding. The method by which money and order details are delivered to yours truly. So I’ll have to do some research on that and it’s going to take time.
Lastly, when I eventually bring it all back online, I want there to be some new designs in there for you to choose from rather than peddling the same old wares. I want you to have something to look forward to. Save your money now.
Ultimately, all of this is going to take time. So take advantage of this last-chance opportunity. Place your orders today.
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Jan 25, 2006 | YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME |
Mar 31, 2004 | BIG NEWS!!! |
Feb 24, 2010 | SEND A PICTURE, GET 25% OFF! |
As mandated by the previous blog, I’m back to deliver another message of great importance.
I’m sure all interested parties know by now that I will cease to sell all t-shirts, hoodies and baby doll tees on Monday, October 31. Some of these designs will be retired. If you have a hankering for ANY of these items, now is the time to buy them. I don’t know when they will be coming back.
All of this is being done in an effort to meet the minimum order requirements of my printer and also to make one last big push that might help me to burn through some of my old inventory.
I know some of you are sad that these items won’t be available in the store for a while, but don’t be. Taking care of this aspect of my merchandising is going to free up my time so that I can concentrate on bringing you guys not one, not two, but THREE new books next year that catalogue the first year of Theater Hopper’s existence.
It might be kind of dumb to suspend apparel sales right before the holidays, but that’s just the kind of moron I am. So if you think you know someone that would appreciate a Theater Hopper hoodie, you have until Monday to make your purchase!
Thanks again to everyone who has already ordered and those who are soon to order. I appreciate your help and support!
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Jun 1, 2005 | SHIRTS ARE A’COMIN’! |
Sep 10, 2003 | HEY, KID! WANNA BUY AN AD? |
Oct 24, 2005 | DON’T FORGET! |