I know that technically Bulletproof Monk came out on Wednesday, but if the reviews are any indication, not many of you are running out to see it. That’s why I can make a joke about it today and pass it off a relevant content!
Some of you may not know, but Bulletproof Monk is based of a comic book. The premise is pure Saturday afternoon cheese. Opening in 1943 Tibet, Nazi’s come looking for a sacred scroll that will imbue whoever reads it with unimaginable power.
But every 60 years, the scroll is assigned a protector who takes on supernatural powers from his trainer that keeps him from aging and, essentially, bulletproof.
But, of course, like any good premise, Hollywood has to muck it up by throwing in Sean William Scott, AKA Stiffler from the American Pie movies. So evident is the bad casting in this respect that you can see it from space. The less said, the better.
Still, it WOULD be funny to watch Stiffler pull the old “semen in your beer” trick on Chow Yun Fat. Just for the expression on his face.
Good news, gang! Posters are back from the printer! And because you’ve all been so good, I’m unveiling the FULL DESIGN there on your right. That’s what the bad boy will look like, and you can take it home with you starting Monday!
That’s right! On Monday I’ll start taking orders, so be sure to check the site early so you can get one of the lower numbers in the 100 print run. Once again, I can’t stress enough, once they are gone THEY’RE GONE! I WON’T REMAKE THESE!
Each poster will be signed and numbered by me and I would be happy to include a personal message on your poster or otherwise on a separate letter. Each poster will be rolled up and mailed in an INDESTRUCTIBLE cardboard tube to prevent damage.
The only glitch now is finding a place that sells them in bulk. Most office supply stores only carry a dozen or so at a time, but that shouldn’t be difficult to get around.
Expect full details regarding payment, shipping and the remaining nitty-gritty on Monday. Demand looks to be pretty high, so be sure and check the site EARLY!
Beyond that, I plan on kicking back and taking it easy this weekend. Here’s hoping you have a great Easter/Passover as well!
First up, major props to everyone for helping put Theater Hopper into the TOP 10 AT TOP WEB COMICS! There are simply no words to express my sincere appreciation for your support. I put out the call, you guys answered. You rock.
Second issue. I saw American Wedding last night. It sucked. I didn’t laugh once. Stiffler was really getting on my nerves. Every time he popped up on screen, I keep thinking “He needs to take it from a 10 to a 5.” More on this later.
Lastly, I stumbled across a link to a LiveJournal site from my referral logs called Grammar Whores (replies and comments can be found here). Although complimentary to the comic, I’m basically being called to task for the horrible grammar and spelling in these blogs. In fact, the author goes so far as to suggest you skip reading these blogs altogether.
I’m calling your attention to this for a couple of reasons:
One. I happen to really enjoy these blogs and I think they are an important component to the site. They compliment the strips, and I think they’re fun to read. I don’t want anyone skipping over them if I can help it.
Two. Having your poor grammar and spelling pointed out in a public forum is a lot like someone telling you your fly is down at a big party or broccoli in your teeth when you’re meeting the President. It’s embarassing, it shouldn’t have happened, but there it is.
So here is what I propose. If you spot any spelling or grammar errors in these blogs, PLEASE NOTIFY ME. I would rather go back and correct it than have my stupidity hanging out on the internet for all to see. I think it’s important to be proactive about this. It’s far more effective than talking behind someone’s back.
Just so everyone understands how I work, I often don’t write my blogs until after I’ve completed the strip. I’ve probably been sitting at my computer for the last two hours doing so, and anything that comes out after that is usually very hurried and off the cuff – largely because I just want to go to bed.
Again, it shouldn’t happen that way, but there you go.
Let me know where we’re at, and the site will be better for it. Thanks.
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