Just a few quick things.
I had a chance to see the posters and these things are swiggity sweet! The material is high quality and the art is wonderful of course Don’t think that Tom is just tooting his horn about these things. These are a gift to you! (Note: You still have to pay.)
Don’t kick your own ass later because you didn’t get one ordered in time, these are limited and it looks like the demand is pretty high. Plus, future merchandise depends upon the success of this art. I for one feel that this is important. Hopefully you love Theater Hopper as much as I do, share the love!
On another note, I watched Dirty Work again the other night. Did you know this film was directed by Bob Saget? Weird. Although this movie didn’t receive glorious reviews, I think it is darn funny. That’s right… Darn!
Anyway, have a kickin’ weekend and don’t forget to order a poster on Monday!
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For those of you purchasing posters, thank you – the response has been great! I wanted to clue you in on a little bit of information.
The poster count you see telling you how many posters are left does not update itself dynamically after a purchase has been made. Those numbers have to be changed manually by me and then uploaded back to the site. It was my intention to make those changes at the end of each day.
If you’re curious about which numbered poster in the series you will receive, that information will be included in the e-mail notification I will send once the item has been shipped out.
Once again, sincere thanks to those who have purchased their posters. You’re helping to make this project a great success!
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Sales of the posters have been pretty brisk – 16 in the first day! If we keep going at this rate, we’ll be out of stock by the end of the week!
If you haven’t purchased a poster yet, don’t get discouraged that the lower numbers are already gone. Remember, there are only 100 of these. So that means, if you buy one, you’ll be one of only 100 people IN THE WORLD who has a signed and numbered poster from Theater Hopper.
Maybe when this is all said and done, the 100 of you can get together for some kind of class reunion? Well, maybe not. But it’s still a pretty exclusive club!
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Feb 24, 2010 | SEND A PICTURE, GET 25% OFF! |
As most of you are aware, next week I will be attending the Minnesota FallCon in the lovely city of St. Paul (soon I’ll be placing a banner to this effect so you’ll NEVER FORGET!)
But it dawned on me that probably 90% of the people at this con aren’t going to know who I am. I’d better pack some materials to introduce people to Theater Hopper.
What I plan on doing is just printing out a few strips and placing them in a binder for people to flip through when they stop by. Here’s where I need your help:
Help me pick which strips to include!
I think I have a pretty good idea what is funny and what isn’t, but often I get messages from people telling me “That strip was hilarious!” or “That strip was lame” and find myself diametrically opposed. So I’ve decided to remove myself from the process of selection.
If you can e-mail me your favorite strips or storylines, that would be great. If you’re interested in leaving feedback in the forum, there’s a thread already in place for that. Thanks!
Phase Two of my convention plan: Merchandising.
At the convention, I plan on selling two posters. The cast shot that I am currently selling at the site, and a BRAND NEW poster that visitors to the con will take first crack at.
It’s entirely possible that I could sell out of the first poster because there are only 30 left. So if it ever occurred to you to buy one of our first edition posters, now is the time to do it before they’re all gone. If I sell out at the convention, you’ll be S.O.L. because they will never again be reproduced.
If you’d like to order a poster, click here for more information.
This is one half of the news I wanted to give you. Check back a little later for some info about some possible downtime Theater Hopper could experience.
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Later this evening I plan on seeing 3:10 to Yuma. Or, as I like to refer to it, “The Movie I Didn’t Know I Was Looking Forward To.”
Between it’s leads Christian Bale and Russell Crowe, this film has serious acting pedigree. Plus, it’s good to see Crowe playing a ruthless bad-ass after what seems like years of playing lightweights. I think that wine movie he made with Ridley Scott was kind of a wake-up call.
This is completely off track, but I’ve been growing a beard since about last week and for some reason, I feel the 7-day scruff is apt for viewing 3:10 to Yuma. Basically, I neglected to shave over the holiday weekend, kind of liked what I saw and said to myself “Let’s see how long we can keep this going!” Cami hates it, though. She wanted me to shave it off three days ago.
As much as I love my wife and as much as I want her to find me attractive, I’ve kept the beard because, for some strange reason, I think it’s going to add authenticity to my movie-going experience. This is pretty much the warped head-space I live in 24/7.
At any rate, I had some information shared with me about a 3:10 to Yuma poster charity auction and I thought I would pass it along to you guys. If you’re interested, Lionsgate has three posters signed by by Russell Crowe, Christian Bale, Peter Fonda, Ben Foster, James Mangold, and Cathy Konrad benefiting The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation. The winning bidders will receive studio certified posters signed by the cast and filmmakers along with a signed letter verifying their authenticity. Auctions will continue through the film’s opening weekend.
If that sounds like something you’re interested in and you’d like your chance at owning a piece of authentic movie memorbilia, click here!
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I suppose if you were to dissect the marketing for Good Luck Chuck, you could technically categorize it as a success. I mean, for as infantile and unfunny as the movie posters are, they are eye-catching. Eye-catching in the sense that you can’t believe the hint of felatio is considered acceptable advertising.
I don’t mean to get all puritanical on you, but I fail to see how the posters have anything to do with the movie they’re schilling for. Nevermind the B.J. posters. Have you seen the completely non-sensical “parody of the famous John Lennon/Yoko Ono Rolling Stone cover? It doesn’t even look like Dane Cook and Jessica Alba were in the same room together, let alone Cook cradled on top of her. I can smell a Photoshop job a mile away.
Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised. The television advertising can’t seem to get the message straight, either.
If you look up the plot synopsis over at IMDB, Good Luck Chuck is about a guy (Cook) who is unlucky in love. That is until he finds out that a string of ex-girlfriends ended up finding the men they ended up marrying shortly after breaking up with him. Word spreads and women are knocking down his door for casual sex so they can get on with their lives and find the man of their dreams. In essense, he becomes their “good luck charm.” Hence, Good Luck Chuck.
A real charmer of a plot, isn’t it? It’s like a modern update of The Philadelphia Story.
The movie’s B-plot has to do with a woman Cook’s character meets (Alba) who is the walking epitome of Murphy’s Law. Anything that can go wrong with this woman will. But Chuck falls for her and doesn’t want to sleep with her out of fear that she’ll leave and marry the next guy she meets.
Okay, points for setting up an unique conflict. Although I’m sure the movie will betray it’s tawdriness with a sugar coated ending – “I’m such bad luck, the curse must not affecft me! Tee hee!” End credits.
So that’s the story in a nutshell, right? You wouldn’t know it by looking at the ads. Watch closely. Every one of them is either about making fun of fat girls, “hilarious” prat falls or Jessica Alba’s skirt being torn off in a car door. *GASP!* To me it comes off a much more mean and derivitive version of The Wedding Crashers. Take a goofball premise, sex it up, but leave out all the charm.
I know I’m being snotty about this, but I’m making a stand. Look, I’m all for boob jokes, I’m all for Jessica Alba in tiny underwear. I’m all for an honest-to-goodness R-rated comedy that doesn’t pull any punches.
But at the same time, I’m not an idiot and that’s what I feel like the ads and posters for this movie treat me as. Be ribald – go for it! But don’t shove it in my face. Don’t make the core of your marketing effort all about that. It makes you look desperate… and sad. It makes me think there isn’t a brain in this thing. Maybe there doesn’t need to be. But if you’re going to entice me to shell out my hard-earned dough, don’t lob me softballs. Pretend for a minute that I’m not a dumb as you think I am. I appreciate wit, not smut. Or even witty smut. If I wanted that, I’d read Maxim Magazine. It’d be a hell of a lot cheaper and I wouldn’t have to embarass myself in public.
So, yeah. I’m not seeing Good Luck Chuck this weekend.
That’s about all I’ve got for you. Keep your eyes and ears open next week. I’ve got a stack of free DVDs I’m going to be giving away and not just on Monday’s Triple Feature talkcast. I’ve got so many, I’m going to be giving them away THROUGHOUT the week and I’m coming up will all sorts of fun activities for you that can put you in the running.
Hey, who doesn’t love free crap?
That’s all for now. Have a great weekend!
You know, I was working on a big blog post this morning to talk about Monsters Vs. Aliens, but my browser crashed before I could post it, so I lost everything.
I’m kind of frustrated at the moment, so I’ll give you the Cliff’s Notes version instead:
- I used to think Dreamworks Animation sucked.
- Kung-Fu Panda changed my mind about that.
- Now I’m really looking forward to Monsters Vs. Aliens.
I know that doesn’t give you a lot to hang your hat on in terms of discussion, but I was literally just about to hit the “SEND” button when I lost the whole thing. So I’m just gonna roll with this.
I think I might be back a little later in the day with some more news. But in the meantime, let’s see if we can generate some conversation around Monsters Vs. Aliens. Are you guys excited for it? Dare I say I might be anticipating this one a little more than I was Watchmen! It just looks fun! Leave your comments below!