Some of you may have noticed that I’ve added a couple of new elements to the site.
The most obvious addition to the site is the new banner ad up at the top asking you to buy a poster. Looks like it’s working. I’ve already received two orders today.
Which begs the question “What are you waiting for?” With the new banner ad in place to spur sales, it’s only a matter of time before we run out. Do you really want to be one of those people? And by “those people”, I mean the individuals who didn’t purchase a poster and were made fun of throughout eternity! Get on it!
Oh, and just as an aside. For those of you concerned that the space at the top of the page will become a spot for advertising… well, I haven’t ruled it out. But I’m not hooking up with UGO or or anything. It’ll be a strictly personal affair where I will promote other artists and web toons. That is IF I decide to go that route. In the meantime, it’s just a spot reserved for me to hock my cheesy wares.
Anyway, back on track. The other new feature you mave have noticed is the new webcam page. Basically, it’s just a living archive of the cam images I have floating out around the net.
You can find my ugly mug in a few places, but the majority of these cam images revolve around specific events at Hot Buttered Funk – my portal and forum community of choice. So if you’re looking at them and can’t figure out what they reference, that’s why.
I just thought it would be a fun thing to look at as I usually put in a little time and effort to make sure my images stand out. Be sure to check in on the archive every once in a while as I probably update it at least once or twice a week. And if you have a moment, check out Hot Buttered Funk. It’s a fun place to go after school. Kind of like the YMCA, but with more swearing.
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Apr 23, 2007 | IMPORTANT NEWS |
You’re going to want to visit our new advertiser O’Deer Comics. They’ve advertised with us before. The only difference between now and the last time I mentioned them in this space is that their comic has only gotten better. Funnier and more detail in the drawings. Check it out.
Also, you only have a few hours left to bid on the hand-made Theater Hopper dolls that Cami put together. You’ll kick yourself in the morning if you let these one-of-a-kind creations go to someone else.
Lastly, I haven’t heard back from Amazing Spider-Man artist Mike Deodato. I tried sending him an e-mail, but I’m not sure if he received it. You might recall the reason why I wanted to get in touch with him if you read last Wednesday’s blog.
If anyone knows of a way to contact him directly, please let me know!
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Jan 14, 2011 | COSTUME NEWS |
Jul 5, 2004 | TAKE US HOME WITH YOU! |
October 15th, 2008 | by Tom

(6 votes, average: 8.83 out of 10)
On paper, the plot for Sex Drive sounds like a mix between Superbad and Road Trip. Really not unlike any teenage sex-romp written in the last 50 years. It’s all about losing your virginity, man. It’s crazy the amount of emphasis our culture puts on it.
That said, if your plot was as rote as “high school senior steals his brother’s car to hook up with a girl he met on the internet,” you’d probably do everything in your power to differentiate yourself from your thematic predecessors. Certainly the poster for Sex Drive does the trick. Beyond the title – which is a dead give away – everything about it obscures what the movie is about. It works. It’s eye-catching. Josh Zuckerman in that bizarre donut / bandito costume in front of a white background… the image sticks with you.
Incidentally, Zuckerman played the young Dr. Evil in Austin Powers: Goldmember a few years back. He got great notices for that impersonation and has had plenty of television and movie work since then. I just think it’s funny how that stuff comes around.
I don’t know why, but I think Zuckerman has the chops. That moment in the trailer when he’s in the costume, having a conversation with Clarke Duke and he’s operating the mouth…
“Why ya’ gotta work the mouth when you talk to me?”
“Sorry. It’s a… it’s a habit.”
The shame in his voice. That line delivery gets me every time.
I guess there was a sneak preview for Sex Drive on Saturday night. I didn’t get to see it, but my pal Joe Dunn did. He said maybe they don’t push the envelope with the humor as far as they should, but the characters are spot on – and that’s pretty much the reason I wanted to see it anyway. So it’s a win-win. I don’t think Cami is all that interested in this one, though. She’s of a very persistent political mindset right now and wants to see W. this weekend. So we’ll probably see that together and then I’ll sneak out of the house later to watch Sex Drive on my own. Hey! Another win-win!
That’s all I’ve got for today. But in case you missed it, I reviewed the recent DVD release of The Foot Fist Way and posted it on the site yesterday – so be sure to check that out.
Have a great Wednesday, everyone!
Perhaps today’s comic tries a little to hard to tie itself to the historic events of yesterday’s inauguration of President Barack Obama. His appointment to Leader of the Free World really has little to do with a Brandon Fraser movie. But what is the web if not an opportunity to stay timely with your content? Plus, it’s history and I’m a big Presidential history fan. So why not?
Not to over-explain the joke, but the significance of President Obama’s inauguration is such a game-changer socially, politically and racially that it might not be uncommon for people to look for profound meaning and significance in other facets of their lives where there might not be any.
I am a big Obama fan (I voted for him during the Iowa Caucuses). But there have been critics who chastize his supporters for putting him on a pedestal and treating him like some kind of Messiah. Not to be a Negative Nancy, but I agree with that a little bit. Obviously the ripple effect of Obama taking the Oath of Office is HUGE. But let’s not raise him up to far, too fast. Let’s give the man some room to work. Let’s also not forget to roll up our sleves and help.
As far as Inkheart goes, I don’t know what to make of it except that Brandon Fraser seems to be stuck in some kind of fantasy/action ghetto career-wise at the moment. Between Inkheart, Journey to the Center of the Earth and The Mummy: Tomb of The Dragon Emperor, we’ve seen a lot of Fraser and his wigs with the weird bangs running away from special effects. Either he must be REALLY good on a green screen or he owes someone money. Wasn’t this guy in Crash a few years ago? What happened there?
In case you are unfamiliar with the plot, Fraser plays a Mo “Silvertongue” Folchart (oy…) who can bring fictional characters to life by reading aloud from their books. Adventure ensues.
Let me say this: In terms of movies that make reading the fulcrum point of their plot, there’s only one movie worth talking about, okay? And that movie is The Never Ending Story.
Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently.
If you’ve been following me on Twitter the last couple of days, you’ll know that I was inspired by my friend Gordon McAlpin’s excellent parody poster for Memento that I finally got off my rear end and put together a parody poster for Iron Man that I’ve been thinking about for months.
I think it turned out pretty well…

I’m proud enough of my work that I’m printing up 50 copies and plan on selling them as 11 x 17″ prints at Chicago Comic-Con this weekend. We’ll see how they do. If I have any left over, I’ll sell them here. If the demand is high enough, I’ll print up more! Either way, I thought you guys might like to see it.
Don’t forget: I’ll be at Artist Alley table #3414. Please come by and see me. I’ll be selling copies of both books, all of my t-shirts, the Iron Man parody poster and original sketches.
I look forward to Chicago Comic-Con all year and with the stars aligning between the convention, our 7th anniversary and 1,000 comics… I think this is going to be a good show for me.
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First things first. The Kickstarter fund raising campaign for Theater Hopper: Year Three. You know the drill. I really, really, REALLY need your support! We have less than a month to raise $2,000, so please pledge today!
As an extra incentive, I am giving away my DVD copy of Monsters, Inc. along with some custom artwork to one lucky person once we cross the $1,500 milestone and right now we’re $50 away from that goal! That means if you pledge $50 right now, you have a 1 in 40 chance of winning! Those are good odds!
If you would like to see what the finished artwork looks like, check out this update I posted on the Kickstarter campaign site. I also threw a camera over my shoulder and shot a time-lapse video of me creating the artwork. So, if nothing else, you can spend a couple of minutes watching that. I threw in some very relevant, very peppy music with the video to help keep you entertained!
Again, I can’t stress this enough, I REALLY need your support on this book. Even if it’s a dollar. If everyone who visits the site each day pledged one dollar, we’d have this campaign in the bag. Please pledge today!
Now, back to your regularly scheduled blog!
Yesterday, Paramount Pictures released the teaser poster and four publicity stills for Iron Man 2. If you haven’t seen them yet, let me get out of your way so you can take a look.

I’m loving this teaser poster. It’s such an improvement over the teaser poster for the original Iron Man. Which, if you remember, kept much of the armor in shadow to whet our appetites for what we would see on screen.
Well, now we have a pretty good idea what the armor looks like from the first movie, so why not put it front and center in glorious color on the second one?
Oh, what’s this? You’ve brought a friend? He’s a little bit shy, isn’t he? We’re only going to get to see the side of his face? That’s okay! I know who you are, War Machine, you rascal!
I can’t tell you how excited I am to see War Machine on the poster for this movie. It let’s you know right off the bat how prominently the character will be utilized in the second film. That’s good news for die-hard Iron Man fans like myself. I just hope the focus stays in that realm. Because, frankly, I’m a little worried that they might be packing too much into the sequel.
Between Scartlet Johansen as Black Widow, Mickey Rourke as Whiplash and Sam Rockwell as Tony Stark’s business rival Justin Hammer, I hope there is enough time left over for a big throw down between Iron Man and War Machine. This, of course, before the eventual team-up that takes down the big bad guy.
As a director, I think Jon Favreau has a pretty keen sense of what fans want to see. I’m optimistic. But Sam Ramii knocked it out of the park with Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 before the major let down that was Spider-Man 3. So anything is possible.
Paramount releasing these images now lends strong support to the rumor that the teaser trailer for Iron Man 2 will appear in front of Sherlock Holmes when the movie is released December 25. Things will be crazy for me around that time since the baby will be born on the 10th. But I’m hoping maybe Cami and I can leave the kids with grandma and grandpa for a couple of hours so we can sneak out to see it.
If we manage to do so, my next concern will not be succumbing to a lack of sleep in a darkened theater!
Speaking of the baby, as I said, she’ll be here in a little over a week. Obviously, we’re over the moon about it. Originally, the idea was that I would take all of December off to give us time to prepare and then (of course) attend to the baby once she’s born.
I have a bunch of guest strips ready to go, but I think I’m going to put off posting them for just a little while longer. We’re pretty much ready to go on the home front and it makes more sense to build in a little extra time off after she arrives. So look for those guest strips in the next couple of weeks!
In the meantime, let’s talk about Iron Man 2! Are you guys as excited for this film as I am? Since the movie doesn’t come out until May 7, how long do you think you’ll be able to tolerate the marketing push before going insane? Does anyone have the number for a psychologist that can help with unhealthy obsessions?
Stop what you’re doing and look at this poster for Ferris Bueller’s Day Off designed by Joshua Budich.

I saw Budich’s work a couple of days ago over at Geek Tyrant and immediately fell in love with it. I’d love to get my hands on a copy, but they’ve only produced 75 copies for a John Hughes gallery show and aren’t available online. Bummer.
Looking at a poster like this and posters like those that show up at Mondo Tees from time to time totally make me want to try my hand at something similar. I’ve had it in mind for a long time and I’d like to try and apply this treatment to my very own Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy poster. Done right, I think the reaction would be huge.
One of these days, I have to find time to do it.
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Jun 16, 2003 | NEW ADDITIONS |
First, apologies for not getting this week’s comic to you in a timely manner. I have a bad habit of working on the comic the day before it’s “due.” A holdover from the period where I was updating 3 times a week and wanted the comics to be as timely as possible. I forget that I have a 6 day lead-time on these things now.
I tried working on the comic Sunday night, but Pearl has been teething terribly and not sleeping. Kind of hard to work on a comic when you have to climb out of the basement, up two flights of stairs to console an infant while your wife tries to sleep. So I scrapped it and said “Let’s try again Monday.”
Incidentally, Pearl is doing much better. She just had to get over the hump, I think.
At any rate, I thought I would experiment with the comic today and try something sans-dialogue. I almost wanted to leave out the “Smek! Smek!” in the last panel because 1.) I thought I had done an okay job of communicating that Tom was yawning in the first three panels and 2.) I’m not sure if anyone else has seen “Smek! Smek!” used as a sound effect for smacking one’s lips other than myself.
Whatever. It’s in there now. IT’S CANNON, BABY!
Not to boast, but I like today’s comic a lot because I think it works on two levels. It works as a visceral reaction to the gaping maw of the Ghost Face mask (which has always inspired me to yawn) and I think it also works as a critical indictment of the Scream franchise. That is to say, it’s boring.
I’m not a fan of horror movies in general, but I’ve seen all of the Scream movies and give them credit for bending the rules of the genre and doing something fresh with the teenager slasher flick. The amount of talent cultivated for the first movie is extremely impressive, considering how many of the actors from that movie went on to bigger and better things.
Scream 3 is kind of a throwaway, though. A billion cameos from C-listers lke Jenny McCarthy trying to hop on the gravy train. I mean, Jay and Silent Bob show up, for crying out loud. If you squint, it’s not entirely dissimilar from the Wayans’s Scary Movie franchise. It was a parody of its former self.
To that end, why are we revisiting the franchise over a decade later? Did Wes Craven learn nothing from New Nightmare?
What about you guys? Any interest in seeing Scream 4 this weekend? Pardon the pun, but perhaps some morbid curiosity as to where they can possibly take the franchise?
I’d go, but I think I’d be too depressed watching the last gasps of Neve Campbell’s and David Arquette’s careers swirl around in the drain of nostalgia.
If you have something to say about Scream 4 or the Scream franchise in general… I implore you!… Leave a comment below! Before I kill again!