So the first week of Theater Hopper has come to a close. I have to say it’s been a moderate success. Thanks to everyone who has visited the site. Here’s to many more hits in my counter. Er, I mean… laughs and ever-loving friendship! Yea, that’s the ticket!
Today’s strip is basically an indication of how badly my wife doesn’t want to see XXX.
That’s right, I said wife. I really haven’t made any attempt to explain it in the past, but like most strips, the characters are representative of real people in my life. The blond haired fella is supposed to be me, the woman (obviously) is my wife Cami. She asked to be in a strip and she got her wish.
The brown haired dude you saw in the last two strips was the toon alter-ego of my good friend Jared. As far as I know, he never asked to be immortalized in four-color glory, but sometimes life throws us curve balls, y’know?
Whether or not these are the names of the characters, I’ll leave that up to you to decide. I may end up giving them different names down the line – I may just leave them nameless. If you have an opinion in the matter, post it in the forums. Better still, you can now e-mail me at I finally got Microsoft Outlook to work, so I can now receive all your comments.
Speaking of which, if you have any suggestions on how to make the site better, I’m more than willing to listen. I’m thinking about adding a section underneath the blog area for movie news. If you can think of any other features I can add, send them in.
One last bit of business and then I’ll let you go about your merry way.
I’ve got to give major shout-outs to a few people who linked to me in their news blogs and for whom I would like to return the favor. Each of them run awesome strips and you need to check them out immediately.
Muchos gracias to:
Zach Miller of No Pants Tuesday
Zach of Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Mike and Aric of Fish Strips
Sean of Force Monkeys
Regular gracias to these fellas for being such extra nice guys:
Eric Drobile of Mall Monkeys
David Stanworth of Snafu
Carrington Vanston of Movie Punks
Most likely because I am an immature jerk (or possibly because I’m still riding high on puns after Monday’s comic), I kind of feel like I could have stopped after the first panel in this comic. I’ll leave it at that. I don’t want to spoil the joke for you.
Long-time readers of the comic know that this isn’t the first time I’ve explored the concept of porn parody titles. I don’t know why the idea entertains me so. I guess because it’s kind of adorably naive on the part of the pornography companies, isn’t it? Their idea is to make a movie that sounds KIND OF like the popular movie you ACTUALLY want to rent… in hopes of what? That you’re not looking closely enough? That you’re illiterate?
Or is the idea that this is as clever and self-referential as pornography gets? I don’t know. I just think it’s weird.
What’s even more weird is that this is the fifth (the FIFTH!) comic I’ve done about Kick-Ass without actually having seen the movie yet. I didn’t get a chance to check it out while I was in Chicago for C2E2 this weekend. So, hopefully, I’ll have the opportunity to see it Friday after everyone has gone to bed. Cami has no interest in seeing the film, so she won’t mind if I sneak out to watch a late showing.
Speaking of C2E2, I know I promised you my recap yesterday. It’s coming! I’m still working on it! I was working on it in between Pearl’s naps yesterday and just kept going and going and going. It’s over 2,000 words at this point, which is kind of crazy. But when you have a good experience like I had, you want to share all the details.
Stay tuned for that recap. It’s coming soon. Hopefully today.
That’s all for now! Ta-ta!