Hey, guys. Don’t forget to listen in to The Triple Feature talkcast tonight at 9:00 p.m. CST over at TalkShoe. You can either stream the show live or download the TalkShoe client that lets you participate in the show by leaving messages in the chat room or calling in and talking to us LIVE!
I didn’t get a chance to help out with last week’s show, but I downloaded a copy of the show from iTunes and Multiplex author Gordon McAlpin did a great job filling in as moderator while I was away. Kudos as well to Joe Dunn from Joe Loves Crappy Movies for making it a great show!
This week we’ll be talking about Zodiac and the films of David Fincher. Also (although I haven’t cleared it with Gordon and Joe) I imagine I’ll be railroading the conversation with stories about Henry and his introduction to the world. So if you want to call in and ask me questions about the experience, I will certainly indulge it!
It’s been two weeks since Henry was born and I view tonight’s talkcast as well as my return to a thrice-weekly comic schedule as a re-introduction into our (digital) society. Be there!
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Jan 14, 2008 | TOP 10 OF 2007 |
Hey, guys. I wanted to be sure and create a second blog post for this because I’ve got an awesome opportunity for you that I don’t want you to miss.
Be sure to tune in and listen to The Triple Feature talkcast tonight at 9:00 PM. In addition to the awesome hour-long content about movies you’ll be getting from yours truly, Joe Dunn from Joe Loves Crappy Movies and Gordon McAlpin from Multiplex will be in the house to add to the mayhem. Tonight’s topic of discussion will be… well, I don’t know what tonight’s topic of discussion will be. I’ll have to check with Joe and Gordon! Luckily, I downloaded last week’s episode, so I know that Joe planned on seeing Kickin’ It Old School. There’s also a possibility we’ll be talking about Nic Cage’s latest bomb Next and The Invisible.
But I won’t lie. I just wanna talk about Spider-Man 3.
That uncertainty aside, there are TWO big reasons to listen to the show tonight because we’ll be giving away copies of TWO big movies.
Our first contest is for the Academy Award winning Dreamgirls. This was a big hit last December and I loved it for the opportunity it gave Jennifer Hudson to upstage Beyonce Knowles and Jamie Foxx – two entertainers that could stand to be knocked down a few pegs. Dreamgirls is available on DVD this Tuesday, May 1 so be sure to check out the performance that catapulted a cast off from American Idol into Oscar history! Either that, or you can listen tonight’s episode of The Triple Feature for a chance to win a FREE copy for yourself!
The other big movie we’re giving away is Diggers. Okay, it’s not that big of a movie. In fact, it’s being relased on DVD and in theaters on the exact same day. But it has pedigree! Diggers is written by Ken Marino, who you may or may not remember from the sketch comedy group The State. It stars Paul Rudd as a Long Island clam digger who tries to maintain is small town way of life in the face of social change in the 1970s. I know it doesn’t sound like a laugh riot, but this film has a lot of heart to it and some great character moments along the way. It’s kind of like Wet Hot American Summer, but with a brain. It has that same nostalgia feel, but with some more drama to it. It’s a really unique film and it has a ton cool actors in it. A few of Marino’s buddies from The State show up and it also features performances from Maura Tierney and Lauren Ambrose.
Again, you can win your free copy of either one of these movies by listening to The Triple Feature, tonight at 9:00 PM CST. All you have to do is listen to the program and wait for the secret clue. Since we’re giving away two movies this week, there will be two individual clues. Hold on to those clues and then come back to Theater Hopper on Wednesday for the second half of the clues. E-mail the complete clue along with your name, age and mailing address to theaterhopper@hotmail.com and winners will be selected at random.
Most importantly, since we’re doing two giveaways this week, it will help me to keep things straight if you send in your submissions independent of each other. I know that makes you guys jump through hoops, but it will improve your odds of winning if you send one e-mail for Dreamgirls and one for Diggers. I take all the submissions I get and organize them in a folder. If you’re entering both contests with one e-mail, I’m going to have to toss out your entry. Sorry.
Remember, if you’re unable to listen to tonight’s broadcast live, you can always download completed recordings from The Triple Feature page over at Talkshoe. We have almost 20 shows under our belts and there’s a lot of good stuff there. So if you’ve never listened in before and want to get a sense of what we do, download a couple of episodes and get familiar. They’re only an hour long a piece, so they won’t take up a lot of your time. Besides, they’re a lot of fun.
Incidentally, our contests for Copying Beethoven, Deja Vu and The Queen are still running because we haven’t received the giveaway copies from the distributors yet. I’ve been reassured they’re coming soon, but technically, that still leaves a window open for you guys to win free stuff! Download the April 2 broadcast for the first half of the clue to Copying Beethoven and the April 16 broadcast for the first half of the clue to Deja Vu. Access the April 4 blog and April 18 blog respectively for the second half of the clues to those two contests. The complete clue for The Queen was given in the April 25 blog.
Hope to hear from you guys during tonight’s broadcast and thanks again for supporting The Triple Feature!
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Mar 31, 2008 | TONIGHT’S SHOW |
Hey, guys. I hope you liked the first formal, main page review for the site for Spider-Man 3. I still kind of have my training wheels on, so hopefully it’s not too out of place.
If you guys are at all interested in reading more reviews, be sure to check out my recent concert review of Stone Sour that I did for The Des Moines Register. They posted it on their web site yesterday and readers have already left a few comments.
It was a good show. I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed their music. I guess it’s just not cool for a hipster like myself to admit I like Stone Sour now. But what can I say? I appreciate their lack of irony. It’s just straight to the gut rock. Nothin’ wrong with that.
Be sure to tune in to The Triple Feature talkcast tonight at 9:00 PM CST over at Talkshoe. Gordon, Joe and I will be discussing Spider-Man 3 for the full hour and taking your calls. If you’re a hard-core comic book nerd like me, I’m sure you have opinions. So don’t be afraid to call in and voice ’em!
Oh, and one more thing: I’m staying home from work this week to spend time with Cami and Henry before Cami’s maternity leave is up. If I have some free time, I have an idea for an extra strip related to Spider-Man 3 that I’d like to put together this week while it’s still timely. You’ll still get the Wednesday strip. I’m just giving you the head’s up there might be a little bonus comic action coming soon! Check the site again on Tuesday!
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Hey, guys. I just wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone about The Triple Feature talkcast tonight at 9:00 PM CST over at Talkshoe.com. Tonight Gordon, Joe and I will be discussing Knocked Up and taking your calls LIVE!
I haven’t really given T.T.F. the red carpet treatment in a while, so I really want to call your attention to it. Gordon, Joe and I have put almost two dozen shows under our belt and I think we’re really hitting our stride. We’ve been getting lots of compliments not only for our film criticism, but also for our individual sense of humor. I think tonight’s show is going to be particularly good because we have one guy who’s dating, one guy who’s recently married and one guy hitched up for the last seven years with a new baby in tow. We cover the entire demographic spread for Knocked Up and I think it’s going to be really interesting to listen to how each of us applied our personal filters when watching this movie.
Any way you slice it, you’re going to be entertained – so why not give us a try? If you miss tonight’s live broadcast, you can always download it later – which we encourage! – but golly, it sure would be nice if you could join us in real time!
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Apr 13, 2009 | IT’S ON! |
Jan 5, 2009 | ODDS & ENDS |
Oct 1, 2007 | MY CONTESTS ARE GREAT! |
Sorry, it took me a while to post this information. But I’ve been sick today after a round of serious vomiting earlier in the morning. Today’s been spent mostly sleeping.
I just wanted to remind everyone that The Triple Feature talkcast is happening tonight at 9:00 PM CST over at TalkShoe. It’s a big occasion for us – our 25th episode. Can you believe we’ve been doing this a little more than half a year!
Tonight we’ll be talking about Ocean’s Thirteen and Paris Je T’Amie. We’re also saving the last half hour for our picks of the best movies of 2007… so far.
We want to strongly encourage everyone to participate in real time and to call in with your opinions. Seeing as how much flack I catch for posting reviews lately, a few of you seem to think you can do it better. Well, here’s your chance!
That’s not fair. I’m setting this up to be a confrontational thing and that’s not what we’re about. I seriously want to include everyone, so please, call in and tell us your thoughts.
Or, listen to the show and see if I flip out in a Robitussin-induced rage! A good time any way you slice it!
Related Posts ¬
Jan 14, 2008 | TOP 10 OF 2007 |
Jun 1, 2009 | OH, YEAH. THAT PODCAST I DO. |
I need to put this out there before it slips my mind, but for those of you who are fans of The Triple Feature talkcast, we will NOT be broadcasting tonight.
Gordon is out of town, which Joe and I knew in advance. But what I had totally forgotten is that Cami and I are going to see John Mayer and Ben Folds in concert tonight (the whitest concert u know!), so I won’t be home to host the show. I doubt Joe wants to do it all by his lonesome.
If you haven’t had an opportunity to listen to The Triple Feature, this week might be a good opportunity to indoctrinate yourself. Just go to our show listing over at Talkshoe and download one of our recent episodes. I actually just got an e-mail from someone last week who said that he was listening to our discussion about Spider-Man 3 in episode 20 and that the conversation holds up really well. He felt a lot of the points we made were still relevant. So that’s nice to know!
Anyway, check us out and we’ll be back next week with an all new show!
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Nov 6, 2007 | SICKO DVD GIVEAWAY |
Jun 1, 2009 | OH, YEAH. THAT PODCAST I DO. |
I just wanted to remind everyone to check out The Triple Feature talkcast tonight at 9:00 PM CST over at TalkShoe.
Last week, we took the night off. Gordon has been busy looking for an apartment and Cami and I went to the Ben Folds / John Mayer concert. Since Joe was all by his lonesome, we decided to scrap it.
This week we’re back and ready to kick ass. Topics of discussion will include Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, 1408 and Evan Almighty. Be there and toss in your two cents by either participating in the live chat room or calling in and speaking to the three of us in real-time!
Another reason to tune in to tonight’s broadcast is because we’re running in conjunction with the release of the film Evening on June 29. If you haven’t heard of it, the cast is insane – Claire Danes, Toni Collette, Vanessa Redgrave, Natasha Richardson, Meryl Streep, and Glenn Close all star in it.
As part of the contest, we’ll be giving away a make up bag, a cook book and two posters. If you’re interested, just listen to tonight’s broadcast for the first half of a two-part phrase. Come back to Theater Hopper on Wednesday for the second half of the phrase. When you have the complete phrase, e-mail it along with your name, age and mailing address to theaterhopper@hotmail.com. The winner will be chosen at random!
For a synopsis of the film along with links to the trailer and video clips, please click here And don’t forget to listen to The Triple Feature tonight at 9:00 PM CST at TalkShoe.com!
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May 18, 2009 | NO SHOW |
Jul 30, 2007 | ADDENDUM |
Apologies to those of you who came to the site on Friday to no blog. Forty lashes with a wet noodle for me.
Pretty much I was going to talk about how excited I was for The Simpsons Movie. When I didn’t get around to it Friday night and we ended up seeing The Simpsons Movie Saturday night, it felt redundant to retroactively talk about how I was anticipating it. So I held off for the full review that was posted above. I hope you enjoyed it.
Be sure to stop by the site tomorrow for a DVD review of 300. I was lucky enough to be sent an advanced copy and I have some thoughts for you on the day of it’s release. I know it’s outside the normal posting schedule, but think of it as an apology for bailing out on you guys Friday.
Oh – and there will still be comics this week. You can expect new strips on Wednesday adn Friday as usual.
By the way – did anyone notice that I snuck three comics into the mix last week? I was hoping to keep the streak alive this week. But two movie reviews and two comics is a fair trade, I think.
Last note: Be sure to check out The Triple Feature talkcast tonight over at TalkShoe at 9:00 PM CST. Gordon, Joe and I will be talking about The Simpsons Movie, I’m sure. Well, Joe might not be in attendance because he’s supposed to be flying back from the San Diego Comic Con (lucky bastard). But I’m hoping he has an opportunity to call in and give us the scoop on all the big movies coming out in 2008. If not, I’m sure Gordon and I will have lots to talk about. Superbad, The Ten and The Bourne Ultimatum all come out this Friday. So there’s a lot on our horizon!
Call in to talk to us live! See you then!
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Aug 20, 2007 | DVD GIVEAWAYS |
Feb 8, 2010 | INTERVIEWS! |
Before I forget, everyone needs to listen to The Triple Feature talkcast tonight at 9:00 PM CST at TalkShoe.com. Gordon, Joe and I were all at Wizard World Chicago this weekend, so we’ll likely be talking about that. So if you’re tired of us talking about movies all the time and maybe want us to give you a little behind-the-scenes web comics talk, tonight is the night to listen!
As a matter of fact (and I’m just thinking about this now), I’m going to see if I can get some of my web comic buddies to call in and provide a little extra commentary. Will they make an appearance? Listen in live to find out!
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May 7, 2007 | MORE REVIEWS |
Mar 31, 2008 | TONIGHT’S SHOW |
Jan 14, 2008 | TOP 10 OF 2007 |
May 18, 2009 | NO SHOW |
Hey, gang. I just wanted to send a quick reminder to everyone to listen to tonight’s broadcast of The Triple Theater at 9:00 PM CST over at Talkshoe. And to help keep your memory fresh, I wanted to take a moment to outline the two new DVDs we’ll be giving away to people who either listen in live or download the show before Wednesday.

First up is Wild Hogs. The star-studded cast of this hit comedy includes Tim Allen, John Travolta, Martin Lawrence and William H. Macyas four suburban couch jockeys who suffer from mid-life crises and take motorcycles to the American asphalt expecting nothing but fun and adventure.But being an easy rider isn’t so easy, especially after a chance encounter with the real-life Del Fuegos biker gang proves just how lame and tame the Hogs really are.
From what I’ve heard, Ray Liotta steals the show as the leader of the rival biker gang. If for nothing else, he’s the reason to check out this film.
If your curious about the movie, here are a few clips you can watch:
- Break his Legs
William H. Macy confronts the age old question – what do you need more – hands or legs? - Slap the Bull
To know you’re alive, sometimes you gotta slap the bull. - Bonus Clip
How to Get Your Wife To Let You Buy a Motorcycle. - Bonus Clip

The other DVD we have for you tonight is The Ex. Tom Reilly (Zach Braff) and his wife Sofia (Amanda Peet) are in for some major changes now that they have a newborn. As a lawyer, Sofia has always provided a comfortable living while Tom has contributed love, support and the occasional paycheck. When Sofia decides to be a stay-at-home mom all that changes. Tom moves the family to Ohio to work for his father-in-law (Charles Grodin). His boss, Chip (Jason Bateman), happens to still carry a torch for Sofia from their high school days. Chip will stop at nothing to see Tom defeated while no one but Tom can see Chip for the evil genius he is. Through it all Tom’s esteem is depleted, his manhood challenged (by a surprisingly large adversary) and he’s watching his family slip away.
Ever since Arrested Development, Jason Bateman has been a favorite of mine. Hey, I’m just as surprised as you thank I’m enamored with the guy from The Hogan Family and Teen Wolf, Too. But guess what? The guy is hilarious in damn near everything he’s in.
So there you have it. Those are the DVDs I have available for giveaway.
Be sure to listen to The Triple Feature over at TalkShoe tonight at 9:00 PM CST for the first half of a clue that will put you in the running. Then come back here on Wednesday for the second half of the clue. Put both clues together and send them to me at theaterhopper@hotmail.com along with your name, age and mailing address. And please keep your contest entries seperate – one for Wild Hogs and one for The Ex. It will help me keep things organized.
Thanks again and we’ll see you at The Triple Feature tonight!
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