I know today’s comic seems like a partial retread of Friday’s comic, and I apologize for that. But it’s important to show that Charlie feels guilty for what she’s done. Charlie’s guilt over her actions is a necessary character moment in this story arc. One that will have important significance later on.
The implications of what’s being shown to you here should affect how everything else unfolds. Consider it the turning point in the storyline. Introductions are complete. Now it’s time to answer the questions. Why is Charlie being so defensive? What is her reason for coming back home? All of this will be revealed in time immediately following this comic.
An interesting thing happened last week. On Wednesday I asked for feedback because it seemed the readership was being usually mum on the subject of Charlie’s introduction. It turns out they were just being polite. After soliciting everyone, I received some positive feedback, but stronger negative notices. The pacing was too slow and unfunny, they said. It left me with serious doubts as to how I would progress the story.
On the one hand, I wanted to tell the story I wanted to tell and was fairly adamant about telling it in the time span I wanted to tell it.
On the other hand, I felt I was alienating readers who couldn’t see the bigger picture. That once told, Charlie’s full integration into the comic would provide new avenues for commentary when I returned to topic humor.
Sharing this on Friday resulted in a swell of positive feedback. “Don’t listen to them,” they said. “We’re interested in seeing where this goes. Stick with it!”
And so here we are…
I had given thought to suspend the two week story I had been building to return to topical humor for a week, and then pick up where I left off later. I felt it would have been a strong compromise between those looking for easy laughs and digestible humor.
And while I understand the need for that, I feel a stronger need to do what I need to do. So Charlie’s story will continue.
I know that will alienate some of you. All I can say is that I’m sorry. I hope you come back to us at a future date. In all honesty, I’m still trying to figure out how to make this work. Where to sacrifice characterization for laughs while still trying to establish that WITHOUT characterization – without the background knowledge of a character’s motivation and past experiences – those laughs will ring hollow. People won’t know where they’re coming from.
My thought is that the only way to resolve it is to plow through the exposition that gets us from Point A to Point B. Starting this week, you can expect a full week of comics. So come back tomorrow for an accelerated understanding of the Who, What, When, Why and How.
I don’t mean to assign more importance to what I do than it’s worth. But I made an effort to listen to You and now I need to listen to myself. My philosophy is that if I had to choose between being entertaining or lacking integrity as an artist capable of making his own decisions, I would choose the former and not the latter.
Those of you finding it difficult to cultivate your patience, I implore you to stick with it and trust that in the end, it will all be worth it.
Because it will be.
Even if this story line doesn’t cut it for you, allowing me to stretch out creatively in this way keeps me happy. And keeping my happy keeps me motivated. And keeping me motivated brings you one step closer to seeing the kind of comics we laid the foundation of Theater Hopper with. Except better, more involved and richer.
To those who support Theater Hopper unconditionally, your support will always be appreciated with sincerity. Thank you.