Again at a loss for a good incentive sketch idea, I decided to depict myself as another well-known muckraker, Geraldo Rivera! Click here to see the image (and dig that crazy reference to UHF as well!)
I found myself at a crossroads with today’s comic. Even though a lot of people are talking about it, Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 could be perceived as damaged goods for a web site that traffics in making people laugh with funny pictures. Without even seeing it, we’ve been made aware that the film is unapologetically ANTI George W. Bush and this is something that can dramatically split an audience.
But on the other hand, NOT tackling a film that has generated so much advance buzz would just be sloppy content management on my part. Why should I deny what’s current in the culture because of a little controversy? Ultimately, I think I reached a fairly inventive solution in regard to discussing the film without directly mentioning it’s politics or its bias.
Even if I had to break every law regarding The 4th Wall to do it! 😉
Now before anyone gets their knickers in a twist and thinks that maybe what I’m saying in the third panel are my personal politics… well, I’m here to tell you that’s not the point of this comic strip.
Things will become more clear after Friday (this is a two-part strip) that what I am choosing to lampoon is not the movie, the conservatives, the liberals or the independents. Instead what I’m gunning for is the response to works like Moore’s and what it says about America as a whole.
I’m sure you’ve read reports about conservative groups sending e-mails to the C.E.O.s of large movie chains petitioning them to ban Fahrenheit 9/11 from their theaters. Whatever your politics are, I find it decidedly UN-American to censor another artist’s work – no matter HOW strongly you disagree with it.
Sure, picket the theaters. Hand out pamphlets denouncing Michael Moore as a one-man liberal propaganda machine. There’s nothing against free speech or the freedom to assemble going on there.
But outright censorship – trying to prevent art from reaching the masses, denying them the right to choose FOR THEMSELVES if this is material they wish to expose themselves to – is just plain wrong. As an artist myself, I take particular notice when stories like these break because who is to say I won’t be next if you happen to disagree with something I say?
In any case, I plan on watching Moore’s film when it comes out this Friday. And like all of Moore’s work, I intend to take it with a grain of salt. When I get home, I plan on taking the information I’ve gathered and researching it myself to get a balanced perspective on the issues.
And IF ANYTHING ELSE, that is the beauty of Moore’s chest-thumping. He gets people THINKING. And in an election year where 50% of the populace chooses not to express their given right to have their voice heard, a little extra thought tossed into the political arena is never a bad thing.
:: steps off soapbox ::
If you have comments about today’s comic, please leave them in the THorum (Rational discourse ONLY, please!) and expect a follow-up comic on Friday.
A couple of people expressed interest in seeing a photo of my stitches. So, while changing the dressing on my hand last night, I snapped a shot and posted it from my Twitter account.
It’s not for the faint of heart, so I’m not posting the image here in the blog. But if you follow this link, you can see the damage I did to myself.
I thought black was supposed to be slimming. Dear Lord, someone remind me never to insert myself into my own comic ever again! I looked so much better when I pulled this stunt before back in 2004.
I wasn’t planning on doing anything special for Theater Hopper’s 7th anniversary. But when I found out that I had crossed the 1,000 comic milestone, I thought it made sense to announce both at the same time.
I had actually figured out that I had reached the milestone almost serendipitously. Back when the archive database was being managed by PHP, I knew exactly how many comics were in the archive. It even went so far as to exclude guest comics, movie reviews and other “tagged” entries from the complete tally.
However, since moving the site into WordPress, I kind of lost track of how many comics there actually are on the site. I guess they don’t make a plugin for that.
Basically, I was sitting at my computer last week thinking about this and decided to do something about it. So I downloaded all of the comics in the archive and cherry picked all of the guest strips, movies reviews and other non-comic graphic entries from the folder.
Lo and behold, it was actually last Wednesday’s comic was our 1,000th! Since there was nothing particularly special about that comic, I decided to bide my time a little bit and come ‘atcha with a proper acknowledgment.
And here we are!
I think you guys know what is coming next. I don’t mean to preface that in a way that makes it sound trite, but what I’m about to say next I say a lot. Because it’s true.
I simply couldn’t do this comic without you. I’m amazed that anyone is still interested in what I’m doing 7 years and 1,000 comics later. Some of you have been with me since the beginning. Some of you are just learning about Theater Hopper. It doesn’t matter if you’ve read every comic in the archive or just a handful. Every, single one of you have contributed to the success of Theater Hopper and I thank you for it. You are amazing.
If you have it in your heart, I’d really like to raise the roof on crossing this milestone and promoting it as far and wide into the internet as possible.
Please let as many people as possible know about Theater Hopper’s anniversary and 1,000th comic. Use Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Digg… whatever you use and spread the word.
Let the guys at Fleen and Comixpedia know what’s going on. Say something about it in your LiveJournal or in a forum you visit. Anywhere else you happen to frequent, let them know about what’s going on here.
I don’t promote myself quite as much as I used to (or probably should), but this is a moment where I want to set aside modesty and invite as many people as possible to check out Theater Hopper so they don’t miss the next 1,000 comics!
Thanks again for everything you do and be sure to check the site later today for a couple more announcements. I have a few special treats up my sleeve!