Today’s strip sprang from real events in my life this weekend. Anticipating the release of The Two Towers this week, Jared and I promised to sit down and watch The Fellowship of the Ring to prime us for the next installment. Ironically, neither of us own the movie. We’re both holding out for Christmas. So off to our local Blockbuster we went.
And it’s no exaggeration about what’s written on the box. It really did say “Rated PG-13 for epic battles and some scary moments”. We joked about if the movie were just slightly less epic, they would have gotten away with a PG. This made me thinking about how the MPAA comes to these inane conclusions when they rate films.
Personally, I think the MPAA is antiquated in its practices. Their friendly “labels” end up stifling artists who are under the gun from studios to make more “family-conscious” products. And R rating these days is just as bad as an NC-17. It’s considered financial suicide. This approach is the loudest indicator that MPAA ratings are meaningless. They do nothing to indicate the content of movies when studios kowtow to the system and mold their pictures around them. The end results are films made for adults, instead replaced by dumbed down versions designed to rope in the disposable income of pubescents. Quite frankly, it’s insulting and a little sad that studios would place so much stake into such an obviously flawed system.
Now I’m not advocating sex and violence just for the sake of it, but I can’t count the number of times I walked away from a movie that was PG-13 movie disappointed that it didn’t explore more adult themes or situations. None come to mind at the moment, but I’ve had this experience too many times to recall.
:: end rant ::
I lost the battle of wills this weekend with Cami and ended up seeing Maid in Manhattan. What a steaming pile that movie is. I was going to do a strip on it, but I thought I couldn’t top how unintentionally funny this flick is and to let sleeping dogs lie.
For one thing, Ralph Finnes isn’t someone anyone would want to be with. At least, not the way he acts in this film. Chalk has more personality. I wan to unload further on the movie, but after spending most of the weekend socializing with a few different groups, I’ve exhausted my hate-tanks in my thorough dismissal of the experience. I can’t go through it again.
What really burns my gravy is that this movie beat out Nemesis by, like $200,000 dollars and came in #1 with something like $19 million. They said it’s J-Lo’s biggest opening to date. I guess we can all look forward to more watered down “You can do it, ladies!” material from the future Mrs. Affleck.
In linkable news, you may want to check out the sites of a few more friends I made. The Hardcore Empire (not as dirty as it sounds), Funny Bunny, (bunnies are cute!), and No 4th Wall To Break (classic).
Those first two have a lot of pop-up ads, but that shouldn’t dissuade you from checking them out. No 4th Wall To Break is slowly becoming one of my surrealist favorites. Play nice and tell ’em Tommy sentcha!
Today’s strip has to do with a little bit of industry news. If you haven’t heard by now, Peter Jackson, the director of The Lord of the Rings trilogy has signed on with Universal to do a remake of the 1933 classic King Kong. For more details on the story, read this item here.
To be fair, this odd choice for a follow-up project didn’t completely come out of nowhere. King Kong is a project that has been on Jackson’s back burner since 1997 when it was shelved by Universal so as not to compete with Disney’s Mighty Joe Young or Sony’s Godzilla rehash.
I don’t doubt that Jackson will make an excellent movie. And if he’s got his LotR W.E.T.A team behind him (which looks likely), I’m sure the effects will be astounding.
But still, don’t you think you would take a little time off before trying to update one of the most beloved monster movies in cinematic history. I mean, if they screw this up, that’s a pretty big strike against him. Does anyone remember the 1976 version starring Jeff Bridges and Jessica Lange? Okay. Well, maybe you do. But do you think anyone was standing around ASKING for that picture to be made?
With that out of the way, I wanted to move on to some business involving the site. Recently there’s been an influx of fan art and cameo appearances that you can check out in full detail on the Bonus Materials page.
I mentioned how Aric from Fish Strips is putting together an epic storyline featuring a lot of my pals in the community, but Beaner from Troy’s Bucket must have been sweating bullets when he put together this bad boy featuring over cameo appearances
I want to send a special shout out to my good friend Dave (just Dave) who put together a killer guest strip a few weeks ago. Dave contacted me to let me know that he has just started his own strip called Taking the Bi-Pass. He has only the first strip up right now, but take my word for it, this is one you’re going to want to bookmark and check often. If you don’t believe me, check out his extra bit of fan art that picks up where his guest strip left off!
The last bit of news I’ll mention is the rather grim message that was left over at No Pants Tuesday yesterday. Visitors to Zach’s site were led to believe he had died due to choking on a pizza roll. I would call everyone’s attention to yesterday’s date and give Zach a hearty pat on the shoulder.
…you know. To dislodge that pizza roll…
Late last night the first part of the two-part prequel to Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy – and Dear Lord, that’s a mouthful. I present the teaser trailer to The Hobbit.
At first blush, I get a distinct “gettin’ the band back together” vibe coming off this thing. Maybe that’s to be expected since Ian McKellen, Andy Serkis, Hugo Weaving, Cate Blanchett, Christopher Lee, Ian Holm, Elijah Wood and Orlando Bloom will all be reprising their roles from the LotR movies.
I know when I saw the title card reading “Next December…” I was taken aback. Mostly because it seems like a long way off to start an advertising campaign. But, when you consider that The Fellowship of the Ring first premiered in theaters almost a decade earlier, I can kind of understand wanting to capture that symmetry of time.
I was also struck by the sheer amount of footage they managed to cobble together for the trailer. With a year to go, it makes me wonder how much effect work is left to lay in? I’m sure WETA’s render farm will be overclocked in 2012.
What’s your reaction to the new trailer for The Hobbit? Personally, I’m a little underwhelmed. It feels like more of the same to me. But then again, I like the idea of revisiting these characters and hanging out with them again for a little while.
Good times, man. Good times.
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