I noticed Absath from Ctrl+Alt+Del is auctioning off an original piece of art on eBay and it got me thinking that this is something I could be doing as well.
One problem: Is anyone interested?
Fire off an e-mail and let me know if you would buy an original piece of artwork from yours truly.
I’m also considering selling commissioned pieces at the Minneapolis FallCon this October 4 and 5. If that goes well, I might carry over the offer to the site.
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Hey, guys.
Remember earlier in the year when I would put together some original artwork and raffle it off to a random, lucky person who either bought merchandise, advertising or donated to the site?
Well, I’ve fallen WAY behind!
I haven’t sent out the Constantine artwork from February and I haven’t even pulled together the list of names to pull from for the Robots piece I did in March.
Remember how I was going to color in all of them and make a big calendar at the end of the year? Yeah… still haven’t colored in the Robots piece yet…
Well, anyway. This aproach is changing. Instead of giving away the original art for free, I’m auctioning it off.
My reasoning for this is pretty simple. Basically, some of the artwork people have begged me to auction because they want to control their odds of getting it a little better than a raffle. Using the logic that everything is as valuable as what someone is willing to pay for it, I see the logic in their demands. Plus, it’s easier to keep track of.
This month, I think I have a real hum-dinger for you.
So you all know that Sin City came out the first week in April, right? I even did a week-long arc covering it. What better subject could there possibly be for me to parody than the Frank Miller classic?
That’s why I whipped this up:
Yeah, I thought you might like that.
If you click on the image, it will take you straight to the eBay auction I have set up. Or, of course, you could just click this link and get there just the same.
The rules are simple – by the end of Monday, April 18, the highest bidder wins. To sweeten the pot, I’m throwing in free Theater Hopper buttons and stickers. I’m also paying for First Class shipping, because that’s the kind of guy I am.
The previous’ months artwork will still be given away raffle-style for free. And once those names have been drawn, I will make an announcement to that effect.
But in the meantime, I will be running this message below the regular blog until the auction concludes Monday, April 18.
Incidentally, the profits from the sale of this original artwork will go toward the purchase of this silk screen press. My goal is to start producing Theater Hopper shirts that I can do myself instead of relying on outside vendors. Naturally, these shirts would be sold from this site. So if your a fan of Theater Hopper, bid generously because your money will help to advance the goals of this site.
Time to dig out the loose change from the couch cushions, kids. As always, thank you for your support! Happy bidding!
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Apr 18, 2005 | BIG OL’ AUCTION GOIN’ ON! |