Apologies for the lack of an update or any forewarning on Monday. After being with my family for a full weekend, Cami and I both pretty much crashed Sunday night. Monday was reserved for doing darn near next to nothing.
It’s dissapointing to me in a way because I always trick myself into thinking "Oh, boy! A holiday! Time off from work! I’m gonna get SO MUCH STUFF DONE for the site!" and then it never happens because prior commitments and exhaustion set in. Right now, I’m so thrown off my routine, I don’t know what’s what…
There will be a comic on Wednesday. I promise.
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As you can see, there is no comic today and there will likely be no comic until next Monday, August 7.
Due to some unforeseen circumstances at work, I ended up at the office for about 12 hours yesterday and I am likely to repeat the stunt again on Wednesday. Thus, I didn’t have enough time to put together a comic for you today and I won’t have enough time to work in advance on a comic for Friday.
I won’t get into the details about the work situation except to say that I have a *VERY* important project due next Monday and I can’t leave for Wizard World Chicago with it hanging over my head. This is just one of those situations where real-life takes priority over my hobby.
It’s bad timing. Especially because of Wizard World Chicago. I’m going to do the whole meet-and-greet from Friday until Sunday and people will check out the site to be greated with this message. Well, if you’re one of those people, I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to check out our archives. Heck, start from the begining! I’m certain you’ll find something you like.
I feel bad because I think this is the first time where I’ve had to blow off the comic due to serious life stuff getting in the way. I typically pride myself on my adherence to the schedule. But you guys know how I feel about deadlines and I wouldn’t reprioritize things if it wasn’t of the utmost importance.
All I want to say is that this is not a trend. Right now work has got the better of me. If I’m going to keep the job that pays the bills, I have to show it the attention it deserves.
I appreciate everyone’s understanding. I promise that next Monday you will see a fresh comic from yours truly. And if it follows in the tradition of post-convention comics of yore, it will likely be a little tale about how me and my fellow web comic cronies went to see a movie togeher. Most likely Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby.
In the meantime, if you want to capitolize on my screw up and want to submit a guest strip to help me pad out the week, I’m gladly taking submissions. I realize it’s short notice, but if you want to whip something together real quick to help score a little extra publicity for your site while I’m off the reservation, e-mail me and we’ll work something out!
Don’t forget to find me at table #3143 A in Artist’s Alley at Wizard World Chicago this weekend! I will be selling copies of my first book "Theater Hopper: Year One" (which, incidentally, you can also buy here) as well as handing out invitations to a book release party I’m having Saturday night in my hotel room at the Doubletree. It’s going to be a blast.
Thanks again for everyone’s support, patience and understanding. I sincerely appreciate it!