So I know that today’s comic isn’t fall-down funny, but it adds a nice little bit of progression to the plot and adds a dash of relationship conflict between Tom and Cami. I always jump at the opportunity to develop their relationship further, even if it’s only by a tiny increment.
So I guess now we’re in the thick of a “crossover” between Theater Hopper and Instant Classic. Although I don’t know if you can really call it a crossover, since we’re not sharing a storyline. I’m not sure what you would call it other than one artist gently making fun of the other in tandem with each other.
It’s funny, because I didn’t really intend for this to happen. I had only wanted to return fire from the comic Brian Carroll originally posted on his site on Sunday.
But then Brian posted a second comic and now a THIRD comic and I couldn’t let it slide.
Of course, it doesn’t help that you guys are egging me on from the sidelines. Your blood lust knows no bounds! Certainly, we are no better than the Romans…
I kid, I kid. This is all in good fun and a good way to beat back the January to February doldrums – when there are no new movies in theaters worth talking about. I mean, c’mon. Would you rather I do this, or do a comic about When In Rome? I know what I’d rather be doing…
Brian says that his next comic will be his last featuring his loutish parody version of Tom. I’m not sure if my version of Brian will extend beyond this Friday’s comic or not. I have a few ideas on how I can exaggerate my parody further, but we’ll have to wait and see. I wouldn’t want the gimmick to wear out its welcome. And besides, it looks a little mean when one guy is making fun of the other and the other guy is, like, “Yeah, I’m doing something else now?…”
That’s all for the blogging today. Thanks for swinging by the site. If you have any thoughts / reactions to our little feud, please post your comments below!
For what it’s worth, I’ve actually been hearing some very good reviews for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. And, I should note, that I don’t particularly mind that they split the last book into two movies.
Under different circumstances, it could be seen as a callous money grab. But considering that the last three movies have felt like the Cliff’s Notes versions of longer movies that exist in some other universe, I applaud the producers for serving the story rather than trying to shoehorn the conclusion into a two-hour running time.
That said, I have no interest in seeing these movies. I’m sorry, but they’ve completely exhausted me.
At this point, I’m thinking the only people left who actually care about the Harry Potter movies are the super-fans. The kids who read the books and re-read the books as adults. I’m not that guy. I’ve never been that guy. I’m never going to be that guy.
I don’t really have a horse in this race. Having never read the books, I’ve never really gotten excited by anything I’ve seen translated to the screen. Nor have I even been particularly upset by anything they may have glossed over or left out entirely. So there isn’t a level of pre-existing devotion that’s keeping me tethered to these movies. I appreciate them solely within the context that they’ve been presented to me – as movies. And, more often than not, they fail as pieces of entertainment.
I thought the first two movies were enjoyable pieces of fluff that did a good job of making magic, feel, well… magical.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was the series high-water mark, if you ask me. A tightly wound narrative directed by Alfonso CuarĂ³n with a time travel element that doesn’t get lost in it’s own logic. I don’t think the franchise has managed to match the tone or clarity of that film since.
I fell off the wagon hard after Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. A heavy-handed, bloated and confusing movie that I barely recall beyond Daniel Radcliffe’s terrible haircut and Harry growing webbing between his fingers for a swimming competition somewhere in the third act.
At least I can remember those details. I can’t remember anything at all about Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix or Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
In defense of the fifth movie, Cami and I never saw it in the theaters because it came out shortly after Henry was born. We ended up renting it several months later in an effort to catch up. The film never took hold for me. I don’t think I could tell you what it was about even if you held a gun to my head. The same goes for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Considering both films were directed by David Yates, that doesn’t speak too fondly for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Part 2 – which he has also directed.
I think it was smart for the studio to settle on one director so the films could develop a consistent style. And kudos to Yates for not killing himself after lensing four of these things – I’m certain it is a Herculean effort each time.
But there is something about Yates’ style that makes it immediately forgettable to me. Every time I’ve left the theater after one of his movies, I felt like I’ve been dreaming – and not in the good way. I’m talking about those frustrating dreams where you’re pretty sure you were flying or doing something incredibly cool, but you don’t have the memory of the sensation and you can’t remember the details. You can only picture brief glimpses of faces. It’s unsubstantial, unsatisfying and just out of reach.
So at the risk of sounding like an old curmudgeon, why do I want to line up for that kind of abuse again? Why do I want to pay good money and waste two hours watching a movie I’m never going to be able to recall and will only enjoy on a surface level? Because I’ve already wasted time watching 6 other movies of the same stripe? What’s Einstein’s quote about the definition of insanity again? Something about doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results? Yeah. That.
:: end rant ::
Drastically changing gears, I know that the punchline for today’s comic probably came out of left field. I also know that Phineas and Ferb isn’t expressly movie-related.
But seriously, you guys, if you get the Disney Channel, you should be watching this show. It’s way funnier than it has any right to be. Creator Dan Povenmire worked on both Spongbob Squarepants and Family Guy, so the show has a certain amount of idiosyncratic pedigree.
Additionally, there’s usually a music number with each episode and dammit if these aren’t some of the catchiest songs I’m listening to right now. Check this out:
Would I have watched Phineas and Ferb if I didn’t have a 3 year-old in the house? Probably not. But it’s good stuff. Trust me.
Anyway, that’s all I have for this week – except for two quick notes.
Traditionally, I scan, color, shade and letter the comic in 300 dpi. But for this comic, I decided to bump everything up to 600 dpi. I don’t know why. I mean, I know that output for the web reduces everything to 72 dpi. But I wanted to see if it affected the clarity of my line work, or something. Are you guys able to tell a difference?
Also, I wanted to let everyone know that as of this Saturday, I am OFFICIALLY DONE with my Master’s Degree. I delivered a presentation for my Project Management class and that was all she wrote. No more lessons, no more books, no more exorbitantly high tuition causing my wife to give me dirty looks. I’M DONE!
Hopefully this will free up my schedule a little bit (or at least result in me being less distracted in general) and I can start to put a little more effort back into the comic.
I need to tie up some loose ends over the next couple of months, but I’d like to start 2011 with a renewed focus on the comic and – in the very least – get production back up to two times a week.
Anyway, I just thought I would share that with you.
So what can you guys tell me? Am I off base about the Harry Potter franchise? Am I alone with how forgettable I find these movies to be? Did anyone see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1? What did you think? Does anyone want to organize a Phineas and Ferb TV watching party? Leave your comments below and have a great week!
Before we get too far into the blog for this week’s comic, it might be worthwhile for some of you to revisit the flashback arc that established Jimmy and Charlie’s relationship. Also, their untimely split. Check out where things all started to go wrong for them by clicking here.
I know that this week’s comic is egregiously late. That’s due to a confluence of personal obstacles and me also preparing for THIS:
If you are in the Seattle area, please do not forget that I will be exhibiting at Emerald City Comicon this weekend, Friday, March 31 through Sunday April 1. I’ll be hanging out at booth #307 with Gordon McAlpin from Multiplex and Angela Melick from Wasted Talent.
I’m both nervous and excited to go to this show. Excited because I know from first-hand experience how awesome the audience is that comes to this show and how appreciative they are of webcomics. Nervous because figuring out how to ship my merchandise and my own stinking carcass to Seattle has been a logistical nightmare. I’ve basically been second-guessing myself for three weeks.
Now if I can only figure out how to get the weight of my checked bag under 50 pounds…
Something else I’ll mention: If you’re thinking about buying anything from the store in the near future – ESPECIALLY T-SHIRTS – I want to encourage you to place your orders now.
Part of the reason behind my aggressive convention schedule this year is that I want to sell as much of my Theater Hopper merchandise as possible. I was going through my inventory as I packed for Emerald City and I’m starting to notice a dwindling supply of some shirts in popular sizes.
Since I’m going to Emerald City this weekend, C2E2 in Chicago two weeks after that and Minneapolis SpringCon a month after that, it’s very possible that I will not have the style of shirt you want in the size you want when it’s all over.
I am currently offering a “Buy 2, Get 1 Free” offer on all shirts and books. Previously, it was buy two shirts or buy two books. But yesterday I COMBINED the offer so you can mix and match items. Buy ANY two books or shirts and get the third item for FREE. I can’t make it any better than that!
So, like I said, if you think you want some Theater Hopper merchandise, I would strongly encourage you to make a purchase soon so I don’t sell what you hoped to buy at a convention somewhere.
That’s all I have for now. Next week’s comic will probably be a little late as well due to Emerald City, but hopefully it won’t be as late as this one was.
Thanks for your patience. SEATTLE, HERE I COME!