No blog just yet because it’s about 1:30 ayem as I’m wrapping things up.
But I wanted to let everyone know about the brand new Theater Hopper LiveJournal feed! If you have a LiveJournal account, add us to your friends list and you’ll be first in the loop when the comic updates!
I’ll be back later with some thoughts on the new releases this weekend including Land of the Dead, Herbie: Fully Loaded and Bewitched.
Mostly snarky comments, not much in depth. Although I plan to see Bewitched if there is time this weekend. Gots ‘ta have my Will Ferrell dosage!
Related Posts ¬
Jun 27, 2005 | DON’T FORGET THE FEED! |
Dec 21, 2011 | TRAILER – CASA DE MI PADRE |
Mar 10, 2008 | I’M THE 232nd PRETTIEST RSS FEED AT THE BALL! |
By the way, I want to remind all of you out there with LiveJournal accounts to add the new Theater Hopper LiveJournal feed to your “friends” list. In doing so, you’ll be privy to all of the comic and blog updates as soon as they post to the site. It’s a pretty handy tool!
I’ll be posting a permanent link for the feed soon, but until then plan to keep reminding everyone until you all sign up!
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Jun 23, 2005 | BLOG SOON |
Mar 10, 2008 | I’M THE 232nd PRETTIEST RSS FEED AT THE BALL! |
Nov 4, 2005 | SO MANY LINKS! |
Aug 29, 2005 | NUMBERS |
I know I was a little late with the blog this morning, so now might be a good opportunity for you to hook up with the Theater Hopper Live Journal Feed. Through the magical powers of RSS, it automatically updates whenever new information is added to the front page. You’ll never be out of the loop again!
Furthermore, I appreciate everyone’s patience right now. Things have been really hectic for me as I’m packing everything up and preparing for our move into a new home on July 12.
Remember that I still need guest strips for that week, so if you have a comic and would like a little extra exposure, I’m accepting all submission! E-mail me with your creations. JPG format (if possible) and no wider than 525 pixels or else it will break the layout of the site.
Many thanks for your support!
Related Posts ¬
Jun 27, 2005 | DON’T FORGET THE FEED! |
Aug 29, 2005 | NUMBERS |
Wanna know something cool that I learned? I was looking at the list of Live Journal syndicated feeds and learned that Theater Hopper’s syndication feed is #271 on the list. And that’s for ALL the internet, baby! Pretty cool!
Sure, we might not be like Mitch and be #19 onthe list , but #271 is pretty good, too!
The one thing that irks me, though…Al-Jazeera was number #228 on the list. That doesn’t seem right, does it?
Let’s see if we can get the TH syndication feed above Al-Jazeera, can we? Just follow this link and add us to your LiveJournal friends page so that you can see all the comic and blog updates as soon as they are posted to the site.
Or… y’know…the terrorists win, ‘n stuff…
Related Posts ¬
Mar 10, 2008 | I’M THE 232nd PRETTIEST RSS FEED AT THE BALL! |
Jun 15, 2007 | RSS HELP |
Jun 27, 2005 | DON’T FORGET THE FEED! |
Apr 17, 2009 | ALTERING THE RSS |
Hey, guys. It’s been a busy week, so let’s jump into it. I wanna give you some fun distractions so we can all go out on a high note.
This Monday I closed down the area of the store that features t-shirts, hoodies and baby-dolls. I’m busy collecting all the orders this very moment and prepping them to send to the printer. Hopefully we’ll have them turned around soon. Thanks to everyone for their support during this last drive.
Turns out merchandise orders aren’t the only thing keeping me busy this week. I’ve added a slew of links to the top banner that I want you guys to check out. Most of them are just for fun. Some of them are Theater Hopper related, some aren’t. But I think they’re all worth your time to investigate.
First, I have leads for you on two great comic notification systems. The first is Comic Junkie. A very handy application that you can download that will let you know when all of your favorite comics are posted. It’s packed with a slew of other features like subscription and rating services. I’ve added a whole page about it under the Resources tab. You should really check it out.
The second notification system is Comic Alert! You sign up for this one through their web site and they use Theater Hopper’s RSS feed to notify you by e-mail when all comics and blogs are updated! Very handy, especially if you forget to check the site every once in a while. Register with their service (it’s free!) and add Theater Hopper to your favorites!
Of course, if you have a LiveJournal account, you can skip that whole rig-a-ma-role and visit the Theater Hopper LiveJournal feed. It automatically posts new comics as soon as they are available. I’ve been pimping this one for a while, but there’s no reason not to give it a little more prominence!
Something else that could use a little more prominence are the Boxcar Comics 2006 Calendars. I’ve contributed artwork to the project and if you place your order now, you’ll enjoy it all through the month of February. Sure I got the shortest month, but I’m not complaining because the proceeds go to a good cause – helping the Boxcar crew reserve a booth at the 2006 San Diego ComiCon. Why, it’s only the largest comic book and small press convention in America, sillies! I think they’re just about done collecting pre-orders and they’re going to send it off to the printer. So make sure you have yours reserved when that happens!
And the last bit of Theater Hopper-related goodness I’ll share with you, the brand new Theater Hopper map brought to you by Frappr! Using GoogleMaps technology, this map can tag your location by zip code and display them together with everyone else. I thought it would be cool to see how far and wide Theater Hopper readership spans, so feel free to add your location to the global party! Don’t worry! It doesn’t ask for any addresses or personal information. Although you can leave your name, a photo and some commentary if you like. I totally stole this from DJ at Yirmumah!, but who cares?! It’s lots of fun! Check it out!
A few other items because I enjoy networking.
My recently established MySpace profile. Both Mitch and Zach wouldn’t shut up about it, so I got one, too. Won’t you be my friend?
My profile at If you’re not familiar with this service, it’s really cool. You download a little plugin for your MP3 player and it reports back what songs you listen to and which artists are your favorite. I love music as much as I love movies, so it’s really cool to build a network of friends and see what they’re listening to. A great opportunity to branch out and listen to new things!
Last but not least, my LiveJournal page. I know everyone and their sister has one of these and I’ve had one for quite a while myself. But I was kind of hungry for a few new readers so I thought I would pimp it out here a little bit. Right now I’m writing a lot about the 10 week fitness program I’ve been doing in an effort to change some bad habits and improve my overall health. I’ve also been writing a lot about the beard I’m growing in conjunction with the program. I’ve been posting pictures and everything. It’s a long story, but it’s pretty entertaining if you want to check it out.
Oh, before I forget! I want everyone to check out Robobo! Rusty, the creator, tipped me off to a fun cameo he did recently. Check it out!
Anyway, that’s it for this week. Beyond hooking you up with all these links, we’ve been busy revising the archive to make it easier for you to search in the future. I say "we" because Dave from Taking the Bi-Pass is really doing all the work. He’s doing an excellent job at that. Visit his web site and tell him you love him!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! Take care!
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Oct 3, 2005 | ALL ABOARD! |
Nov 7, 2005 | MORE LINKS |
Dec 30, 2005 | THE YEAR IN REVIEW |
So I was combing through LiveJournal’s list of syndicated feeds looking for the RSS feed for LifeHacker to add to my friends list.
Imagine my glee when I discovered the Theater Hopper RSS feed is the 232nd most popular feed listed! Take THAT, Scary Go Round!
I don’t know why I’m so invested in the Theater Hopper RSS feed lately. I just am.
Maybe if you have a LiveJournal account, you’ll add us to your friends list?
C’mon! Let’s see if we can be 231 by the end of the month! ;-D
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Jun 27, 2005 | DON’T FORGET THE FEED! |