So I’m continuing to pound the living tar out of Kangaroo Jack. As far as I’m concerned, there isn’t enough satire in the universe to compensate for the evil this film has cast over the Earth. I guess I’m just trying to do my part – however small.
Some of you may or may not be familiar with Jerry Bruckheimer, the target of today’s strip. He’s basically your typical big-shot movie producer, cramming his vision down the throats of an American movie-going public. Here’s a picture of the guy so we all have a point of reference:
Man, what an ugly mug. That’s the kind of face only a highly paid call girl could love.
To his credit, he’s been the money behind several of our culture’s largest film iconography. Top Gun and Flashdance come to mind. But to his detriment, he’s also made a string of lousy blow ’em up pictures like Con Air and Gone in 60 Seconds.
The idea for today’s strip came from an old high school friend who wrote me a prophetic e-mail in response to last Friday’s strip. This, mind you, was before Kangaroo Jack went on to do boffo box office over the weekend.
“Personally, I subscribe to the theory that the only reason this film [Kanagroo Jack] was made was for Jerry Bruckheimer to test his “midas touch” theory. You know, how it seems that a disproportionate amount of the crappy movies he makes end up with big grosses… So he does this: finds a crappy script, puts Jerry O’Connell in a starring role, sticks his name on it as producer and laughs at all the rubes who pay to see it. We’ll have to see how it does.”
I kind of ignored his message at the time, but realized how incredibly profound it was after the weekend tally.
“What did I tell ya?” he wrote the following Wednesday “Bruckheimer made some sort of Faustian bargain and it is only a matter of time before he is able to buy the world with his ill gotten gains. Then we’ll all be sorry.”
From there, the strip was basically standing inches from my face screaming at incredible volume. So thanks, Eric for the fodder!
In other new relating to the apocalypse, I received an e-mail from a “certain Carmike employee” (who wished to remain nameless) informing me that Kangaroo sold out at the theater he worked at not once… but twice.
This is seriously bumming me out.
On a brighter note, is anyone appreciating the awesome work going on at No Pants Tuesday and Jayhoo & Jawhoo lately? Both Zach and Mark are putting out some excellent art lately. If you’re not down with it, you’re missing out on some quality stuff. Zach’s color and shading make my strip look like it’s been fleshed out with a Lite Brite. Mark’s composition and visual story telling make me wish I wasn’t such a slave to my four panel rule. Great stuff. Check it out.
And lastly, it’s been very interesting to monitor the results of the poll we have going now. There’s been a pretty strong response since posting it on Wednesday. Almost 100 visitors have taken a nanosecond and made their selection.
I guess I wasn’t surprised that the majority of you want to help, but have no money (or, more likely don’t have a credit card to make a PayPal transaction possible). But I was kind of take aback to learn that in second place, you would want t-shirts. I figured stickers would come way before that, and here they are at the bottom of the list.
You’ve put me in a tough spot, people. A sticker would have been easy. Slap a logo on some adhesive paper, laminate it and off you go. But a t-shirt? That means I have to come up with a concept. And I don’t even know where to start.
I’m kinda wishing I didn’t include that “I have money, but refuse to donate” option in there. Or at least worded it differently. Oh well.
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
Well, I made it back from Vegas in one piece.
Today’s comic is part one of a three part arc. I’ve decided to spoil all of you by continuing the arc on Tuesday and finishing on Wednesday. Then, because I’m feeling EXTRA generous, you’ll get an EXTRA comic on Thursday! That’s right y’all! I’m doing 5 comics this week just because I like you so much! Consider it my penance for all the sinnin’ I’ve been doin’!
Actually, my vacation with Cami to Vegas was pretty tame. Stayed away from the casinos and spent more time lounging around the pool. We have the sunburns to prove it! We had a great time, but it’s always good to come home. It was very nice to see that people in the forums actually missed me! Aww…
I know this whole “spoofing the Ten Commandments” thing it a little bit tired, but I thought the device was appropriate considering the timing. What with Easter being yesterday and this sudden interest in all things Holy courtesy of The Passion of The Christ’s success. It pretty much goes without saying that Hollywood follows its own trends until it exhausts them. So expect to see more religious-themed movies and television in the next 6 to 8 months. Might as well jump on the bandwagon now while I can!
I’m gonna close here tonight because it’s almost 2:00 A.M. as I write this. Not a big deal since I’m still on Las Vegas time, but I have to be up in a few hours for work. So best to get my beauty rest!
Today’s buzzComix incentive sketch is kind of a continuation of today’s comic. Click here for a Godfather-esque homage for the 21st century…
Speaking of The Godfather – Marlon Brando, R.I.P.
If you’ve been keeping up, you know that a complete bastardization of Arthurian legend is being dumped into theaters today. You can thank producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Antoine Fuqua for that. From everything I’ve read, the basically took the story of King Arthur, stripped it of it’s mysticism and tried to root it in historical events. About 1,000 years ago when the Roman empire collapsed, to be exact.
What’s the fun in that? You may as well just call it “Medieval Battle: The Movie”. I’m not interested in seeing King Arthur one iota. I don’t care if you dress Keira Knightley in a couple of leather straps and force her to pretend that’s a reasonable wardrobe choice. I’m not going.
I mentioned Monday that I had a bit of “world-shaking” news. I hope your sitting down when you’re reading this. Things are about to get a little weird.
Okay, so last Saturday, I went to my comic book store to pick up my regular stack of books. I cracked open a copy of Amazing Spider-Man #509 when I stumble onto page 5 and encounter something unusual.
Remember that poster I made with Mitch Clem, Zach Miller and Carrington Vanston as a one-of-a-kind commemorative collectors item? A means to celebrate our collective presence at the Minneapolis FallCon last October?
Well, in the background of Amazing Spider-Man #509, page 5… you can see our poster.
I’ve been sitting on this information since Saturday (even though people in the THorum have known about it for a while) because I wanted to wait until after the holiday when readership would be higher.
I’m trying to figure out a way to contact the new ASM artist Mike Deodato, but his official web site is in Portugese! Even after translating it, the e-mail form you can use to contact him doesn’t work!
I have a few alternate leads, but if anyone has suggestions about how I can reach Mr. Deodato, please forward them here. I just want to ask him a few questions and find out where he learned about our poster.
I don’t want to give anyone the impression that I’m unhappy about this. That’s the furthest thing from the truth!
The truth is, I’m excited beyond compare. I can’t believe that something I had a hand in creating managed to find its way – however indirectly – into the pages of one of the best selling comic books of all time!
I have some other news items, but nothing pressing. I know what I’ve put out there is a lot to absorb, so I’ll just leave things at that for now.
Be sure to keep checking the site for updates of this whole saga! I’ll post everything I learn here!