Posts Tagged ‘Iron Man’
42 items.
The Avengers got a new poster today in advance of their May 4 opening date.
Is it just me, or is Iron Man, like, ALWAYS losing his helmet. He should, like, bolt it down, or something.
Nice of them to stick Chris Evans’ Captain America in the back. Oh, he’s not that important…
What do you think of this new poster? Does it trip your repulsor blasts?
Did you guys hear that The Avengers got a new trailer? No? THEN LET ME BE THE FIRST TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT!
Selfishly, I think the most interesting part of the trailer is Tony Stark landing on top of the Stark Industries building and watching the Iron Man armor be peeled off him like a grape.
That’s a straight-up PIMP STRUT, SON!
What’s your favorite moment from the new trailer?
Feb 10, 2012 | TRAILER – GOON |