I don’t know how many of you read Troy’s Bucket, but if you don’t, you should. They’ve got a great joke about Monsters, Inc. I wish I would have thought of.
Regardless, Beaner has made the suggestion of a locals-only get together of fans of his strip and our humble operation. By local, he means West Des Moines, Iowa.
Beaner says he’s gotten a few e-mails from other locals commenting on the strip. What I want to know is, WHY AM I NOT GETTING SUPPORT FROM THE HOMETOWN CROWD? Seriously, I haven’t gotten any e-mail from anyone in West Des Moines or even Iowa for that matter.
So for the two of you out there that read this strip, get on it.
On a more serious note, for those of you who read Theater Hopper and are from West Des Moines, how interested are you in having a little get-together like Beaner suggests? I just don’t want to go down to Limey’s and be the only one there you know.
And while we’re on the subject of West Des Moines boy-done-good, when is a certain successful cartoonist going to give me a shout-out in one of his news posts? Beaner got a plug. Where’s the love for Tommy?
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Jun 26, 2006 | I’M A MORON |
Back on the clock again. Hope everyone is well.
Drawing today’s strip was weird. I was thrown all off my schedule. My wife was having this party Tuesday night at our house. And since Tuesday night is usually when I draw Wednesday’s strip, I need to put it together a day earlier.
It’s got me all messed up. I feel like this week is moving in reverse.
If there has every been a weird point of pride to being an Iowan, knowing someone like Ashton Kutcher can make it in Hollywood makes me feel a little better about being from The Hawkeye State.
I mean, you can kind of tell by looking at him that this is the kind of guy who probably coasted through high school on his looks and maybe isn’t all that bright. Really not too different from the character he plays on That 70’s Show. I mean, he dropped out of college to be an actor and was sweeping Cherrio’s dust at the General Mills plant in Cedar Rapids before being discovered. And this to me makes it all the more marvelous.
Keep in mind that Elijah Wood is also from Iowa. In fact, I think he came from Cedar Rapids, too. The talent scouts in that town must have it going on!
Regardless, you may be some backwater tyke with freaky big eyes and a disproportionate head, but one day, you could be the bearer of THE ONE RING. Something to think about.
I’m stepping out early on the blog today. Take it easy, everyone.
On a recommendation from Carrington, I decided to find out what the site Googlism.com thinks of me. This was the one and ONLY result:
“Tom Brazelton is from Iowa and thus at a greater disadvantage than the others.”
Apparently even the Internet has now turned it’s back on me.
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Sep 13, 2002 | LOCALS ONLY |
Jun 26, 2006 | I’M A MORON |
In a thread where we were all talking about Howard Dean and his recent Iowa caucus meltdown, one of the users in the forum posted a link to a political comic called Fillibuster.
I’ve been aware of Filibuster for a while and I admire the artwork. I’m just not a regular reader because if I wanted political cartoons, I could open up any newspaper.
None of this would be important except I stumbled across this comic which casts Iowans in a less than flattering light.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want you guys to flame Filibuster. I’m not trying to start some big inter-drama here. But it seems unfair that some kid from Canada is promoting a stereotype like this to his audience. So my thought it, if he has a forum to place this misconception into the universe, I have an equally valid soapbox to counter it.
I mean, I know it’s supposed to be funny. And, granted, Iowa has a pretty large redneck population. But that image doesn’t represent me and I take issue with the idea that all Iowans are sitting around in straw hats mulling over serious political decisions while taking council from our dear pig Wilbur.
I’m sure if I made a comic that featured a profusely apologetic lumberjack from Ottawa who drinks only maple syrup and rides a moose, most of Canada wouldn’t be too happy with me either.
I should probably just lighten up.
Related Posts ¬
Jun 26, 2006 | I’M A MORON |
Sep 13, 2002 | LOCALS ONLY |
Because I know I’m going to get a lot of questions from people asking “Does Iowa really look like that?” I took the time to draw an incentive sketch that really gives you a sense of scale and space here on the open prairie. You can view it by voting for Theater Hopper at buzzComix.
So, in case you hadn’t heard, the new Superman starring in Bryan Singer’s addition to the franchise is Iowa native Brandon Routh. He’s been a virtual unknown up to this point, which I believe was Singer’s intention. I imagine he’ll be fine in the role. After all, no one really knew who Christopher Reeve was until he put on the cape.
I dunno. Looking at pictures of Routh, I think he looks too young. I mean, he’s two years younger than I am, for crying out loud. He’s also two years younger than the current, HIGH SCHOOL-AGED Superman Tom Welling from the television show Smallville.
I guess whenever I think of Superman, I think of an older father-figure. Someone in his 30’s AT LEAST. I mean, look at the new Batman movie coming out with Christian Bale. Bale is 30 years old exactly and he’s playing Batman in the first year of his crime fighting career. It still feels more correct than casting a 24 year-old to play Superman.
Maybe it’s the whole authority issue. Superheroes are kind of this alpha-male archetype that we tend to look up to. All I’m saying is that I’m going to have trouble suspending disbelief when I’m supposed to marvel at a Superman that could have been my best friend’s little brother at once point. I could give this guy a noogie, for Pete’s sake… An atomic wedgie, y’know?
Onto today’s comic. The conversation playing out online in the strip pretty much happened word-for-word in my own community, The THorum. As odd as it will be to see Routh in the blue tights, I am proud that a once fellow denizen of The Hawkeye State has gone on to bigger and bolder things.
Sure, some of you might live in states where celebrities have been cropping up left and right. But around here, it’s been less common. Who has Iowa given to entertainment? Well, John Wayne and Donna Reed are good starts. But no one from my generation, really. No. Scratch that. There’s Ashton Kutcher and Elijah Wood (both from Cedar Rapids). But, you know. It’s not common. That’s all I’m saying.
At any rate, it IS a big deal. I mean, after all this is the state whose largest newspaper has an article each week updating Rory’s status on Survivor. That’s right! Rory’s from Iowa, too! We’re taking over your town next!
Speaking of The THorum, I wanted to announce to all potential advertisers that we’re now selling ad space in The THorum. It’s a really good deal. By volume, this is probably the one place on the site that will generate for you the most repeat impressions. But lucky for you, we’re not selling by ad views, but by spans of time! So you can reserve this spot for a week, two weeks or even a month on the cheap and no one else is going to share it will you!
We recently just welcomed our 400th registrant, but there are tons of people reading the THorum who aren’t signed up. This is a good opportunity to get your site in front of a lot of people! If you’re interested, contact me for information about advertising rates and availability!
This is what I get for assuming that no one cares.
Both The Des Moines Register and News-a-rama picked up on I’M A MORON’s homecoming for the premiere of Superman Returns here in Iowa.
I’m not all that surprised that The Des Moines Register would run something on it, but I was really freaked out when News-a-rama had someone at the event and they took a bunch of pictures.
The theater they’re at – Century Theaters? I hang out there every week. That’s my home-away-from-home, kids. I feel like I total idiot for letting this opportunity slip through my fingers. But quite honestly, up to that point, the media described the event as invitation only. Who knew the guy would be glad-handing fans for over an hour on the red carpet!
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