It’s this kind of crazed feminine logic that can put weaker men in a tailspin!
I know today’s comic isn’t gut-busting hilarious, but they can’t call be Showtime at the Apollo.
Personally, I find it ∗very∗ funny because it – in fact – happens to be very true.
Cami was more than excited about seeing In Her Shoes for about the last week or so. I don’t know what caught her eye about it, exactly. Maybe an errant commercial flickered across the screen during a Lifetime Intimate Portrait.
And if that sounds slightly condescending, well… I point the finger at Lifetime Intimate Portrait. They started it.
At any rate, I wasn’t particularly bothered by the idea of seeing the movie for two reasons:
1. It was directed by Curtis Hanson. He’s the same guy that made one of my all-time favorite movies L.A. Confidential and the equally enjoyable Wonder Boys. He also lensed 8 Mile for those of you of the hip-hop persuasion.
2. Jeffery Wells – a critic and columnist I tend to take pretty seriously… my "guardo camino" (as it were) in all matters tending to film – endorsed this movie up and down. I’ve come to know Welles as a highly cynical chap, so if he was able to find something life affirming among the "chick flick" trappings, there must be hope.
Then, on Friday, Cami read a pretty negative review by Entertainment Weekly’s Lisa Schwarzbaum and that was it. The movie was off our radar.
Unfortunately, we weren’t able to swap it out with Wallace & Gromit which I feel kind of badly about. But maybe we can see it Wednesday night.
Wait. Oh, no. Shoot. Can’t do that. Lost is on Wednesday night and we can’t leave the house.
Oh, well. At any rate, I got my Curtis Hanson fix in this weekend and watched L.A. Confidential on my own. Amazing how well the film holds up. Russell Crowe is still tolerable! Can you believe that film is almost 10 years old? Either I know the film so well it feels like yesterday, or I’m seriously dipping into "Old Man" territory.
Or, perhaps there hasn’t been anything WORTH remembering in the last 10 years? I like to believe it’s the latter.
As a sidebar, I also sat down to watch Raging Bull with Cami this weekend. No real reason motivated that choice, but it felt good to see it again. Felt like we accomplished something. Cami had never seen the film before and say afterwords that while she enjoyed it, she probably didn’t want to watch it again any time soon. Jake LaMotta is just a really unlikeable guy.
But I’m thinking there will come a time she’ll want to watch it again soon. She used to not like Goodfellas, but now it’s become one of those movies to her where, if it’s on, you have to stop what you’re doing and watch it.
I rib Cami about the chick-flick stuff, but she has good taste. Don’t doubt it. Her and chick-flicks are like me and super-hero movies. Something to get excited about, but not the barometer for our taste in cinema.
If you aren’t already aware, I’m going to stop selling t-shirts, hoodies and baby doll tees on October 31. It’s a semi-permanent solution to a problem I’ve had for a while. I’ll sell these items again someday, I’m just not sure when. So if you’ve been on the fence about buying any of these designs, now is the time to do it. Actually, a handful of them are going to be retired, so you should really look into it if you’re interested.
There’s a much lengthier blog about the subject that I posted on Friday. Here’s a handy link for reference. Scroll down for all the details.
Thanks to everyone for their support.