So this is the first Theater Hopper strip, eh? God, I had hoped it would be funnier. But, what are you gonna do?…
Thanks for taking time out of your busy work day to waste a few quick seconds at my site. This is something I’ve wanted to take a swing at for a really long time. Hopefully, with your help I’ll improve.
If you like what you see so far, please tell more people about the site. I also encourage everyone to visit the forum and register. It’ll be a cool place to hang out and talk smack about movies.
As far as today’s strip goes, it’s a pretty common scenario for me. I’ve been known to drop impersonations of Dr. Evil randomly into many conversations. I think the more intellectual friends of mine are a little tired of it, but afraid to tell me to knock it off for fear I may call them “frickin’ eediots”. Or maybe not.
I’d love to get some suggestions on how to make the site better, but unfortunately, I’m having trouble setting up my e-mail through Microsoft Outlook. Eventually it will be But in the meantime, if you have suggestions, take them to the forum and I can pick them up there.
Thanks again and I’ll see you here soon!
So as you can see, I’ve rounded out the last four of the Ten Commandments of Movie Watching. I know there was some anticipation out there waiting to see where it ended up. I hope you aren’t disappointed. If anything, I hope you enjoyed getting an extra comic on Tuesday. Keep checking the site. You’ll get another extra comic tomorrow.
I wanted to mention that I finally got off my can and updated some sections in the Bonus Materials area. I placed last week’s guest comic as well as a couple others from when I went to New York for New Year’s Eve. You can check them out here.
I also updated the cameo page. This is where I hook you up with all the little appearances Theater Hopper characters have turned up across web comic land. This time through, there are two more to add to the list. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom on both pages for the new stuff.
I still have some art to add to the “guest strips that I’ve drawn” page as well as to the fan art section. I feel awful, because I’ve been sitting on some of this stuff for a long time. But it’s a start, right?
Beyond that, nothing much to say. I’m VERY excited for the weekend’s movie offerings. Kill Bill Vol. 2 predominantly on my mind. I’m also looking forward to seeing The Punisher, even though I know it will suck horribly. It’ll be a bittersweet few days. But I gotta support the boys at Marvel. If anything, I’m brand-loyal.
Anyway, I’ll be sure to hit all these topics more in the next few days. Until then, take it easy!