September 24th, 2008 | by Tom(7 votes, average: 9.29 out of 10)
I’m kind of over my Shia hate. At least for right now I am. I dunno. Eagle Eye doesn’t look like the kind of movie I need to get worked up about. I liked it much better when it was Enemy of the State. No, scratch that. I think it was better when it was called The Game.
Talk to me next summer when Transformers 2 comes out.
I might end up seeing Eagle Eye this weekend, though. But only if Choke doesn’t end up in a theater near me. I’d much rather see that. As far as Eagle Eye is concerned, I’m down for seeing any movie that doesn’t have the where-with-all to pull a trailer featuring a vehicle doing a jack knife through an intersection after LaBeouf’s last run in with the law. Way to brush that little episode out of the corners of our collective memory bank, Dreamworks marketing department!
But hey, Shia’s stubble is starting to look really nice. A little less Trash ‘Stach for this outing, eh, Shia?
Besides, you’ve got to love a movie that uses the line “They’re hacking into the POWER GRID!”
Uh-huh. Sure they are.
Oh, golly. Would you look at that? Here I am talking about how I’m off the Shia Hate Train and all it takes is a couple of scratches to find it bubbling below the surface. What a hypocrite I am.
Oh, well. Gotta pack it in for now. I have a big presentation about Limited-Effects Theory for my Mass Communications course this evening. So I’m kind of distracted thinking about that – hoping I don’t blow the introduction. Wish me luck and be sure to come back to the site tomorrow for a review of Sex and the City, recently released on DVD. I’m switching it up for this one. I’ll be interviewing Cami and asking her what she thought of the film! So something unique for your Thursday!
Stay tuned!
You probably didn’t think it was going to happen did you? The updates are getting farther and farther apart, I know.
I feel like the last couple of weeks have been moving so quickly. Illness, public speaking, lots of distractions. But I’ve already penciled the comic after this one. I keep trying to make up ground.
As you can see, we’ve skipped ahead three months into the final arc of the comic. In a way, I’m relieved that I can go back to drawing “talking heads” against their usual backdrops, wearing their usual costumes without having to add layers and layers of smoke, fire and lighting effects.
In another way, I’m profoundly sad – and I think you know why.
I probably have about 5 or 6 comics left in me. That doesn’t sound like much. But as things have been going, that probably puts me on pace to wrap things up by the end of the year.
I know I said I’d end the comic on August 6. That didn’t happen. But wrapping things up in December feels okay to me, too. I tend to put a lot of personal emphasis on the end of the year and the sea change emotionally it seems to conjure in me. So the sense that I’m closing a chapter in the Book of My Life will likely feel more profound.
So anyway, that’s all I have for now. More comics on the horizons. A few more jokes to tell. Oh, and before it’s all over, you’ll find out where Charlie and Jimmy end up.
Thanks again for your patience. Happy Halloween!