Today’s comic springs from truth, to a degree. It was actually ME who was in Toys R’ Us this weekend when I spotted this handsome fellow – a 12″ Deluxe Van Helsing figure. Not sure what’s going on with that expression. He looks a little more constipated rather than ready to vanquish evil.
Anyway, I saw this figure and I was trying to imagine who is buying them? The idea of Cami buying one for herself to swoon over was too funny to pass up. Combing its hair like a Barbie? C’mon!
If I recall correctly, Cami’s not much of a Hugh Jackman fan in real life. It’s understandable since her only context of the thespian is as Wolverine in the X-Men movies, which she doesn’t much care for. Getting her to see Van Helsing this weekend could be tricky, but I think the lure of an “event” movie will be enough to circumnavigate any hesitation.
Is it just me, or do these “summer” blockbusters seem to be coming earlier each year? If you went by Hollywood’s clock, summer starts sometime at the end of April. They must share the same timetable as the shopping malls that start celebrating Christmas in October.
That’s all for now. I’m tired. Like “dark-circles-under-my-eyes-since-5:00-P.M.” tired.
Later, cats.
May 15th, 2006 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(6 votes, average: 8.50 out of 10)
Hey, guys. I’m going to be out of town for a while – leaving on vacation with Cami Thursday morning. So, in preparation for and continuing through our vacation, I’ve arranged a series of guest strips to keep things moving. A bunch of great artists answered the call and I’m way excited to show you what they came up with!
Leading off are my good friend Joe “Rules” Dunn and Daniel “Monk” Pelfrey. Both of them are members of the Theater Hopper THorum and are good friends of mine. You probably recognize Joe’s name from all his good work on Joe Loves Crappy Movies, Martriculated, Free Lunch and the now-completed Coffee Achievers. If you’re already familiar with his work, you already know that he drew today’s comic. Daniel is the guy behind the scenes running everything over at Digital Entertainment News. He’s advertised with us before and is a great friend of the site. Daniel wrote today’s strip!
So, check out Joe’s comics for some excellent illustration and comedy and check out Daniel’s site for a whole slew of gaming information and news across all the platforms. He’s been doing a lot of work out at E3 and is posting some great reaction articles!
Some of you that are familiar with Theater Hopper and the guest strip periods we go through know that Joe has contributed several times before. Typically, he collaborates with another THorum mainstay Mup. Well, for those of you that get a kick out of their awesome Wonder Twins-level team ups, don’t worry. They have a treat for you later on.
Incidentally, for those of you that are curious, this guest week period will be running for the next three weeks. I’ll be taking up the mantle again on Monday, June 5.
This is kind of bad timing because, as you know, the pre-order for the first Theater Hopper book Theater Hopper – Year One ends on June 11. I won’t be around to keep bugging you guys about it (although I’ll do my best!) so if you’re thinking about buying a book, please do so now. Cami and I leave at 6:30 Thursday morning. It would be great if before we go, I could see my inbox flooded with orders so we can get closer to our ultimate goal! It would go a long way to setting my mind at ease.
Last week you guys did an excellent job responding to the announced deadline. As of today, I would say we are about 225 book orders away from our goal. We have less than a month to do it, but I know you guys are there for me!
As a matter of fact, I just got a wonderful e-mail message from someone (and I won’t share his name because I haven’t cleared it with him), but he mad an exceptionally generous donation. Here’s a guy who has already pre-ordered a copy of the book, but he wants to see it succeed as badly as I do. So what does do? He goes ahead and donates $10 to the cause. Didn’t have enough money to buy another book, but wanted to continue supporting me anyway.
That, my friends, is totally amazing.
So, remember – even if you don’t have enough money to buy a book, you can still help out. A dollar here, a dollar there. It all adds up. The goal is to earn the money we need to pay off the printer in full by June 11. Every little bit helps!
Donating to Theater Hopper also comes with it’s fair share of rewards. You’ll get your name and web site address listed on the Walk of Fame. And if you’re a member of the THorum, you get Donator status with exclusive rights to content no one else sees. You don’t have to donated $10 like my friend did to earn these privileges. All you need is one dollar in your in the club.
So, anyway. Think of it as an option. If you don’t have the money to buy the book, feel free to donate instead. If you want to learn more, click here.
Of course, I would always encourage you to save up if you can and buy the book because I think you get a little more for your money. Heck – you get A LOT more for your money! There’s some great content in there and I want to share it with all of you!
Thanks again for your fabulous support! You guys are the best – no question about it
I’ve made jokes about Nicolas Cage’s hair in the past, but I like coming up with different excuses for it. I kind of like the idea that his weird bird’s nest look is kind of beyond his control. Like everyone THINKS he’s balding, but he’s really got this fantastic follicle action going on upstairs…
Have you guys seen any of the trailers or production photos from Bangkok Dangerous? I really can’t figure out what’s going on with the hairstyle choices, Nic. This comic was *this close* to being titled “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YOUR HEAD, NICHOLAS CAGE?” but it was too long.
I know Cage is supposed to be a hitman in Bangkok Dangerous and these kinds of unsavory characters aren’t the most fashionable. But Cage looks like an internet predator more than he does a cold-blooded hitman.

Just… ugh. No.
Hey, so long as I’m in an image posting mood, I thought I would share with you guys another custom sketch I did in support of the donation drive.

This one is for my good friend Gordon McAlpin from Multiplex. He was actually the first person to donate to the cause, so you’d think I would have gotten around to this sooner. But, like I’ve said before, I want to try to make these as nice as possible.
In case you don’t recognize the reference, Gordon is smashing a mailbox with Tom cheering him on as a sequel of sorts to this comic for Wanted.
Anyway, I’m really happy with how this turned out and I wanted to share it with you.
Sidebar… Gordon has a really great hand-drawn story arc going on right now over at Multiplex, so you should really check it out. I think sometimes people take Gordon’s talent for granted because he does his comic in Illustrator and they assume it’s all copy and paste. They overlook the fact that Gordon has to create all of those characters and environments entirely in the computer. But the also overlook what an excellent artist he is in more traditional mediums. So check it out, okay?
Anyway, back to the donations and the sketches… I haven’t talked much about the donation drive because, frankly… I’m just trying to get caught up on the donations that have already been sent in. I’ve been in touch with almost everyone and I’m trying to work on the art every night. But I feel like if I keep pushing it on you, one – it’s going to be a turn off or two – I’m going to have more work than I can handle.
As you can tell from the graph, we’re pretty close to meeting our goal, so I’m not to worried about the money situation. The data has already been recovered and is back in my hands. I’m just dealing with the fallout of the expense but am more worried about making good on my promises.
It might take me a while, but I WILL get your art to you! Hang tough!
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got today. No big plans this weekend, thank goodness. I bought The Muppets Take Manhattan for Cami last week on her birthday, so I think we’re going to try and watch that at some point. I’m looking forward to it!
I hope everyone has a great weekend and I’ll see you here on Monday!
March 23rd, 2009 | by Tom

(13 votes, average: 7.62 out of 10)
At this point there have been so many B-grade thrillers starting Nicholas Cage and his mighty-morphin’ hairline, it’s almost become a sub-genre within the comic!
I’m kind of fond of the idea that Cage is host to some kind of demonic, mousse-infused demon hairpiece. It would certainly justify a lot of the decisions he’s been making lately.
Knowing was the big box office winner this weekend, bringing in almost $25. I know some people who liked it, but the general consensus is that the film is not good. I’m intrigued by the concept, but it looks like a rental to me so long as no one spoils the whole number thing. I have to admit I am curious to see what happens when they run out.
…But not so curious that I have to run out opening weekend and drop $10 on it.
What’s been interesting is reading the articles about Cage that basically said he’s sold out. Jeffery Wells from Hollywood Elsewhere suggests some kind of virus has gotten into his system, “like a pod was placed next to his bed in ’05 or ’06 and another life form took over.”
John Anderson from The Washington Post cuts to the bone when he suggests that “Cage, once held up as an example of the intrepid artistic impulse, has become something of the poster boy for blind ambition, cynical role selection, questionable judgment and, worst of all, humorlessness: He glowers, he hunches, he looks meaningfully into the distance without it meaning anything at all.”
Owen Gleiberman from Entertainment Weekly doesn’t even attempt to hid his contempt, asking in his article’s headline: Nicholas Cage: Artist or hack?
This could very well be a case of critical dog-piling. These guys could all be feeding each other in terms of their theories. But could the also be reflecting a sense of general disappointment with Cage and his choices?
Not that it’s any business of ours, I suppose. But I think Gleiberman is onto something when he points out that Cage makes movies that people want to see. But Gleiberman is quick to point out that, for some, “Cage has become something of a joke, a proud I don’t give a f—! hack-for-hire who sells out his gifts with such unabashed promiscuity that it’s almost as if he were daring you to call him on it.”
I’m curious what the rest of you have to say about this topic. Personally, I fall somewhere in the middle. I cringe when Cage shows up in movies like Bangkok Dangerous and Next. But I won’t front when I say I really enjoyed him in straight-up-the-middle family entertainment like the National Treasure movies.
What’s your opinion about Cage? Is he selling his gifts short? Has he been doing these B-grade films for so long that you can barely remember his Oscar winning turn in Leaving Las Vegas? Leave your comments below.
In the meantime, don’t forget to tune in to The Triple Feature tonight at 9:00 PM CST over at We’ll be talking about Knowing and the other box office winner this weekend, I Love You, Man.
I managed to see I Love You, Man over the weekend and I liked it. But I spent a lot of time cringing at the awkward social situations Paul Rudd’s character puts himself in the middle of. I saw a little bit of myself in that character. I don’t have a lot of guy friends and I can certainly identify with the challenge of trying to cultivate friendship in adulthood. It’s friggin’ hard! Seriously – I’ve you don’t set yourself up with at least one or two guy friends early on in life, you’re kind of screwed.
To be notified of when The Triple Feature is about to start recording live, start following my Twitter feed. I always make sure to post an announcement about 5 to 10 minutes before we start the show. If you’re online, you can join in the conversation! We hope to see you there!
Last week Cami and I watched No Reservations starring Catherine Zeta-Jones and Aaron Eckhart when I noticed that Eckhart has fabulous hair and I hate him for it.
Later, we watched an episode of 30 Rock we had recorded guest-starring Mad Men’s Jon Hamm when I noticed that his hair is also fabulous and that I hate him just as much.

Clearly these two should team up so they can flaunt their fabulous hair and I can hate them equally at the same time.
Think of it as the W.A.S.P. version of Bandidas starring Penélope Cruz and Salma Hayek from a few years back. Maybe Eckhart and Hamm can be investment bankers who run out of mousse, or something.
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