June 1st, 2006 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(5 votes, average: 7.20 out of 10)
Well, I’m back from Europe but the guest strips are still going strong. Good to see that the site didn’t go wonky while I was away. I probably need to keep this brief since I’m still jet lagging and the typos are worse than ever, but Cami and I had a great trip and excellent weather throughout. I took over 500 pictures and some of them I’ll be sharing as I transcribe my journal from the last two weeks on my LiveJournal page. I don’t really want to advertise it here, but you can learn more about it in the THorum here, if you’re interested.
Please give it up to full_absolution from Bradley Drawn for today’s guest comic. I freaked out a little about the pot leaf in the second panel, but how are you going to do a strip about stoners without one? Truthfully, it’s something I would probably toss in if I wrote this strip. I thought full-absolution did a good job of capturing that thing I do with the photos in the background sometimes.
Even thought the comic is currently on hiatus, you should really check out Bradley Drawn. It has a cool geometric cartoon feel that I like a lot.
I should probably mention that the deadline for the book pre-sale is closing in on us. Sunday, June 11 is the deadline and as you can see, we have a ways to go to make our goal.
Some of you have been ordering 2 books and that’s phenominal. I say, "Keep doing more of that!" If you think you might have a little brother or a cousin that would enjoy a copy of the book come holiday season, don’t be afraid to buy a copy now and hang on to it until December! Please click here to pre-order your copy today!
Obviously it was difficult to promote the pre-sale while I was out of the country, but now that we’re nearing the home stretch, I’m going to make a big push for it. Help me out if you can. Be sure to spread the word to all your friends and forum communities!
In the meantime, it’s good to be back and I’m ready to jump into things next week. I know it won’t be as timely as it might have been otherwise, but I think I have some good ideas for making fun of The DaVinci Code and X-Men 3: The Last Stand.
Stay tuned!