I grew up on Elm Street, literally. That’s why I didn’t watch the series until just a few years ago. I once had to drag my brothers out of the neighbor’s house because they were watching Freddy’s fourth installment. I knew they would have nightmares, so I made them go home. Well, they had nightmares anyway and I still got in trouble. Stupid fire urinating hound from hell.
I have now watched the entire series of A Nightmare on Elm Street, but only really like the first and last installments. I can’t decide who I want to win. Probably Freddy since I haven’t bothered to watch much of Jason. I have only seen the first Friday the 13th movie.
Who do you think will win? Let us know in the forums. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to join you there quite yet. For that, I would like to thank the MSblast worm. Yeah, thanks for messing up my computer. Hopefully Jason and Freddy will get you and your beloved San.
A shout out is needed to my long lost friend Tanner. He has regained contact with me due to this web site. I knew semi-fame was good for something!
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May 15, 2003 | FORUM GOES LIVE |
Even though you have to reach a little bit for the punchline, I think today’s strip is one of the better pieces I’ve completed. I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but in terms of art, a kind of cinematic pacing, the coloring – I couldn’t be more pleased. 🙂
Even though this is my second strip in regard to Freddy Vs. Jason, I won’t be seeing the title bout this weekend. Instead, I think Cami and I are going to see Open Range.
Despite my hatred of all things Kevin Costner, I think Open Range looks pretty good. I think we’re in the mood for something with more adult sensabilities – A movie that doesn’t involve pie-humping or explosions. Something a little more mature. Besides, it has Robert Duvall and Annette Benning in it, which more than makes up for the “Costner factor”.
I’m zeroing in on a new site design. If I can get it to work, you might have to say goodbye to the curtians. It’s a much more modular and less graphic-intensive design. The version in my head looks spectaculr. Now I have to see if I can translate it to the screen.
This has been a pretty good week site-wise. I have you guys to thank for it. Every one of you I speak to is so cool, I wish I could meet you in person. Reading Absath’s Oktagon recap over at Ctrl+Alt+Del got me thinking I should be attending more conventions.
I might be back later in the day. I have a couple of stray thoughts bouncing around in my head…