Still playing around with the Ten Commandments of Movie Watching. I hope you’re enjoying it. Be sure to come back tomorrow for the conclusion of that arc. Don’t fret, though. I’ll have ANOTHER extra comic for you on Thursday!
Don’t have a lot to say, mostly because I’m still adjusting from the two hour time change from my Vegas vacation. It probably doesn’t help that I’m staying up late again to finish the comic. Cami and I went to see Henry Rollins do a spoken word gig in our hometown last night and he performed a set that went on from 8 P.M. to 11 P.M. It was a good show. He gave some stupid drunks in the front row a hard time when they wouldn’t stop talking. One of the dumb girls was even on her cell phone at one point. He called them out pretty well, but sometimes you can’t cut through a drunken fog with a flame-thrower.
I didn’t find out about the Rollins show until late Monday morning. It’s ironic, because when we were in Vegas, Cami and I were wandering around the Mandalay Bay Resort. They have a House of Blues inside and Rollins was going to perform there April 18th. I lamented we didn’t take our vacation one week later. We come home, and guess who’s waiting for us?!
I want to mention again that I’m doing pre-orders for t-shirts through the month of April. Things have kind of tapered off – probably because I’m not reminding you that they’re available. Well, THEY’RE AVAILABLE! Check out the store for all the details. Remember, I need a certain amount of pre-orders or else I can’t submit an order. These are really good shirts. You can thank the good people at Brunetto for their quality screen-printing for that.
More later if I can get to it. Right now, I’m bushed. If not, see you here Wednesday!
July 8th, 2005 | by Tom(6 votes, average: 8.67 out of 10)
T.G.I.F., homeboys and homegirls. “It’s Clobberin’ Time!” indeed!
As most of you know, the big screen adaptation of the classic Marvel comic book Fantastic Four hits screens today. Most are expecting it to land with a resounding thud. Me, on the other hand? I’m… conflicted.
I’ll admit that my initial impression of the film was very negative. The casting of the principle characters was WAY off base for me. Each of the Four felt like an ill fit except for Michael Chiklis as the ever-lovin’, blue-eyed Thing.
But even my excitement to see the erstwhile Commish in his portrayal was dulled by frequent interviews Chiklis gave complaining about wearing the laytex suit created for the The Thing.
Maybe he earns points for being the only actor that’s even READ the comics, but when you want to get hyped up for a movie, you don’t want to hear the actors complain about what a pain in the ass it was to make.
So time passes. Pictures, teaser posters and trailers come and go. Even the first round of television commercials really sucked. Heap on all of the merchandising on top of that, and I’m far past caring about this movie.
But a little voice in the back of the head keeps nagging me. “But you loved the Fantastic Four growing up! Won’t you see this movie? Won’t you see it just to placate your curiosity?”
And suddenly, as if by magic, the promotional materials started looking more appealing. There was The Thing in his fedora and overcoat trying to look innocuous. There was that commercial where the Human Torch pranks The Thing with the old “shaving cream in the hand while sleeping” routine – perfectly capturing the playfully contentious relationship of the comics. Maybe this movie won’t be so bad after all.
But the tide of negative buzz around this movie is enormous. It seems most people are beyond thinking for themselves on this one. So for even the morbidly curious to step forward and say “Hey, I might actually be interested in seeing this.” is met with a showering chorus of “Are you stupid?! It’s going to be TERRIBLE.”
Oh to be a nerd without a country.
I would totally see the film this weekend if we weren’t getting ready for our big move to the new house next week. So buckle up because that means you’re in store for a WHOLE WEEK of guest strips while my computer is packed away in Styrofoam peanuts. We’ve got some good stuff lined up. You won’t be disapointed.
I hope everyone has a great weekend! I’ll see you all again soon!
It’s hard to think of good insults when you’re under threat of a Monty Python moment…
Cami and I went to see The 40 Year-Old Virgin this weekend and the exact scenario with the woman taking off her shoes and putting her feet up on the seat in front of her did transpire.
Well, everything except me calling her a “dirty pirate wench…” But the rest is all true!
This is the thing I don’t understand. This woman wasn’t some post-adolescent taking part in some kind of lazy summer-time rebellion. This wasn’t some girl casually kicking off her flip-flops and dangling her manicured toes over the seat in front of her.
No. The woman in question was middle-aged. In attendance with friends. Some of them balding. My point? She should have known better.
Folks, she had to unlace her shoes and take off her socks to perform this gross trespass against common decency. C’mon. That’s like taking off your pants in a crowded restaurant to scratch your ass.
Anyway, I’m only leaving a quick thought about The 40 Year-Old Virgin because I’m tired and need to go to bed soon.
I loved it. Honest to goodness, I think it’s the most entertaining movie I’ve been to all year. I liked it even better than I liked Batman Begins. I liked it better than I liked Wedding Crashers. And now that Cami knows that action figures are now a sound investment, she can’t make fun of me when I buy 5 or 6 figures from the Marvel Legends line.
I’m happy for Steve Carell. There was this lingering question if he could carry a movie by himself. I think he knocked it out of the park. He makes his character more real just by playing it straight.
Director/writer Judd Apatow has now cemented my status as a life-long fan. I think his script was brilliant. I was even more pleased to learn that his second canceled sitcom – Undeclared – was just released in its entirety on DVD, which I did not know. I will be snapping that up shortly.
Overall, I’m happy for the R-rated sex comedy. Hopefully the success of this film and Wedding Crashers will prove to Hollywood that there is an older audience out there starving for smart entertainment instead of films that have been watered down for a PG-13 rating and the loose purse strings of the fiscally irresponsible youth of America.
I was really pleased to see the support you guys have shown for the Theater Hopper LiveJournal syndication feed. Since it would seem that simply mentioning it gets people to add it to their LiveJournal friends list, I’m doing so again today. If you want updates to the comic and the blog as soon as they’re posted, this is the most direct line to them.
Well, it’s not as direct as actually checking the site first, but you know what I mean..