Holy crap!
I had so much big news to share about the book and the sponsors, I totally forgot to tell you guys that I am in dire need of guest comics!
Remember how I was talking about Cami using the computer for her Accounting final? Well, that’s because on May 14, she’s graduating with her Masters degree in Public Administration!
As part of that celebration, Cami and I are spending what little money we had left over from the last two years and going to Europe with it. We’ve both been to Europe on our own, but this will be the first time we’ve gone together. From May 18 to May 31, we’re going to Barcelona, Nice and Rome. It’s a dream come true and it significantly marks one chapter of our lives ending while turning the page on a new chapter.
As such, since we’ll be away for so long, I really need someone to help me mind the store. In other words, I need guest strips.
If you’re interested in contributing, I think it would be really worth your while. I have some ad purchase lined up with some pretty big web comics that is going to drive a lot of traffic to this end of the internet. So I’m sure you’ll get a little extra exposure from that since I plan on crediting everyone accordingly.
Please send me your guest strips as soon as possible to theaterhopper@hotmail.com
Thanks in advance for your help!
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Apr 17, 2009 | ALTERING THE RSS |
I just wanted to say something really quickly about the book pre-orders before I talk about today’s guest strip.
Tomorrow Cami and I are going on vacation. It’s a long one. We won’t be back until May 30. When we get back, we have less than two weeks to really drive home pre-orders to meet the minimum requirement we need to be able to pay the printer. The deadline in June 11.
You guys were really great about placing your orders last week when I mentioned the deadline, so I want to mention it again. I’ve also posted a new graphic to the right of the comic that outlines EXACTLY what we need to make this a success.
If you’re thinking about buying the book, please do so now. How awesome would it be if Cami and I came back from vacation and found 225 pre-orders in my mailbox? That would be pretty flipping sweet!
So, once again, I stress that I need your help. You know the reasons why. Time is running out.
For those of you who have already placed your orders, you guys are awesome and I really appreciate your support. The time is drawing near. It won’t be long now until you get your copy delivered to your hot little hands!
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Apr 17, 2006 | BUY THE BOOK! |
Jun 5, 2006 | CHIPS DOWN |
In nearly every appearance he’s made, Victor has been depicted as a scowling monolith – a permanent frown on his face.
For this story arc, I thought it was important to see him smile – if for no other reason than for being recognized as another human being. I decided to make Victor smiling my Top Web Comics incentive sketch as well. If you’d like to see it, click on the graphic to the left and vote for Theater Hopper at Top Web Comics.
Something I was concerned about writing this strip is that people would think I was depicting Tom as the hero for being accepting of Victor. The somewhat purposeful stride in the last panel might lead people to that conclusion, but that’s not my intent.
Victor just took a REALLY BIG RISK by kissing Tom on the mouth. Knowing that Victor is a prideful person who maybe just overplayed his hand, Tom’s trying to be delicate about the situation.
I don’t want to examine it too much because the point was that there’s now an unspoken understanding between these two – and life goes on.
In fact, I think that’s a good place to stop for now. The comic is shifting it’s focus to Jimmy and Charlie next week. But don’t worry. This isn’t the last we’ll see of Victor.
Have a great week, everyone!