Today’s strip makes me laugh. If I’m a dork for admitting that, then crown me King Dork of The Land of Dork.
I’ve always been a fan of Tex Avery-style slapstick violence. I get a good chuckle out of the idea putting someone in a situation they are completely oblivious to, and nonsensical violence is their comeuppance.
Regardless, Al Pacino’s new flick Simone left the door wide open to a strip like this one. At least in my brain — where “one + B = elephant.”
I don’t know if any of you have seen the trailers or commercials for Simone, but basically, Pacino creates a computer-generated movie star when his flesh and blood lead walks out of the picture he’s directing. Of course, Simone goes on to super-stardom and is internationally loved. Pacino is then left to deal with the repercussions of his lie which that grown beyond his control.
This movie doesn’t just wear its intentions on it’s sleeve, it shoves them in your fucking face. “ARE YOU LEARNING ANYTHING FROM THIS EXPERIENCE?! DO YOU HEED OUR WARNING?!” It should have the words “A MORAL DRAMA” printed out in big, bold letters at the base of the poster.
Maybe I’m jumping the gun. After all, I haven’t actually seen the film. But once my B.S. alarm sounds, it’s a loud li’l bugger and hard to ignore. I’d rather a film sneak in the back door with it’s message rather than beat me over the head with it. As pretentious as it was American Beauty did a good job of this.
Maybe I’m just too sensitive.
Today’s comic is the continuation of Monday’s comic – my retelling of one of THE WORST theater experiences I’ve ever had, trying to watch the sublime Bill Murray in Lost in Translation.
Granted, my anger has subsided somewhat since the event that took place last week. But it bears retelling.
Ever since last Friday, I was trying to figure out where all the employees went during the movie? Were they all out back smoking cigarettes like some kind of 50’s “no good kids” cliche?
Hey, guys.
I wanted to let you know that I pulled what I was told was malicious code from the site and (with any luck) you guys should stop seeing malware errors.
Except… I don’t think that’s happening.
I let people know about the code change yesterday through my Twitter account and asked people to let me know if they were still seeing the error. Some people said the error messages stopped, others said they were still getting them.
My suspicion is that people using Safari and Chrome were the ones getting the error messages in the first place. After I made the code change, things look clear for Safari users, but not Chrome.
My guess is because, like an elephant, Google never seems to forget and I’m wondering if I have to send a letter to them to have the site reindexed.
Are there any readers who use both Safari and Chrome? Or, can I ask everyone to reply to this blog post and let me know 1.) If they see the error and 2.) What browser they’re using?
We need to narrow this down and I think we’re getting closer, but we need your help!
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I’m continuing to fight the good fight in terms of the malware errors the site was generating. I pulled a second line of (presumably malicious) code from the site yesterday and wanted to collect another round of feedback from you guys to make sure the site is clean.
Last time I checked, Google Chrome was the only holdout still returning errors. I’m thinking we might have done the job for good this time. Again, please let me know what browser you’re running and if you’re getting any errors.
Second bit of feedback I need is in regard to WordPress itself. I don’t know if this has anything to do with the code I removed yesterday, but it now appears I can’t add tags to my blog posts. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this or know where I should start looking so I can fix it?
Your help is appreciated.
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Feb 25, 2009 | TRANSCRIPTS |
Jun 16, 2009 | FIGHTING MALWARE |