Today marks an important occasion in the history of Theater Hopper. Today we have reached our 25th strip! Huzzah!
Extra-special, so-rare-its-only-made-in-Canada icing on the cake is that we’ve also cross the boundary of 5,000 unique hits since opening our doors way back on August 5. I simply couldn’t ignore this achievement you made possible and decided to enact a plan to return my gratitude.
So, in celebration, I’ve decided that there will be FIVE (5) strips this week instead of the standard three. I know you are all going to dig it. There’s going to be a storyline and everything!
Now, keep in mind that every moment I spend working on these extra strips is time that would otherwise be spent playing Kingdom Hearts. The fact that I would set aside such an awesome game for a little extra entertainment on your end should clear up any mysteries as to where my priorities lie!
Be sure to check back every day this week for the next installment in the arc. You won’t be disappointed. It’s just a small token of my appreciation to you the fan who has helped to make this site such a blast to work on!
Once again I have to apologize for updating the site a little later in the morning. It appears that the situation with my satellite internet has transformed from a “Mother Nature screwed me over” thing into a “Tom can’t solve his own technical problem” thing.
For the life of me, I can figure out what’s wrong. I bring up Explorer, it tells me it can’t make a connection. I check my Network Adaptor information, it tells me that the networking cable isn’t hooked up. I look at my networking cable and it is clearly plugged into the wall and computer. I think my computer is trying to trick me.
Regardless, now I have to put in a call to customer service where I’m sure their answer will be something obvious like “Did you check to make sure your cable is connected?” or something equally lame. If any of you have suggestions, please contact me.
Obviously this snafu with my internet connection is throwing a monkey wrench into my plans for replacing the forums and adding a Bonus Materials section. Since I’ll be out of town this weekend, it looks like these two items will have to wait until next week.
Stay tuned for updates!