Typically comic-Tom is so much more creative. I don’t know why he didn’t go a little bit further when picking his mutant power.
Even though yesterday’s comic was about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s baby, I took most of the blog to discuss the recently released X-Men 3 teaser trailer. Now I’m in the position of having nothing more to say about it when I actually get around to making a comic that references it directly! I have to plan these things out a little more in advance.
Not much to share, I supposed. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe comes out today. Or, as I like to call it The Chronicles of Narnia: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Embrace The Unfathomably Long Movie Title. Still no plans to see it. The Lion is a metaphor for Jesus Christ, that’s all I need to know. Not to sound ignorant, but I guess I’m already too late.
Brokeback Mountain and Syriana come out today as well. I’ve been kind of pacing back on forth on whether to see either. As the boys from South Park might put it, Brokeback Mountain looks like nothing more than an independent movie about gay cowboys eating pudding. But the more reviews I read, the more it becomes clear that homosexuality has less to do with it than it being a truly heart-wrenching love story. Wanting what we can’t have due to forces beyond our control.
The homosexual theme isn’t what made me wary of the movie, mind you. I think if more movies like this can creep into the mainstream, then that’s a good thing. But the trailer just made it seem so overbearing, it bordered on being gimmicky. "I WISH I KNEW HOW TO QUIT YOU!" I mean, c’mon. I know it’s a love story. I know it’s about tortured passion. But that’s a ham-fisted line in the vein of "You had me at ‘Hello’." A real eye-roller.
Syriana seemed to be a liitle "too political" for it’s own good. I’m a news-junkie as-is, so I’m exposed to a lot of the subject matter it covers on a daily basis anyway. I don’t know at what point the tide started turning for me. I guess reading more reviews! Critics seem to think this is a pretty important film in the sense that it puts serious issues front and center and we don’t see a lot of films like that anymore. I never thought about it that way before, but it’s true. It’s made me curious enough to check it out soon.
Of course both of these movies are awards-contenders. And as the sun sets sooner and the temperature dips below freezing, I am more inclinded to watch "serious" movies in hopes that the mental stimulation inside a toasty warm theater will stave off the winter doldrums for another year.
Got a little poetic on you there, didn’t I?
Anyway, in non-movie news, there will probably be a new front page layout for you guys when you come back to the site on Monday. I’m not doing a site-overhaul, or anything. Just kind of reorganizing elements and trying new things with advertisers. Yup, advertisers. I bet you love to hear that, huh? But it’s actually a serious attempt to parse some of that action back. Or at least integrate it into the site a little less clumsily.
Aren’t you excited to see the results?! I know I am.
Have a great weekend. I’ll see you back here Monday.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone that today is the last day that you can get 15% off your purchases in the store.
As part of a coding screw up that prevented people from completing their orders, I offered a 15% discount for one week. To take advantage of it, simply type “dummy” into the promotions and coupon field at checkout. (I am the dummy in question).
I would especially like to encourage to pre-order Theater Hopper – Year Three. It was my hope to take copies of the book to the Emerald City Comic Con in April. But, unfortunately, the estimate I recently got back from the printer was much higher than the previous editions of the book I have published. I suppose, like everyone else, their costs have gone up. But it was still a bit of a shock.
We’re received some orders that put us closer to our goal, but if there is not an increase in orders soon, I might have to push the project back and wait for advertising revenue to back fill the cost. Worst case scenario, I might have to shelf the project completely and refund the pre-orders I’ve already received.
We’ll see what happens in the next few weeks. If it gets bad, I might promote a little “$X to Goal” sliding bar to help people visualize things and spur orders. But after today, I won’t be offering any more discounts. So if you want to catch a break, today is your last chance to do so.
Thanks again to all of you who have already placed your orders. It will be a great thrill for me personally to put Theater Hopper – Year Three in your hands. I think it’s the best of my books so far and a lot of work went into making the commentary in the book extra special.
I appreciate your support!
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It was brought to my attention that there was an error on the Store > Bundle page. People trying to order the One Book, One Shirt bundle were being charged for One Book and TWO Shirts! Not cool on my part. My sincere apologies.
I wanted to let everyone know that the error has been fixed and you can now place an order for One Book and One Shirt at a discounted price of $25.00. That’s $5.00 off!
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Well, here’s part three in the quasi-crossover I’m having with Brian Carroll and his strip, Instant Classic. Brian wrapped up his arc yesterday placing his version of Tom at the transformative genesis of one of his lead characters in her past. Pretty cool. Kind of hard to live up to. Sincere thanks to Brian for including me.
I like the version of Brian that I’ve created for my story arc, but I have a nagging feeling like I could have pushed it further or been a little more incendiary. It’s hard for me, though, because it goes against my nature to be outwardly mean when it comes to my contemporaries – even if they invite the onslaught as Brian has. Brian has been a great sport and has actively encouraged me to go for the jugular. I’m just saying it’s difficult to slip into that headspace. It’s actually one of the reasons I don’t draw more guest strips. I have a pathological fear of misrepresenting what someone else has invested their lives into creating.
I know that I have no problem being mean about certain actors, directors or movie franchises featuring 30 foot tall transforming robots. So there is a little bit of hypocrisy at work here. But it’s a lot easier to make fun of something you don’t respect as opposed to something you do.
At this point in the storyline, I kind of feel like I would be telling the same joke over and over again by demonstrating the ways in which TH-Brian is annoying to Tom. I would kind of like to see their confrontation spill over into violence for the catharsis alone. But right now, things are pretty one-sided. If I decide these two should come to blows, the focus shouldn’t exclusively be about how Tom finds him irritating. That’s assault. But if there has always been something about Tom that TH-Brian has hated as well… then we might have something.
Sorry. I feel like I’m working this out in front of you guys and not leaving very much mystery to the proceedings. I guess I don’t know what else to write about. Things might pick up a little next week, though. I have a joke for From Paris With Love that I’ve been dying to use for two weeks.
Not much more for me to talk about. I hope you guys have enjoyed the comics this week – and the peek inside my head, apparently. See you here on Monday!
Hey, guys. Real quick – I wanted to make you guys aware of a new promotion I’m running.
If you are the proud owner of ANY piece of Theater Hopper merchandise – and that can be shirts, books, posters, whatever (past and present) – take a picture of yourself and send it to me at theaterhopper@hotmail.com. If you do, I will give you a coupon code good for 25% off your next purchase in the Theater Hopper store.
I want to take the pictures and build a gallery of satisfied customers on the Theater Hopper Facebook page. I believe that if people see others enjoying their purchases, it might encourage them to shop in our store as well. Also, the 25% discount is a nice way to say “thank you” to the people who have supported the site over the years.
Incidentally, you can post your pictures directly to our Facebook page and save me a step. But either way is fine.
Thanks again for your support!
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