I wish I could concentrate a little better on today’s blog, but I’ve been listening to the new Deftones album at full-blast and am having trouble remembering my last name. I get to see them live in less than a week! *GLEE!*
Time to focus.
Cami is really amped up to see Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle this weekend. The jokers marketing this picture totally have her number. I asked her why she wanted to see it, and she said “Because the girls are strong, they kick ass, and they look great.”
Girl-power packaged as summer entertainment. And for the men? A random ass-shot here and there.
Clearly this is not a marketing ploy I object to. Actually, the trailer for this movie is probably one of the best edited I’ve seen this year. It’s high energy, a little kitchy and it looks like a lot of fun.
Of course Bernie Mac looks stuck in a thankless role when the close the trailer with the poor man squeezed into a wetsuit complaining about sand up his ass, but oh well.
I know that if I go to see Charlie’s Angels this weekend, I’ll have fun while I’m there – but hate myself in the morning. I wish we had something more cerebral lined up on deck to swab the mind afterwords, but since 28 Days Later is the only other new offering, it looks like I’m going to have to rely on alcohol instead.
Speaking of which, 28 Days Later is NOT the sequel to that Sandra Bullock movie where she plays an alcoholic, it’s a zomibe flick. Although I would wager such a sequel would be scarier…
For the record, I was never a big fan of the first Charlie’s Angels movie. It stunk with Drew Barrymore’s influence. Every frame screamed “Lookit me! I’m a PRODUCER now!” I doubt this offering will be any different.
The only thing I liked about the first movie was Crispin Glover’s performance as The Thin Man. He was the LAST actor I would have picked for that role and he really impressed me. Sam Rockwell as the villian did a good job, too. But I’ve always liked his work – even in Galaxy Quest.
Everyone is talking about Demi Moore’s role in the film, heralding it as her “comeback” role. If that’s the case, I feel friggin’ sorry for her. What? She couldn’t get a role in The Hours?
To me, Demi Moore is the ultimate in negative female stereotypes. Just the amount of fuss people are making over her “spectacular body – and at 40! no less is proof of that. I don’t care what anyone says about her as an actress. Her legacy is Striptease – end of story. Just like Elizabeth Berkley’s is Showgirls. That’s all anyone will remember either of them for.
And the less said about it, the better.
Between this comic and last Friday’s “snugglebug” comic, I’ve been very interested in writing the relationship between Tom and Cami. I don’t read as many web comics as I used to, but I’ve been told that Theater Hopper is one of the few where two of the lead characters are married. To me, it’s almost inconsequential. Since I approach the comic from a “write what you know” perspective, there was never any reason for the characters NOT to be married, since they’re based off myself and my real-life wife, Cami.
At any rate, I still like writing the relationship stuff and, from the feedback I’ve gathered, you guys seem to dig it as well. So, win-win!
Yes Man comes out this weekend and I find myself looking forward to it in a way I wasn’t expecting. Even though it looks like a paint-by-numbers comedy (or, more accurately, the spiritual clone of Liar, Liar), I always appreciate Jim Carrey in broad comedic form. I look at him these days and think to myself “He’s getting kind of old for this. There are only so many more times he can make a movie like this before he has to switch gears permanently.”
So if you still giggle at the idea of a man talking out of his own butt, you’d better line up for Yes Man while you can. Because, eventually, Carrey’s rubber-faced antics are going to look really creepy flapping off the skull of a 50 year-old man.
I think now is the right time of year to release a movie like Yes Man. As you know, the premise of the film is about a man who simply says “Yes” to every opportunity thrown his way. Even when people might be taking advantage of him. The idea is to let the chips fall where they may and that your life will be richer for the experience.
I don’t know about you, but I always take stock of my life at this time of year. Not just because of the symbolism of a passing calendar from one year to the next, but because my birthday is also at the end of the year and that somehow makes the inventory process more personal to me. “Am I still engaged in life? Am I still learning new things? Am I a better person than I was a year ago?” I think Yes Man reflects this to a degree.
With any luck, I’ll get to see the movie this weekend. But things are always hectic right before the holidays. Either way, I think I suprised myself when I realized that this was the first Jim Carrey film I was sincerely looking forward to since Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. That’s kind of a weird comparison to make, but it pretty much says Carrey has been off my radar since 2004. So I’m eager to catch up with him.
That’s all for today. See you here on Friday!