Sorry, guys. Due to Cami and I hosting Thanksgiving at our house yesterday, there was no time for me to prepare a comic for today. But don’t worry! You’ll still get your recommended dose of Theater Hopper goodness today! Just a little later than usual.
There’s going to be a delay getting the comic up today. We’re having some problem with our hosting provider right now. Basically, I can’t upload anything to the site and I don’t know why. I get an error message through Dreamweaver saying that it can’t synch up with the server clock. Then I get an FTP error saying the file I’m trying to upload either doesn’t exist or there is a permissions problem. If any of you guys have an idea why this might be, drop me a line.
Of course, I learn that the server is all screwed up yesterday when I tried to upload a change to the book order page. I was getting the same errors, and like an idiot, thought, "We’ll, I’ll delete the file from the server and try uploading it again!" No go. Now there’s no book order page. Super.
Hopefully, we’ll have this problem fixed soon and you can get the conclusion to the Benbot storyline.
While I have your attention, I want to say thanks to a few people who have helped get the word out on the book. First, thanks to Scott over at VG Cats for including a blurb in his blog. Also thanks to Zach from Joe and Monkey for putting one of our banners up on his site. I really appreciate it, buddy! And last, but not least, thanks to Fenris over at Aikida for also mentioning the book.
I’ll have more to say about the book with today’s comic update, but I wanted to make sure these guys were recognized for helping me get this off the ground! Thanks, guys!
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Sorry, guys. No comic today. I tried salvaging my desktop and it’s been a slog.
Turns out I found my install disks and I called Dell to help walk me through it. The bad news is that it wasn’t registering the prompt to rescue the drive from the CD, so I ended up having to reformat my entire hard drive. It’s formatting as we speak, having taken the last 30 minutes to progress 3%. I’d be surprised if I didn’t have to buy a new hard drive when it was all over.
I can probably use my laptop to complete my work. But right now, I’m too tired to make it work. Henry was sick over the weekend and he hasn’t been quite right since. He used to sleep through the night. Now he’s wide away at 4:00 in the morning. That, coupled with the worry about my machine last night led to practically no sleep. I’m running on fumes.
I might try to update Friday, but we’ll just have to see how it goes.
All I know is that I’m glad I bought an external drive to house all my music, photos and video. I have a second internal hard drive for all the Theater Hopper stuff. So my original art will go untouched. But it’s a close call.
I’m sitting here thinking about how good things were for Theater Hopper last year. The books, the conventions, the success. This year has been a real struggle. I can’t help but think how much worse it could have been if I lost all my original artwork. I probably would have given up completely.
In the meantime, does anyone have suggestions for a reliable internal hard drive that I might set up my operating system on? Does anyone think I need to purchase a OS upgrade? The disks that came with my computer were from 2003. Thoughts?
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