Posts Tagged ‘day job’
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Years from now, when the internet becomes at least 40% web comics and 60% porn, some artist will do an interview and be asked “What made you get into web comics?”
Undoubtedly they will point to R.K Milholland’s recent success with Something Positive. In a bid to make his comic and his web site even better, he posed a hypothetical challenge to his readers for them to pay his $22,000 annual salary so he could quit his day job and focus on comics for a year.
Imagine his surprise when they met that goal.
Congrats to R.K. He’s a really cool guy and a bigger reward couldn’t have gone to a more imaginative guy.
Now get to work, Milholland! And no coffee breaks! 😉
Oct 21, 2002 | HAT TRICK |
Apr 21, 2010 | C2E2 RECAP |
May 17, 2004 | PROOF OF SUCCESS |