May 15th, 2006 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(6 votes, average: 8.50 out of 10)
Hey, guys. I’m going to be out of town for a while – leaving on vacation with Cami Thursday morning. So, in preparation for and continuing through our vacation, I’ve arranged a series of guest strips to keep things moving. A bunch of great artists answered the call and I’m way excited to show you what they came up with!
Leading off are my good friend Joe “Rules” Dunn and Daniel “Monk” Pelfrey. Both of them are members of the Theater Hopper THorum and are good friends of mine. You probably recognize Joe’s name from all his good work on Joe Loves Crappy Movies, Martriculated, Free Lunch and the now-completed Coffee Achievers. If you’re already familiar with his work, you already know that he drew today’s comic. Daniel is the guy behind the scenes running everything over at Digital Entertainment News. He’s advertised with us before and is a great friend of the site. Daniel wrote today’s strip!
So, check out Joe’s comics for some excellent illustration and comedy and check out Daniel’s site for a whole slew of gaming information and news across all the platforms. He’s been doing a lot of work out at E3 and is posting some great reaction articles!
Some of you that are familiar with Theater Hopper and the guest strip periods we go through know that Joe has contributed several times before. Typically, he collaborates with another THorum mainstay Mup. Well, for those of you that get a kick out of their awesome Wonder Twins-level team ups, don’t worry. They have a treat for you later on.
Incidentally, for those of you that are curious, this guest week period will be running for the next three weeks. I’ll be taking up the mantle again on Monday, June 5.
This is kind of bad timing because, as you know, the pre-order for the first Theater Hopper book Theater Hopper – Year One ends on June 11. I won’t be around to keep bugging you guys about it (although I’ll do my best!) so if you’re thinking about buying a book, please do so now. Cami and I leave at 6:30 Thursday morning. It would be great if before we go, I could see my inbox flooded with orders so we can get closer to our ultimate goal! It would go a long way to setting my mind at ease.
Last week you guys did an excellent job responding to the announced deadline. As of today, I would say we are about 225 book orders away from our goal. We have less than a month to do it, but I know you guys are there for me!
As a matter of fact, I just got a wonderful e-mail message from someone (and I won’t share his name because I haven’t cleared it with him), but he mad an exceptionally generous donation. Here’s a guy who has already pre-ordered a copy of the book, but he wants to see it succeed as badly as I do. So what does do? He goes ahead and donates $10 to the cause. Didn’t have enough money to buy another book, but wanted to continue supporting me anyway.
That, my friends, is totally amazing.
So, remember – even if you don’t have enough money to buy a book, you can still help out. A dollar here, a dollar there. It all adds up. The goal is to earn the money we need to pay off the printer in full by June 11. Every little bit helps!
Donating to Theater Hopper also comes with it’s fair share of rewards. You’ll get your name and web site address listed on the Walk of Fame. And if you’re a member of the THorum, you get Donator status with exclusive rights to content no one else sees. You don’t have to donated $10 like my friend did to earn these privileges. All you need is one dollar in your in the club.
So, anyway. Think of it as an option. If you don’t have the money to buy the book, feel free to donate instead. If you want to learn more, click here.
Of course, I would always encourage you to save up if you can and buy the book because I think you get a little more for your money. Heck – you get A LOT more for your money! There’s some great content in there and I want to share it with all of you!
Thanks again for your fabulous support! You guys are the best – no question about it
August 3rd, 2006 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(2 votes, average: 8.50 out of 10)
You weren’t expecting to see this. To tell you the truth, neither was I.
First, let me thank my friend Daniel Pelfrey from Digital Entertainment News for putting together this guest strip. Yeah, he copied and pasted a bunch of artwork. Half of it belonging to me and half of it belonging to Joe Dunn’s creation Joe Loves Crappy Movies (Joe, don’t sue!) but I’m not hung up on the art issue. What I want to share is how awesome the internet is and the great friends I’ve made through it.
Reading yesterday’s blog about how work has been kicking my ass and how I wasn’t able to cough up a comic… the internet came to my aid. Daniel was first through the gate. All he wanted to do was give back. Then I heard about the thread that opie301 started over at the Digital Pimp Online forum. He went to the trouble of soliciting talent for me. Asking the other artists in the community to lend a helping hand. Totally selfless. By the end of the day, I had 7 guest strips in my back pocket.
That’s amazing.
I mean, just when life is handing your ass back to you, friends come calling. And that means a lot to me right now.
You have no idea.
Obviously I can’t use all of the guest strips I’ve been given. But I appreciate all of them. Be sure to check here tomorrow and over the weekend for a new comic every day until I get back from Wizard World Chicago.
In the meantime, be sure to check out Daniel’s site – the excellent Digital Entertainment News for the skinny on all the recently released video games and upcoming technology across all handheld and console platforms. A great site. I go there for all my gaming needs!
See you here in 24 hours.