And so concludes the retelling of the hellish experience I had watching Lost in Translation at the Varsity Theater.
Was it worth sacrificing a week’s worth of zippy one-liners and taking pot-shots at The Rock in The Rundown? Maybe. I got to flex a few different narrative muscles than before. I felt this was a story better told than read. I was curious to see if I could trump that notion.
If anything, it spurred from great debate. I received on e-mail suggesting that the inclusion of all the bomb mics was intentional – as if to enhance the surreal environment the two leads found themselves in while wandering around Tokyo.
It’s a fascinating thought, but one I reject. Lost in Translation is too quiet and intimate a movie to have the director constantly winking at us, saying, “See? See? It’s not told.”
Also, the cinematography by Lance Acord is too beautiful to wreck with poor composition.
The answer to my situation, I believe came from Abraham Brezo when he wrote:
“My guess about the boom mics is, that the film was shot open matte, and the projectionist forgot to matte the film. Leaving the film at an open matte will give it a smaller aspect ratio, thus including
everything that was supposed to be hidden behind the matte. This type of filmmaking is supposed to be more cost efficient.”
Judging by what I saw and comparing my experience against others who had gone to see the film, I’d say this was right on the head. It helps to aid my righteous indignation. Thanks, Abraham!
I’m doing a final flight-check for all things FallCon related at the moment. I’m leaving straight from my job this afternoon and I want to make sure I’m not forgetting anything. It’d be quite a shame to drive all that way to Minnesota to forget the posters I’m trying to sell.
…or my contact lens solution.
Writing this comic, I tried to figure out a way to incorporate Andy Rooney in some way. In my mind, he’s one of America’s all-time greatest cranks. He rambles on about unimportant matters with a know-it-all tone reflective of the take-no-responsibility mantra of the American populace. I certainly wish him no ill will, but if he were to disappear entirely from the end of 60 Minutes each week, I wouldn’t miss him.
Since I was unable to write Rooney into the strip directly, please enjoy this video – one in a series of edited shorts that takes the first and last line of one of Andy’s rants and cuts out the middle. The effect is often quite hilarious.
You can find more of Andy’s truncated rants here.
Steering the conversation back to things more cinematic in nature… Crank: High Voltage comes out this weekend and a lot of people I know are excited to see it. I kind of have to chuckle because, judging by the trailers, the film is complete trash and the filmmakers know this. I think people are excited for it simply because they’re responding to a certain level of honesty in the marketing.
If you’ve seen the first Crank, you know entirely what to expect. Jason Statham runs around for 90 minutes kicking, punching and shooting things. Last time he was given a deadly intravenous “Beijing Cocktail”. A synthetic drug which stops the flow of adrenaline in the body, slowing the heart, and eventually killing the victim. The idea was to have Statham keep his adrenaline level up by causing mayhem the entire length of the movie in an effort to stay alive.
This time out, Statham’s character has been scooped up by black market surgeons attempting to harvest his organs. They perform surgery and steal his heart, replacing it with a temporary electronic one. He wakes up and chases the surgeons in an attempt to reclaim his stolen heart. Meanwhile, he has to continuously electrocute himself throughout to keep the artificial heart charged and working.
Why the surgeons bothered to install an electronic heart in the first place, I don’t know. But I’m sure the movie has a very good reason.
Look, it’s not like logic is the forte of this genre of film, so check your brain at the door and have a good time already.
We were talking about Statham as an action hero a little bit on The Triple Feature last Monday and I think all of us respect the guy for what he’s willing to put up with. Obviously, he’s game for anything. But at the same time, it would be nice if he could pick a movie that wasn’t constantly winking at the audience with its antics. Statham is a certifiable bad-ass. But he’s also a bit of a clown. Or at least a bad-ass stuck in clownish pictures.
Looking back at the luminaries of the action genre, Statham could run circles around Jean-Claude Van Damnm or Steven Segal with his physicality. But Van Damm and Segal carefully cultivated an enduring, impenetrable image. At least until the started making deck like Double Team and The Glimmer Man. Perhaps Statham can solidify his cred a little bit when The Expendables comes out next year. We’ll see.
I’ll probably see Crank: High Voltage this weekend simply because I know it’s something Cami will have no interest in seeing. So I won’t feel guilty for going to the movies when we can’t get a babysitter for Henry. But what about the rest of you? Are you planning to see the movie this weekend? If so, what’s the appeal for you? Were you a fan of the original? Does this one look better or worse? Leave your comments below.
Also, be sure to check back on the site later in the day. I will be announcing a week-long pre-order on the Spoiler Alert t-shirt I previewed earlier in the week. Thanks.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We all know that the original Ghost Rider was clown shoes. And, yes, we all know that Nicholas Cage is probably the LAST guy to deservedly play Johnny Blaze. That said… I’m kind of digging the first trailer for Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengence.
I like the way they’ve tweaked Ghost Rider’s look. He kind of looks like a charcoal briquette. Plus, keep in mind that this outing is being lensed by Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor – the same guys who directed Crank and Crank: High Voltage.
I know that those films have their critics – and rightfully so. But at least we know Ghost Rider won’t be boring this time.
Coulda used with out the pee-napalm, though.
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