I’ll be up front and admit that I haven’t seen Blood Work and really don’t plan to. I don’t know. Something about watching Clint Eastwood run around after serial killers at 72 years old seems a little off. It strikes me that I am not the intended demo for this picture.
All things the same however, and having read a few reviews of the film, I discovered that ol’ Leatherface gets a love scene in the flick. And I’m not talking a kiss and a peck. I’m talkin’ full-on “If this van’s a-rockin’, don’t come a-knockin'” type action. Yeah. Please do you best not to blow chunks onto your keyboards.
But what do I do with this information now that I have it? The same thing any responsible young adult would do! Make fun of it mercilessly! With that, have decided to make this BLOOD WORK WEEK!
That’s right! All of the strips this week will revolve around Blood Work and the ultra-grody concept that Clint gets his swerve on in the flick. Let’s hope he doesn’t throw out a hip!
It may seem like a cheap-out, but seriously, within moments of reading these reviews and learning of the bedroom antics, a flood of concepts for the strip flooded into my brain. Gotta strike while the iron is hot, you know!
Fun Game: The punchline of today’s strip alludes to a classic cult 80’s movie. E-mail me if you think you know what I’m referencing and you’ll… be mentioned in Wednesday’s blog. Hey, I’m just starting out here! Did you think you were going to snag free gear, or something?
Gotta give shout-outs to everyone visiting the site. We had over 150 hits on Friday which I think is pretty good for only being an active site for five days. So thank you!
I’m thinking of adding more features to the site to ratchet up those numbers. Here’s a short list of ideas. Write me and let me know what you would like to see!
Movie reviews
Updated movie news on the front page
Free for all links
If there’s something not on this list you can suggest, I’m very willing to hear your thoughts.
Here’s hoping you like today’s strip. Come back Wednesday for Part II in the Blood Work saga!
If you’re visiting the site, that means you were curious to find out what happens in part 2 of BLOOD WORK WEEK! Good for you.
For those of you just being introduced to this story arc, let me provide a quick summary:
Blood Work: Haven’t seen it, don’t plan to. Read review. Review mentioned sex scene for star Clint Eastwood. Creative epiphany occurred. Milking it for all it’s worth.
Something quick I’d like to vent about in today’s news blog. What the hell is this crap?
For years we’ve been teased that a Superman vs. Batman movie could be in the works. Nick Cage, Kevin Smith and Tim Burton were all attached to various incarnations of the project at some point.
Then, a few weeks ago, Wolfgang Peterson comes out and confirms, yes, he is directing this clash of the titans for Warner Bros.
Geek hearts a-flutter, rumors spilled all over the Internet hot sheets. Who would play the heroes? Colin Ferrell, Jude Law and Josh Harnett were all names lobbed about. Peterson was talking it up in the press, expunging greatly on how excited he was to be associated with the project and the cool thematic elements he was developing for the story.
Now we come to learn Peterson is shelving the project to concentrate on the Greek epic Troy!?! Gimme a friggin break! Hey, Wolfie! I already saw Gladiator — twice! We don’t need another luke-warm rehash of the swords and sandals genre!
The whole ordeal is such a tease. What could be a really fun opportunity is brushed aside for a project Peterson is clearly using as Oscar bait. It just pisses me off because now the odds of Bats vs. Supe movie getting shelved entirely have just tripled in my eyes.
That aside, I wanted to take a second to divert your attention to a less-controversial, but more entertaining Troy — Troy’s Bucket!
For those of you who read PvP regularly, you might have already found their link in Scott’s last newspost. I wanted to do the same because, like myself, the Troy’s Bucket crew are denizens of West Des Moines, Iowa. I wrote Beaner to say “Hi” and he’s ultra-suade. Go visit the site. The strip is funny as hell and the backgrounds are some of the most beautifully rendered and detailed in all web-comicdom.
Beaner and I are talking cross-over somewhere down the line, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, quick shout out to Carrington Vanston of Movie Punks for guessing Monday’s trivia question correctly. The movie I was referencing in the strip was the 80’s comedy Real Genius. I guess when all else fails, default to the guy who also runs a movie-themed web comic! 🙂
Hey! When you’re done visiting the sites I’ve been plugging, but sure to come back here and dive into the forums! We need some good people to get things going in there!
Well, here we are. At the end of Blood Work Week. You know, it’s funny. I given this movie a lot more coverage then the average movie-goer. I think it was all but dismissed by most critics, and here I am spending a week on it while the rest of the nation is awaiting the release of The Adventures of Pluto Nash.
I don’t know who among us has our priorities more twisted.
I hope you notice a difference in quality in this strip compared to Wednesdays. I wasn’t very happy with the way that one came out, so I asked around for tips and got some good advice. I spent a little more time on this one. Hopefully you can detect the effort. Nevermind Jared looks like he’s screaming like a little girl meeting N’Sync in the last panel.
I’m finding it difficult to find consistency between the strips, but most of the people I talk to assure me that it will develop in time. I’m so impatient about these things. Working as a web designer, I’m used to my results being much cleaner. It’s been a while since I’ve worked in a more “organic” format.
I wish I had reason to sound off on some of the new releases this week, but truthfully, I’m not excited about any of them.
The Adventures of Pluto Nash is an Eddie Murphy sci-fi comedy that was shelved for two years. Producers say it was to complete complicated CGI work. I say the American public can smell fear. Castle Rock was wise to dump it August.
Positive buzz to the contrary, Blue Crush looks like nothing more than a brain-dead jock fantasy featuring rail thin actresses in bikinis. If I wanted to have my intelligence stunted, I’d watch The Anna Nicole Show on E!
I doubt I would have much time for movies this weekend anyway. It’s a big wedding weekend for those around us. I’m going to a shower tonight, and a wedding in Kansas City tomorrow. We’re all over the map pledging support to the sanctity of an institution.
I’m working on installing a blog that will allow for both myself and Jared (the guy with the brown hair above) to post to this area. This whole area feels so one-sided to me.
I’ve also moved around some of the links and cleared out the “VOTE FOR ME” boxes. Using those sites to promote myself made me feel kinda shady. Plus, the whole voting system is subjective and I don’t have the energy to beg for your validation. Cream floats to the top. If my work suffers and no one comes, that’s my fault, not yours because you didn’t vote on some site.
Anyway, enough ranting. Here’s hoping everyone has a good weekend. Why don’t you let us know what’s going down in your life by joining the forums? They’re really shaping up nicely!
Nominees for the 79th Annual Academy Awards were announced this morning and I was pleased to see that I’ve already seen three of the five films nominated for Best Picture. That means I have less ground to cover before the ceremony on February 25.
I suppose what surprised me most is that Leonard DiCaprio was nominated for his performance in Blood Diamond and not The Departed. I was also shocked to see Alan Arkin nominated for Best Supporting Actor for Little Miss Sunshine. But that’s a pleasant surprise. Marky Mark nominated in the same category for his performance in The Departed? Not sure what to make of that.
All I know is if Martin Scorsese doesn’t walk away with Best Director this year, it’ll be a crying shame. But I think Clint Eastwood is going to give him a run for his money.
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Aww, what did Space Cowboys ever do to anybody? It’s just a sweet old film about launching geriatrics into orbit to teach them young whipper-snappers a thing or two!
If you’ve never seen Space Cowboys, don’t. It’ll ruin your impression of Clint Eastwood’s late career Oscar streak. Before directing movies like Mystic River and Million Dollar Baby, he directed and starred in junk like Space Cowboys and Blood Work. Avoid at all costs.
As Cami ascertained in today’s comic, RED is very much like Space Cowboys in that it stars a cast of borderline-elderly actors running around, doing things they probably shouldn’t. I don’t care if it’s entering a low orbit around the planet or blowing up a pallet of C4, you have grandkids to worry about!
At least RED isn’t taking itself too seriously.
Except it kind of is.
In the way that Space Cowboys limply tried to assert the value of The Greatest Generation, RED is basically an “eff-you” thrill ride for Baby Boomers, rapidly approaching obsolescence.
I’ve ranted about this in the past. Bruce Willis is a key offender in this area. Look at Live Free or Die Hard. He can still kind of get away with it, though. Ever since he figured out he could shave his head and look like a bad-ass, audiences have kind of forgotten he is 55.
Sylvester Stallone is worse. The Expendibles was fun, but his extension of both Rocky and Rambo were a little desperate.
These guys need to let it go. Make room for the next generation. Right now, there’s really no one to take their place because the old guard won’t get out of the way.
And Bruce! Bruce… You’re dragging Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich and Helen Mirren into it with you? For shame.
RED might be a rental for me somewhere down the line if for no other reason than to see John Malkovich in full-on crazypants mode. He doesn’t play up his intensity for laughs very often, so when he does, it’s devastating.
It looks like the movie may have legs, considering it stood its ground with a $22 million opening this weekend against Jackass 3D. Johnny Knoxville and the boys raked in $50 million at the box office setting a record for a fall movie (September – October) ever seen. In fact, I nearly doubled the take from the original Jackass and its sequel Jackass Number Two.
I’m kind of lamenting the fact that I didn’t make it out to the theater this weekend to catch it. But Cami had relatives in town this weekend from Texas and we spent a lot of time hanging out with them. I don’t know if there’s a point of seeing the movie on a school night. I doubt it would generate the uproarious response it seemed to attract this weekend.
What say you? Did anyone see Jackass 3D or RED this weekend? What was your take? Did you have fun screaming at the infantile antics of the Jackass crew? Was RED a viable choice for anyone who can’t remember where they were when Kennedy was shot?