Posts Tagged ‘claymation’
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Do you guys remember last Wednesday’s comic where I was talking about Wallace & Gromit and how cool it would have been if I could have made a short stop-motion animation film for you guys to enjoy?
Well, I didn’t have the resources at my disposal, but I’m lucky to have well-connected and creative friends.
After reading my blog on Wednesday, my good buddy Jared took it upon himself to create his own stop-motion picture for you guys and it’s totally awesome. I didn’t ask him to do it. He just had the itch to do something really cool for you guys.
It must be seen to be believed. Ladies and gentlemen, "A Clay In The Life" by Jared Brinkmeyer.
Jul 2, 2003 | ENJOYABLE |
Jun 30, 2003 | A MAN OF WEALTH AND FAME |
Jul 12, 2003 | MOVING DAY |