September 12th, 2003 | by Tom

(10 votes, average: 8.50 out of 10)
I gotta say I’m pretty pumped to see Once Upon A Time In Mexico. I’m a big Robert Rodriguez fan and I’m looking forward to his return to more kinetic, adult storylines. Hey, the Spy Kids movies were fun, but how about something for those of us who don’t eat Happy Meals these days?
I think the fact Rodriguez scored Johnny Depp is some kind of gift from heaven. Even though filming was completed in 2001, Depp couldn’t be hotter right now. I see his portrayal of psychotic CIA agent Sands as another in a long line of fun and interesting characters.
I was watching IFC last night and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Jared’s favorite movie) happened to be on. That movie is so weird, Depp’s performance as Hunter S. Thompson sometimes gets buried under all the craziness. But watching it just reminded me how awesome he really is.
Has anyone else noticed that all of the ads for this movie almost entirely feature Depp? If you didn’t know the history of the franchise, you totally wouldn’t know Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek are in it, too! I guess that’s just the studio trying to milk a little interest off of Depp’s turn as Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean.
As excited as I am for this movie, I was also pumped to learn Thursday night that Christian Bale has been tapped to be the new Batman in the film being lensed by former Memento director Christopher Nolan.
I think Bale is a really good choice. He can be very polished and W.A.S.P.y on the surface, but underneath, you can see the cogs turning. And when he erupts, it’s brilliant to watch. I think physically he’ll be the closest to Batman we’ve ever seen on screen. That’s good news for the comic book geek community.
I’m looking forward to the weekend. I’m planning on catching up on some films. It seems like forever since I’ve been to a theater!
So Cami and Charlie were once rivals in high school, eh? Now that Charlie has moved in across the street, will they rekindle their competition? What does Charlie think about this strange turn of events? Check back Friday to find out!
Before posting today’s comic, I showed Cami a rough draft. She was very concerned about being portrayed as “another jealous female”, so once again I need to make the distinction to the audience that the “REAL” Cami is nothing like what you see in the comic.
This little public relations campaign is a two-pronged assault. While on the one hand, I’m being asked by my wife to educate my audience about her true nature, I am also trying to convince my wife that this is non-fiction. An entertaining story that requires a set-up, conflict and resolution. All-in-all however, she’s being a very good sport as her character takes the Theater Hopper spotlight for the time being.
Feedback to Charlie’s introduction and the new direction in the writing has been kind of wait-and-see, but I think I’ll win over the doubters yet. If you liked some of the more emotional aspects of the story arc where Jimmy lost his job, then I have a couple of doozies on deck. We just need to get past this obligatory exposition first.
I want to point out a new advertiser – one that’s been with us for a while. O’Deer Comics. A very funny black and white comic about Santa’s reindeer and what they do when they’re not working. Seeing it’s the post-holiday season, it might be time to check up on them!
If you’re thinking about advertising with Theater Hopper, there are still spots available. Now would be a good time to do it. Since being linked from PvP earlier in the weeks, our traffic is seeing record highs. Check out the advertising page for all the information you’ll need, pricing, as well as an ad calendar that lets you know what spots are available and when.
I should probably mention that I plan on capitalizing on the recent PvP exposure and I will be extending pre-sales on all apparel past Friday, January 7 out another week to Friday, January 14.
I mention this partially for those who have already pre-ordered shirts. You will be getting an e-mail from me with details. But I mention it also because after the 14th, I plan to pull the shirts, baby-dolls and hoodies off the site for a while to give me some time to recoup. So this may be your last chance to get a Spoiler hoodie in the next few months. I’m also planning on offering some new merchandise soon and want to get that off the ground.
I recently purchased a 1″ button maker and will be producing buttons for the site. Basically, all the main characters will get a button treatment as well as some of the fan-favorite secondary characters as well. I anticipate adding new buttons all the time, so odds are your favorite Theater Hopper character, scenario or catchphrase will get the button treatment at some point.
I don’t know about you, but I really like 1″ buttons. They’re inexpensive to buy and they’re fun to collect. There’s no reason you couldn’t buy more than one and just switch them out from time to time. I actually plan on selling some of the buttons in sets of 5 at a reduced cost. Anyway, keep your eyes peeled for that!
That’s all for now. See you Friday!