If you wanna be cool like Bill Murray, you have to practice, people!
Haven’t seen Broken Flowers yet and I feel the clock ticking away. It’s only a matter of time before the indie theaters around here throw up their arms and say “Well, we gave another Jim Jarmusch movie a chance – but audiences here in Iowa don’t ‘get’ his stuff. Roll in that Rob Schneider movie!”
Honest to goodness, quality cinema seems to have a shelf-life of about a week in these parts…
There was a great article I read on MSN about Bill Murray’s career and it explored the reasons we as a culture seem to enjoy him so much. I think that everyone enjoys a particular brand of tea, but I’ve encountered very few people in my life that don’t enjoy Bill Murray on some level.
If it’s not Ghostbusters, it’s Rushmore. If it’s not Stripes, it’s What About Bob? There’s just something about the guy that is everyman and authentic. Nevermind the whole time he’s performing to you, he’s looking around in the audience for the one guy in back that really “gets it.” The guy who will throw him the subtle nod to his knowing wink that says “All these people in this room are morons.” The way Bill Murray plays his roles, he makes every individual feel like he or she is in on the joke. What a talent.
Sure, there are movies that he’s made that are colossal mis-fires. Larger Than Life and Garfield immediately spring to mind (not much luck with animals, eh Billy?) But I would say the hits far outnumber the misses and he is probably one of the most infinitely quotable actors in modern comedy.
I’ve always thought if I could be quick-witted like John Cusack when I’m in my 30’s, wry and slightly detached like Murray when I’m in my 50’s and be all kick-ass and hairy like Sean Connery when I’m in my 70’s, then I will have reached the zenith of generational cool.
I like Bill Murray a lot.
Want to remind everyone that I’m sitting on a large stock of t-shirts at the moment. I need to ship a bunch off to people who have been patiently waiting for their orders to be fulfilled first and foremost. But there is also a good chance that I will bump prices up on all shirts to probably $15 up from $12 to help pick up the slack on the advertising space I’ve recently cut from the site.
Price increase will probably take place in a few weeks once all of the current orders are out the door. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. If you’re thinking about buying a t-shirt, now is the time to do it.
And by-the-by, since it has been such a success so far (50 additions since mentioning it earlier in the week!) don’t forget about the Theater Hopper LiveJournal syndication feed. Just add us to your friends list and be in on the loop when new comics and blogs are posted to the site!
Have a great weekend everyone! I’ll be getting a jump start on things Friday by volunteering some hours at a Habitat For Humanity house. Myself and some members of my team from my day job will be helping fit the house with insulation. Hope I don’t get too scratchy!
August 29th, 2005 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(4 votes, average: 7.75 out of 10)
Apologies to the TH faithful that thought there would be a new comic waiting for you today. But as it turns out, I’m leavin’ on a jet plane and will be out of town this week for an extended business meeting.
It’s something that I knew was on the horizon and thought I could prepare for. But as it turns out, what with everything that’s been going on (details I am deliberately withholding), I wasn’t able to muster up a stable of strips ahead of time to run while I was away.
But you are in very capable hands this week. Take for example my fellow Dayfree compatriot Jim Burgess from Able and Baker who was able to whip up today’s excellent guest strip. It pays homage to both Theater Hopper and Little Gamers at the same time! Well done, old man!
At any rate, expect guest strips on Wednesday and Friday as well. I’d tell you who is doing them, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise!
This has been the third time this year that I’ve sprung guest strips on you guys and I feel kind of bad. I did it once when Cami and I visited relatives in Texas back in April and did it again when Cami and I moved into our new house back in July.
On the one hand, I think it’s really great that there are enough artists out there even FAMILIAR with Theater Hopper to do a guest strip and WILLING to do so that I shake my head in disbelief. I’ve made a lot of great friends through web comics and I’m thankful for every artist that takes the responsibility in tandem to the responsibilities of their own comics to produce something extra for me.
But on the other hand, it makes me feel like I’m asleep at the switch – that I’m not providing the content that you guys come here for. I have no excuse. It’s been one of those years, y’know?
Hopefully things will start settling down soon and I can go back to providing you with regularly scheduled content every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Hey, if anything positive came out of this, I was able to take the time I would have otherwise used to make today’s comic and package up all of the shirt orders I had that were piling up. The only two I weren’t able to get to were those for Sarah Cathey in Gainsville, FL and Christoper Orme across the pond in the UK. I’m name-checking you guys now because it might take a little while before I get your orders back in stock. But everyone else can expect to see their stuff in the next few days. International orders might take a week or two.
It’s a very strong possibility that once I get back from my business trip that I will take the weekend to reorganize the store and increase prices on all t-shirts, baby-doll tees and hoodies. I have a lot of these items in stock right now, but some of the shirts that have multiple colors, I had to order in larger quantities – so I ended up sitting on some extra merchandise. Along with the price increase, I will also likely return to doing pre-orders so I can get a better sense of where the demand is.
Anyway, that’s probably enough blubbering for now. Be sure to check back through the week for more guest strips from exceptionally talented artists!