Something I totally forgot to do last week when this would have been, y’know… relevant – was post a link to It’s a great new web comic resource that keys the audience in to the “behind-the-scenes” aspect of making comics.
Theater Hopper was the featured strip last week and I totally fell asleep on the job. But it’s not too late to check it out! Expect it to be added to the permanent links section soon!
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Jun 30, 2003 | A MAN OF WEALTH AND FAME |
May 14, 2004 | DOOP! |
Jun 15, 2005 | BLOG SOON |
Apr 13, 2007 | THE BURGG |
May 28, 2003 | GET THE SKINNY ON PIXAR |
Hey everyone! I haven’t written a blog in quite some time, so I think it’;s time to re-introduce myself. I’m Jared, real life friend to Tom since the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were swimming in a fishbowl. In the strip, I am immortalized as Tom’s other other-half; appropriately named Jared.
I live in Des Moines, Iowa with my lovely wife Patti. We just bought a house (hence the absence of all free time and presence in the forum.)
I work in the media department of a major insurance company. I shoot and edit video, assist people with A/V equipment, and I am the admin for the company’s video conferencing network.
Every once in awhile, I write blogs for this website detailing the latest gut feelings about the recent films I have consumed. I don’t know if anyone reads them, but I try to make them at least a little bit interesting.
If you want to contact me, please do so at please reference Theater Hopper in the subject line so that your message doesn’t go the way of the make money fast while enlarging your penis messages. I’d be happy to hear from you.
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Jun 27, 2005 | IT BE NAP TIME |
Jun 23, 2005 | BLOG SOON |
No blog just yet because I have a lot of ground to cover and I want to make sure I’m thinking straight.
In the meantime, why don’t you big on my original art auction featuring violence against Ben Affleck?! Suitable for framing!
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Jun 15, 2005 | BLOG SOON |
Have to hold out on the commentary for the moment guys. I’m beat. After mowing the yard after I got home from work, I ended up taking Truman for a walk that lasted about an hour and a half as our house was being shown by a realtor to some prospective buyers. I think we circled our block about 6 times!
As such, I’m bone tired and my legs kind of hurt. It took me a little more time than usual to draw today’s strip on account I couldn’t figure out which way the thumbs would go with an arm behind your back. I’m also trying out some new shading techniques. Have you noticed?
Anyway, more commentary later – including insights on The Nerd Police.
In the meantime, won’t you consider pre-ordering a t-shirt? They’re for sale again, you know?
If somehow I could nominate the entire Theater Hopper audience for Sainthood, I would. Because you guys are super nice to wait for a blog after I stayed up real late finishing the comic.
I need one o’ them clones like they had in Episode II to type up the blogs while I do the artwork. Do you think the Kaminioians can genetically code those talents into my clone like the would an Arc Trooper or the like?
“Bohemian Cinema Know-It-All Trooper!” The action figure would come with a bunch of wadded up movie tickets!
Anyway, more soon. Although I might leave this little missive from the annals of sleep deprivation for posterity…
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Jun 15, 2005 | BLOG SOON |
May 4, 2005 | COMMENTARY LATER |
Apr 21, 2003 | SO YOU KNOW |
Blog will be here later this morning. I burned too much lean tissue trying to render the background and the little newspaper dispenser in the computer. I didn’t have enough time yesterday evening to draw them “long hand.”
See you soon!
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Jun 30, 2003 | A MAN OF WEALTH AND FAME |
Oct 31, 2005 | SO LITTLE WORDS |
Jun 23, 2005 | BLOG SOON |
May 18, 2005 | BLOG SOON |
Be sure to come back later this morning for a detailed blog discussing Batman Begins – released today! – as well as some original art I’ve placed up for auction on eBay.
No linky for you just yet! But if you were a member of our mailing list, you would have known about it already! Now might be a good time to sign up so you have the inside track on these things!
Sign up using the form to the right of the blog if you’re interested on receiving direction communication from me in the future!
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May 18, 2005 | BLOG SOON |
No blog just yet because it’s about 1:30 ayem as I’m wrapping things up.
But I wanted to let everyone know about the brand new Theater Hopper LiveJournal feed! If you have a LiveJournal account, add us to your friends list and you’ll be first in the loop when the comic updates!
I’ll be back later with some thoughts on the new releases this weekend including Land of the Dead, Herbie: Fully Loaded and Bewitched.
Mostly snarky comments, not much in depth. Although I plan to see Bewitched if there is time this weekend. Gots ‘ta have my Will Ferrell dosage!
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Jun 27, 2005 | IT BE NAP TIME |
Aug 29, 2005 | NUMBERS |
I realized this morning that I said yesterday I would come back with another blog about today’s comic. Then I realized that I had very little to say about it. Maybe it’s because it kind of follows in the tradition of our previous Halloween comic or maybe it’s because Diesel Sweeites does the whole thing so much better and I was intimidated. In either case, at least you get another comic where I take a cheap shot at Tom Cruise. Has America’s Action Hero ™ become my latest foil? Is he the new Ben Affleck of Theater Hopper?
What can I say? The comic gets a little more popular and you start goin’ after the big guns. LOOK OUT, CRUISEY-BOY!
In other news, the t-shirts, hoodies and baby-doll tees have been completely removed from the store. Many thanks to those of you who placed orders. I will be working hard to fill out all the orders from this last run as well as those that have been on hold for a while. I plan on contacting the printer this evening and hopefully the turn around will be swift.
Here in Iowa, we didn’t pass out any candy for Halloween Monday night. Instead we dressed up and gave out treats on Sunday night. Or – as the civic leaders like to call it – Beggar’s Night. I never understood the logic behind ignoring the actually holiday and celebrating it the day before. Someone told me it was to keep children and families off the street while irresponsible adults were off having Halloween parties and getting loaded. I supposed that’s justified paranoia, but ultimately kind of confusing. Why not let these kids dress up and go door to door on the day they’re supposed to?
At any rate, we had a good time. If you’re interested in seeing our costumes, you can vote for Theater Hopper at Webcomics List and get a spooky treat. For posterity, I’ve preserved this photo along with a couple snap shots of the front of our house in the THorum so you can see our decorations. Marvel at our 8 foot tall inflatable Homer Simpson dressed up like Dracula! Click here for the link.
One last story. Cami and I decided to sit down last night to watch a movie in spirit (HA!) of the Halloween holiday. We don’t own a lot of horror movies, though. Cami isn’t a fan of the genre and you all know about my aversion to gore as explained in last Friday’s blog. But we do have one spooky film that fit the mood perfectly – Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow.
I kind of remember at the time the movie took a few hit’s on the chin from people who didn’t feel it was his best work. In light of Planet of the Apes and Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, it looks like Lawrence of Arabia. Tons of great actors, brilliant set and costume design, seemless effects andCasper Van Dien. This movie has it all.
Although I have to laugh every time martial artist -slash- the erstwhile Darth Maul Ray Park appears on screen as The Headless Horseman. What is he, like 5’2"? RUN! But I digress. It’s a great interpretation of an American classic. I wouldn’t be ashamed to admit I think watching Burton’s movie is a fine Halloween tradition. One I would hope we can continue for years to come.
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May 4, 2005 | COMMENTARY LATER |