Hey, guys.
Remember earlier in the year when I would put together some original artwork and raffle it off to a random, lucky person who either bought merchandise, advertising or donated to the site?
Well, I’ve fallen WAY behind!
I haven’t sent out the Constantine artwork from February and I haven’t even pulled together the list of names to pull from for the Robots piece I did in March.
Remember how I was going to color in all of them and make a big calendar at the end of the year? Yeah… still haven’t colored in the Robots piece yet…
Well, anyway. This aproach is changing. Instead of giving away the original art for free, I’m auctioning it off.
My reasoning for this is pretty simple. Basically, some of the artwork people have begged me to auction because they want to control their odds of getting it a little better than a raffle. Using the logic that everything is as valuable as what someone is willing to pay for it, I see the logic in their demands. Plus, it’s easier to keep track of.
This month, I think I have a real hum-dinger for you.
So you all know that Sin City came out the first week in April, right? I even did a week-long arc covering it. What better subject could there possibly be for me to parody than the Frank Miller classic?
That’s why I whipped this up:
Yeah, I thought you might like that.
If you click on the image, it will take you straight to the eBay auction I have set up. Or, of course, you could just click this link and get there just the same.
The rules are simple – by the end of Monday, April 18, the highest bidder wins. To sweeten the pot, I’m throwing in free Theater Hopper buttons and stickers. I’m also paying for First Class shipping, because that’s the kind of guy I am.
The previous’ months artwork will still be given away raffle-style for free. And once those names have been drawn, I will make an announcement to that effect.
But in the meantime, I will be running this message below the regular blog until the auction concludes Monday, April 18.
Incidentally, the profits from the sale of this original artwork will go toward the purchase of this silk screen press. My goal is to start producing Theater Hopper shirts that I can do myself instead of relying on outside vendors. Naturally, these shirts would be sold from this site. So if your a fan of Theater Hopper, bid generously because your money will help to advance the goals of this site.
Time to dig out the loose change from the couch cushions, kids. As always, thank you for your support! Happy bidding!
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Apr 13, 2005 | BIG OL’ AUCTION GOIN’ ON! |
Be sure to come back later this morning for a detailed blog discussing Batman Begins – released today! – as well as some original art I’ve placed up for auction on eBay.
No linky for you just yet! But if you were a member of our mailing list, you would have known about it already! Now might be a good time to sign up so you have the inside track on these things!
Sign up using the form to the right of the blog if you’re interested on receiving direction communication from me in the future!
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Apr 18, 2005 | BIG OL’ AUCTION GOIN’ ON! |
Jul 12, 2004 | SITE BUSINESS |
May 4, 2005 | COMMENTARY LATER |
Well, if you voted for Theater Hopper at the Web Comics List, you kind of already know the big news. The incentive sketch I put up is now available to own courtesy of the fine people at eBay!
I created this piece in ink on an 11 x 14" of Bristol board. So it’s big and suitable for framing! I guess since I was so excited about reaching the big 500, I just wanted a way to extend that excitement to you guys and give you the option of being a part of it.
I set the auction up yesterday but didn’t get a chance to post about it until today. At any rate, the auction ends 5 days from now, so be sure to get your bids in! This is a great holiday gift for yourself or maybe the big Theater Hopper fan on your list! It’s totally one of a kind and can be yours… IF the price is right!
One other note today, congradulations to Sam Logan whose comic Sam & Fuzzy also crossed the 500 strip threshold this week. Sam’s being more low key about it than I am. I thought he gave a good reason, too:
"I don’t really have anything profound to say about my 500th consecutive Sam and Fuzzy strip," said Sam. "Perhaps if I was growing sick of it, or getting ready to pack it in altogether, it would feel more monumental — like I had completed some great challenge or overcome some tremendous obstacle. But I don’t feel that way at all. No, today is just another day, and today’s strip is just one more comic that I loved creating and am thrilled to be able to share with so many people."
Very well put. Incidentally, I feel the same way. I mean, 500 comics isn’t a challenge or an obstacle. It’s a lot of fun! I plan to keep doing Theater Hopper so long as you keep reading it. But where Sam and I differ is that when I stop to smell the roses, I also grab people by the sleeve, shove their face into the thorny bush and say "SMELL THESE ROSES! AREN’T THEY GREAT?!"
Man, who would have thought that Theater Hopper, Sam & Fuzzy and Questionable Content would all hit 500 comics in the same week. Hear that? That’s the sound of the planets aligning.
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Apr 11, 2005 | BIG OL’ AUCTION GOIN’ ON! |
Hey, guys. I have another quick favor to ask. I know I ask for a lot of stuff from you guys, but this one is more personal.
Cami has been at home with Henry for the last 8 weeks and she’s having a really hard time imagining going back to work. I mean, she *has* to go back to work. There’s no getting around it. But she’s dreaming of a day where she can work from home and take care of Henry full time.
She’s taking a run at starting her own eBay business. We’ve been reading up on it and we’re taking the initial steps into making this work. Right now, she has a handful of items up for auction. Nothing fancy. Just stuff we’re getting rid of. But if you could take the time to look over her auctions and maybe considering bidding on something, it would go a long way to boosting her confidence. Cami’s never done the eBay thing before. If nothing else, I want to do what I can to ensure she has a nice experience.
A list of her auctions can be found here.
Even if there’s nothing listed you want, please consider forwarding the link on to others who might find something they like. Cami will be posting new auctions throughout the week, so keep an eye on things.
Thanks again for your help! We appreciate it!
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Jun 15, 2005 | BLOG SOON |
Apr 15, 2005 | BIG OL’ AUCTION GOIN’ ON! |
Apr 11, 2005 | BIG OL’ AUCTION GOIN’ ON! |
Later this evening I plan on seeing 3:10 to Yuma. Or, as I like to refer to it, “The Movie I Didn’t Know I Was Looking Forward To.”
Between it’s leads Christian Bale and Russell Crowe, this film has serious acting pedigree. Plus, it’s good to see Crowe playing a ruthless bad-ass after what seems like years of playing lightweights. I think that wine movie he made with Ridley Scott was kind of a wake-up call.
This is completely off track, but I’ve been growing a beard since about last week and for some reason, I feel the 7-day scruff is apt for viewing 3:10 to Yuma. Basically, I neglected to shave over the holiday weekend, kind of liked what I saw and said to myself “Let’s see how long we can keep this going!” Cami hates it, though. She wanted me to shave it off three days ago.
As much as I love my wife and as much as I want her to find me attractive, I’ve kept the beard because, for some strange reason, I think it’s going to add authenticity to my movie-going experience. This is pretty much the warped head-space I live in 24/7.
At any rate, I had some information shared with me about a 3:10 to Yuma poster charity auction and I thought I would pass it along to you guys. If you’re interested, Lionsgate has three posters signed by by Russell Crowe, Christian Bale, Peter Fonda, Ben Foster, James Mangold, and Cathy Konrad benefiting The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation. The winning bidders will receive studio certified posters signed by the cast and filmmakers along with a signed letter verifying their authenticity. Auctions will continue through the film’s opening weekend.
If that sounds like something you’re interested in and you’d like your chance at owning a piece of authentic movie memorbilia, click here!
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Jun 25, 2004 | THE WEB SLINGER |
Apr 21, 2003 | SO YOU KNOW |
Nov 30, 2005 | BIG AUCTION! |
So, here it is. This is the artwork I was threatening to do a week ago. A nice little cast portrait to commemorate my Iron Man 2 storyline. Apologies for the lack of color, but I think it looks better in black and white.
Yeah, I know it kind of ended with a thud. But I’m really proud of about 95% of it and thought it was worth celebrating. Goodness knows I burned up a lot of midnight oil putting it together for you guys.
As a special treat, I filmed myself drawing the artwork last night and sped it up for you in this delightful little YouTube video:
If you find that exciting, then I have even BETTER news for you!
I have decided to auction off the original inked illustration you see in the video on eBay. You can find it here. It’s on a 9 x 12″ sheet of Bristol board with a 1″ border (so you can frame it if you want to!) I will make sure to mail it flat.
Bidding starts now and the auction will remain open for the next 5 days. I don’t sell original artwork all that often, so if you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind piece from yours truly, now is the time to snap it up!
Now if I can get serious for a moment…
I went to this extra effort with the video and the auction because I’m afraid I have some bad news and I wanted to let you guys down gently. There isn’t a good way to say it other than to just come right out and say it…
This decision was a hard one for me but, ultimately, necessary. With the end of the Iron Man 2 story line, now seemed like the best time to make a change.
The primary motivation behind this cutback is actually very positive. A year after having been laid off, I have finally found full-time employment again! I start work in June and am very much looking forward to the opportunity.
But, as such, I recognize that I cannot continue to dedicate myself to Theater Hopper on a thrice-weekly schedule. The late nights spent staying up past midnight working on the comic have caught up with me. I don’t bounce back like I used to when I was 24 years-old and just starting the comic. Add to the mix two children with irregular sleeping schedules and, well, the end result is that I’m not 100% like I should be.
There’s been a lot that I’ve sacrificed for Theater Hopper. Primarily sleep. But my health, my attitude and my availability to my family have all suffered as a consequence. I don’t blame anyone by myself for these choices. But, at some point, one has to recognize when enough is enough. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day to be effective in all the areas I need to be effective in.
Part of me wondered if it was better to end the comic completely. But I didn’t want to do a disservice to you, the fans, for supporting me. Nor did I want to perform a disservice to myself and the investment that I’ve made over the last 8 years.
Eventually, Theater Hopper will have to end – as all things do. But when it does, I want to make sure it goes out on a high note with a story that satisfies the long-term readers and appreciates them for their kindness and encouragement.
Until then, it will be business as usual content-wise. I’ll continue to make fun of the latest releases, just not as often. I’ll probably be playing around with the format a little until I strike the right balance. But from now on, you can expect a new comic here every Monday morning.
To aid the transition, I encourage you to follow Theater Hopper’s RSS feed. I also encourage to to follow Theater Hopper on Facebook and my personal account on Twitter. They will be the best places for you to receive news and updates as well as links to the most recent comics.
If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them either here in the comments section or in the THorum. If you’re not comfortable with that, e-mails are okay, too.
This is a large adjustment for me, as I’m sure it will be for you. I will miss updating the comic three times a week. But, in the end, I know that this is the decision that will benefit me and my family most. At this point, it’s all about realigning my priorities. I will always enjoy producing the comic and interacting with the fans. But my family, my livelihood and my personal health must come first.
As the excellent, supportive and understanding audience you have always been, I know you will appreciate my reasons.
Again, I thank you. You have been much more kind to me than I deserve.