I didn’t really know where else to put this, so I’m just putting it out there as kind of a fun F.Y.I. blog post.
I was very tempted to do another comic about Serenity for Wednesday based simply off the amount of referral traffic coming in from Firefly and Serenity LiveJournals and fan sites. If Joss Whedon fans – Firefly fans, in particular – are anything, they’re dedicated.
I was actually kind of worried that you guys would read my musings and find them unfair, but many of the notes I’ve read and e-mails I’ve received have been very even-handed. Several of you appreciated an "outsider’s" perspective – curious yourself if Serenity would play beyond the initiated.
One thing that I’ve gathered from all this is that even the people who weren’t fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel got a heck of a lot out of Firefly. Usually being drawn in by a friend who was already hooked, they became hooked themselves. I can’t count the number of recommendations I’ve had just to sit down and watch the series. After all, there’s only 12 or 13 episodes, right? I’ve never been adverse to this suggestion, I just never made the time. Now might be the opportunity to do so.
A lot of people I know have seen advanced screenings of Serenity and speak highly of it. Most of these people are already fans, so you kind of have to take it with a grain of salt. I’ve yet to read a report or review from someone who wasn’t already familiar with the franchise, so it’s still kind of a question mark as to how it will go over.
But like I said, those who’ve seen it and are already fans say they love it. It doesn’t completely ostracize non-fans, but it doesn’t play so over their heads that they can’t appreciate its finer qualities.
That said, I’m more interested in David Cronenberg’s A History of Violence. And no, not because my Google ads have been replaying that little flash advertisement about a million times. It’s actually getting really good reviews!
It’s essentially a meditation on the effects of violence in society. Does violence beget more violence? Is it a natural born tendency or something civilization can overcome? It’s getting great notices for Cronenberg’s direction. Not a wasted frame, they say. And the ending leaves things open for interpretation. It leaves the audience to come to their own conclusions. I love that kind of stuff. I’m sick of being spoon-fed answers. Thank goodness for fall movies! Besides, any film that features Ed Harris as a mysterious government spook gets points in my book.
Now here’s hoping that Cronenberg doesn’t pull out some sort of gross body revolting FX like he did in The Fly or Scanners. His thematic fascination with the body turning against itself creeps me out like no other. But then, it might be a little out of context in this film.
I was looking at the poster for The Tooth Fairy trying to think of a joke that wasn’t completely obvious – when it occurred to me that we have two new movies in theaters this weekend with winged protagonists.
Okay, okay. Paul Bettany’s Michael from Legion is a fallen angel who cuts off his own wings, but you know what I mean. It’s kind of a weird coincidence, don’t you think?
And seriously, what is up with making Paul Bettany a bad-ass and sticking The Rock in a piffle of a kids movie? I understand this softening of action heroes is a great way to reach a new audience, but The Rock hasn’t kicked ass on screen since when? Doom? That was five years ago. Does that even count?
Remember when The Rundown came out and there was that passing-of-the-torch moment between The Rock and Arnold Schwarzenegger? Does anyone feel like The Rock has been given the opportunity to live up to that promise? Because I certainly don’t.
Look, I get it. The Rock has charisma. You can plug him into virtually any scenario and he makes it work. That’s why he’s in been in movies like Be Cool and Planet 51. I get it.
But can we mix in a few more action roles? Because The Tooth Fairy looks suspiciously like The Game Plan from a few years ago – a hard-nose, selfish sports guy learns about life and love through an unusual set of circumstances. They’re practically typecasting him at this point. Just my .02 cents.
Incidentally, as it relates to the comic, this isn’t the first time I’ve suggested a mash-up between films. Check out this jem from 2002 when I suggested they combine Star Trek: Nemesis with Maid In Manhattan. HILARIOUS!
That’s about all for me today. Are any of you planning on seeing The Tooth Fairy? Who thinks The Rock makes a better action star than a family film star? Is anyone aching to see The Rundown 2? Leave your comments below!