Later this evening I plan on seeing 3:10 to Yuma. Or, as I like to refer to it, “The Movie I Didn’t Know I Was Looking Forward To.”
Between it’s leads Christian Bale and Russell Crowe, this film has serious acting pedigree. Plus, it’s good to see Crowe playing a ruthless bad-ass after what seems like years of playing lightweights. I think that wine movie he made with Ridley Scott was kind of a wake-up call.
This is completely off track, but I’ve been growing a beard since about last week and for some reason, I feel the 7-day scruff is apt for viewing 3:10 to Yuma. Basically, I neglected to shave over the holiday weekend, kind of liked what I saw and said to myself “Let’s see how long we can keep this going!” Cami hates it, though. She wanted me to shave it off three days ago.
As much as I love my wife and as much as I want her to find me attractive, I’ve kept the beard because, for some strange reason, I think it’s going to add authenticity to my movie-going experience. This is pretty much the warped head-space I live in 24/7.
At any rate, I had some information shared with me about a 3:10 to Yuma poster charity auction and I thought I would pass it along to you guys. If you’re interested, Lionsgate has three posters signed by by Russell Crowe, Christian Bale, Peter Fonda, Ben Foster, James Mangold, and Cathy Konrad benefiting The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation. The winning bidders will receive studio certified posters signed by the cast and filmmakers along with a signed letter verifying their authenticity. Auctions will continue through the film’s opening weekend.
If that sounds like something you’re interested in and you’d like your chance at owning a piece of authentic movie memorbilia, click here!
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